Biology And Medicine Institute Science Educational Center

Program code
Qualification awarded
Bachelor of Biology
Length of programme
4 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
First (Bachelor)
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
The presence of a complete general secondary education or a junior bachelor's degree (junior specialist). Categories of persons subject to special conditions of participation in the competitive selection for higher education on the basis of complete general secondary education in accordance with the Rules for Admission to Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv in 2022.
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Enrollment of foreign citizens is based on the results of entrance examinations in the specified subjects and the language of instruction and on the basis of academic rights to continue their studies, confirmed by a document on the level of education in the country where it was provided.
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
Academic qualification is awarded on the condition of successful mastery of the educational components of a program, successful completion of the comprehensive examination and public defense of the final qualification thesis. Professional qualification Assistant Biologist is awarded by the decision of commission.
Programme learning outcomes
LO01. To understand social and economic consequences of the introduction of new developments in the field of biology in professional activities. LO02. To apply modern information technologies, software tools and Internet resources for the information support of professional activities. LO03. To plan, perform, analyze data and present experimental results of research in the field of biology. LO04. To communicate orally and in writing on professional issues using scientific terms accepted in the professional environment, in the official and foreign languages. LO05. To demonstrate skills in the assessment of unpredictable biological problems and deliberately choose methods to solve them LO06. To apply models, methods and data of physics, chemistry, ecology, mathematics in the process of learning and professional activities. LO07. To possess methods of self-education and self-improvement. Be able to design the trajectory of professional growth and personal development, applying the acquired knowledge. LO08. To know and understand the basic terms, concepts, theories and laws in the field of biological sciences and on the boundaries of subject areas. LO09. To comply with the provisions of biological ethics, the rules of biological safety and biological protection in the process of training and professional activities. LO10. To know the basics of taxonomy, methods of detection and identification of non-cellular life forms, prokaryotes and eukaryotes, and use them to solve concrete biological problems. LO11. To understand the structural organization of biological systems at the molecular level. LO12. To demonstrate the knowledge of the structure, life processes and functions of living organisms, understand the mechanisms of regulation of physiological functions to maintain homeostasis of biological systems. The rest of the program results can be found in the attached Program Profile.
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
Current and final control is carried out in the form of credits / differentiated credits and written or combined examinations, a comprehensive examination, public defence of the course thesis and bachelor’s qualification thesis. The final assessment of learning outcomes is carried out according to the common 100-marks scale. The minimum threshold level of assessment for an educational component is 60% of the maximum possible number of marks. The scale of marks correspondence: Excellent 90-100 Good 75-89 Satisfactory 60-74 Unsatisfactory 1-59 Pass 60-100 Fail 0-59
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
The purpose of the educational prorgam is to train a professional in the field of biology, capable of carrying out scientific and practical activities at the enterprises and institutions of biological, medical, environmental, biotechnological and related areas of different forms of ownership and subordination. The attainment of this objective is ensured by laboratory work in individual disciplines, specialized/profile laboratory practice, educational, vocational and undergraduate practice; conducting scientific work in the laboratories of the institute or research partner institutions in Ukraine and, in the exercise of the right to academic mobility, in leading educational or research institutions in other countries.
Work-based learning
Director of the course
Katerina Sergiyvna Afanasieva
Department of General and Medical Genetics
Biology And Medicine Institute Science Educational Center
Occupational profiles of graduates
(Employability) Professional activity in the field of biological and biomedical research, agriculture, medicine, biotechnology and nature conservation. If all of the conditions stipulated by the program are met, the graduate can obtain the professional qualification Assistant Biologist.
Access to further studies
The possibility of studying under a program of the second level of higher education to obtain the educational degree Master; receive postgraduate education; in-service training; academic mobility.


