Physiology of crisis states of the organism

Course: BIOLOGY (Bachelor) FULL-TIME

Structural unit: Biology And Medicine Institute Science Educational Center

Physiology of crisis states of the organism
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
8 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PR01. Understand the social and economic consequences of implementing the latest developments in the field of biology in professional activities. PR05. Demonstrate skills in assessing unpredictable biological problems and thoughtfully choosing ways to solve them PR12. Demonstrate knowledge of the structure, life processes and functions of living organisms, understand the mechanisms of regulation of physiological functions to maintain the homeostasis of biological systems. PR22. Combine the skills of independent and teamwork to achieve results with an emphasis on integrity, professional integrity and responsibility for decision-making. PR27.11. Calculate, analyze and interpret physiological indicators that reflect reactive and adaptive changes of the human body to various influences and workloads.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. Successful completion of courses - "physiology of man and animals", "physiology of blood and breathing", "physiology of blood circulation", "physiological pharmacology", "biochemistry", "general cytology". 2. To be able to independently apply knowledge of cytology, biochemistry, physiology and anatomy, etc. discipline, work with scientific and methodical literature. 3. To have the skills of note-taking, systematization and assimilation of information.
Course content
The discipline "Physiology of crisis states of the human body" is of particular importance for the acquisition of knowledge and skills regarding the patterns of changes in the functioning of organs and systems under the influence of pathogenic factors and mechanisms of crisis states. In this discipline, functional systems are considered as independent elements of the organism, and as its components. Physiological processes that are covered within the discipline are studied at the molecular, cellular, tissue, organ and system levels. Research methods can be used in both related and interdisciplinary research. An important part of the discipline is the consideration of specific methods and techniques of first aid in various crises.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Домедична допомога на місці події : практичний посібник / П. Б. Волянський, А. М. Гринзовський, С. О. Гур’єв та ін. ; за заг. ред. д. н. держ. упр., професора П. Б. Волянського та д. мед. н., професора С. О. Гур’єва. – Херсон : Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2020. – 224 с. Доступ: 2. Основи домедичної підготовки. Навчальний посібник / Черняховський В.Й., Котляр Н.В., Кириченко І.Г. - Херсон : Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2022. – 188 с. 3. Перша екстрена і тактична медична допомога на догоспітальному етапі / Тарасюк В. Вид-во «Медицина», 2021. – 504 с. 4. Патофізіологія : підручник / М. Н. Зайко, Ю. В. Биць, В. Ф. Мислицький [та ін.] ; за ред. : М. Н. Зайка, Ю. В. Биця, М. В. Кришталя. – 4-те вид., перероблене і доповнене. – К. : Медицина, 2014. – 751 с. 5. Handbook of Critical Care / Red. R.R.Kirby e.a. - Philadelphia-New York: Lippincott-Raven, 2003. (Пер. на рус. - М.: Геотар-мед, 2004. - 64 с.)
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture, individual work
Assessment methods and criteria
Semester assessment: 1. Modular control work 1– РН 1.1; 1.2, 1.3– 40 points / 20 points 2. Modular control work 2– РН 1.4- 1.6; 2.1, - 40 points / 20 points 4. Abstract RN 3.1 –20 points / 10 points - final assessment: in the form of a test
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Taras Petrovich Lyashchenko
Department of Human and Animal Physiology
Biology And Medicine Institute Science Educational Center


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Human and Animal Physiology
Biology And Medicine Institute Science Educational Center