As part of the curriculum, students study the following disciplines

Fundamentals of ecology and nature protection
Code: ,
Admission to university studies
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General cytology
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Bioorganic chemistry
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General histology
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Modern information technologies in biology
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Higher mathematics
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Molecular biology
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Statistical methods in biology
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Socio-political studies
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Ukrainian and foreign culture
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Physiology and anatomy of man and animals
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Plant physiology
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General genetics
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Biology of individual development
Code: ,
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Selected sections of labor law and basics of business
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Historical anthropology
Code: ,
History of Ukrainian statehood
Code: ,
Prominent intellectuals of the world
Code: ,
History of civilization
Code: ,
Religious Studies
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Business planning
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Cell research methods
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Fundamentals of membrane plasticity
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Analytical and quantitative morphology
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Theory of evolution
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Plant biochemistry
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Molecular taxonomy of plants
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Methods of experimental plant biology
Code: ,
Biophysical research methods
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Principles of molecular modeling
Code: ,
Laboratory workshop on biophysics
Code: ,
Biochemistry of nucleic acids
Code: ,
Methods of practical biochemistry
Code: ,
Structure and functions of peptides and proteins
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Laboratory workshop on biochemistry
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Human genetics
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Modern physicochemical methods in genetics
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Genetics of Drosophila
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Laboratory workshop on genetics
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Methods of zoological research
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Laboratory workshop on zoology
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Identification of viruses
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Biochemistry of viruses
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Architecture of viruses
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Anatomy and morphology of the lymphoid system
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Physico-chemical methods in microbiology and immunology
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Natural resistance
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Cytology of microorganisms
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Ecology of microorganisms
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Structure and functions of nucleic acids
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Methods of molecular biology
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Methods of developmental biology
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General embryology
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Fundamentals of postnatal ontogenesis
Code: ,
Physiology of blood and respiration
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Physiology of nutrition and digestion
Code: ,
Physiology of nerves and muscles
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Special histology
Code: ,
Genetics of ontogenesis
Code: ,
Molecular genetic mechanisms of prenatal development
Code: ,
Fundamentals of immunocytology
Code: ,
Reproductive technologies
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Histophysiology of the reproductive system
Code: ,
Structural bases of proteins and peptides functioning
Code: ,
Problems of modern molecular biology
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Molecular mechanisms of influence of microelements on intracellular processes
Code: ,
Genetic engineering
Code: ,
Fundamentals of bioinformatics
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General entomology
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Fundamentals of classification and nomenclature of animals
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Cellular immunity
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Antibacterial, antiviral and antiparasitic immune protection
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Local immunity
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Applied immunology
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Anti-infective immunity
Code: ,
Technological bases of microbiological productions
Code: ,
Systematics of bacteria
Code: ,
Sanitary microbiology
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Phylogenetic analysis in microbiology
Code: ,
Agricultural microbiology
Code: ,
Basics of selection
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Eukaryotic chromosomes
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Genetic analysis
Code: ,
Plant genetics
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Human and animal viruses
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Code: ,
Mechanisms of action of antiviral drugs
Code: ,
Fundamentals of viral carcinogenesis
Code: ,
Principles of biosafety in the virology laboratory
Code: ,
Genetics of viruses
Code: ,
Structure and functions of biological membranes
Code: ,
Biologically active substances
Code: ,
Molecular basis of action of enzymes
Code: ,
Structure and metabolism of lipids
Code: ,
Problems of modern biochemistry
Code: ,
Biological role of trace elements
Code: ,
Biophysics of muscle contraction and cellular mobility
Code: ,
Optical and spectroscopic research methods in biology
Code: ,
Biophysics of membranes
Code: ,
Bioenergy and photosynthesis
Code: ,
Molecular biophysics
Code: ,
Biophysical principles of regulation of cellular processes
Code: ,
Plant growth and development
Code: ,
Code: ,
Physiology of higher aquatic plants
Code: ,
Resistance of plants
Code: ,
Evolutionary morphology and anatomy of floral
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Code: ,
Foreign Language
Code: ,
Physiology of the autonomic nervous system
Code: ,
Physiology of sensory systems
Code: ,
Physiology of blood circulation
Code: ,
CNS physiology
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Moral and ethical principles of natural research
Code: ,
Pharmacological physiology
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Special histology
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Selected sections of cytology
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Histophysiology of sensory systems
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Embryology of vertebrates
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Molecular-cellular bases of histogenesis
Code: ,
Патологія клітин
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Pharmacological regulation of cell activity
Code: ,
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Physiology of the excretory and reproductive systems
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Code: ,
Physiology of crisis states of the organism
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Laboratory workshop of cytology and histology
Code: ,
Code: ,
Floral taxonomy
Code: ,
Root nutrition of plants
Code: ,
Biology of medicinal plants
Code: ,
Laboratory workshop on plant biology
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Electrobiophysics and biophysics of ion channels
Code: ,
Biophysical mechanisms of cell damage
Code: ,
Methods of kinetic analysis in biology
Code: ,
Biophysics of complex systems
Code: ,
Fundamentals of glycobiology
Code: ,
Molecular mechanisms of protein biosynthesis
Code: ,
Fundamentals of enzymatic kinetics
Code: ,
Cell culture
Code: ,
Features of antiviral immunity
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Viruses of microorganisms
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Cytopathology of viral infections
Code: ,
Molecular biology of viruses
Code: ,
Genetic monitoring
Code: ,
Molecular organization of chromatin
Code: ,
Analytical genetics
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Biology of endoreduplication
Code: ,
Patterns of growth of microorganisms
Code: ,
Microbial wastewater treatment
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Biological bases of infectious processes
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Phytopathogenic bacteria
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Mechanisms of innate immunity
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Molecular mechanisms of allergic reactions
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Protected area
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Innovative directions in zoology
Code: ,
Laboratory workshop on immunology
Code: ,
Laboratory workshop on virology
Code: ,
Protein biosynthesis. Biological significance
Code: ,
Methodology of purification of protein molecules
Code: ,
Basics of cell culture
Code: ,
Macromolecules of bioorganic nature
Code: ,
Laboratory workshop on molecular biology
Code: ,
Laboratory workshop on microbiology
Code: ,
Systems of intercellular communication and cellular differentiation
Code: ,
Hormonal regulation of ontogenesis
Code: ,
Pathology of the reproductive system
Code: ,
Cytogenetic basis of embryonic development
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Laboratory workshop on human and animal physiology
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Laboratory workshop on reproductive biology
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Educational practice in botany and zoology
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Information technologies and statistical methods in biology
Code: ,
Educational practice in biology
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Laboratory practical in biology
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Manufacturing practices
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Pre-diploma practice
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