Literary Creativity, Ukrainian Language and Literature and English

Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

Literary Creativity, Ukrainian Language and Literature and English
Program code
Qualification awarded
Bachelor of Philology with a specialization «Ukrainian Language and Literature»
Length of programme
4 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
First (Bachelor)
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Complete general secondary education
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
The educational qualification «Bachelor» is awarded on the condition of successfully mastering the educational components of the program, successfully passing the final examination in the english language, the integrated final examination in the ukrainian language and literature, literary creativity, defense of a comprehensive bachelor's qualification work (scientific and creative).
Programme learning outcomes
PLO 1 Communicate fluently in English on professional issues with specialists and non-specialists, use English for the organization of effective intercultural communication. PLO 2 Work effectively with information: select necessary information from various sources, in particular from professional literature and electronic bases, critically analyze, interpret, organize, classify and systematize it. PLO 3 Organize the process of learning and self-education. PLO 4 Understand the fundamental principles of human existence, nature, society. PLO 5 Cooperate with colleagues, representatives of other cultures and religions, supporters of different political views, etc. PLO 6 Use information and communication technologies for solving complex specialized tasks and problems. PLO 7 Understand the main issues of philology and approaches to their solution using appropriate methods and innovative approaches. PLO 8 Know and understand the language system, general characteristics of literature as the art of words, history of the Ukrainian language and literature, and be able to apply this knowledge in the professional activity. PLO 9 Characterize dialectal and social varieties of Ukrainian and English, describe sociolinguistic situation. PLO 10 Know language norms and be able to apply them in practical activity. PLO 11 Know the principles and techniques of creating the texts of various genres and styles in English and Ukrainian. PLO 12 Analyze language units, determine their interaction and characterize linguistic phenomena and the processes that cause them. PLO 13 Analyze and interpret Ukrainian and foreign fiction and folklore, define their specificity and place in literature process (according to the selected specialization). PLO 14 Use Ukrainian and English in oral and written form in various genres, stylistic varieties and registers of communication (formal, informal, neutral) for solving communicative tasks in social, educational, professional, scientific spheres of life. PLO 15 Carry out linguistic and literary analysis of the texts of various styles and genres. PLO 16 Know and understand the basic concepts and theories of the chosen philological specialization, be able to apply them in professional activity. PLO 17 Collect, analyze, systematize and interpret language and speech facts and use them to solve complex tasks and issues in specialized areas of professional activities and/or study. PRN 18 Have the skills to manage complex projects when solving professional problems in the field of a chosen philological specialization and be responsible for the decisions made in unpredictable situations. PLO 19 Have the skills to participate in theoretical and/or applied studies in the field of philology. PLO 20 Create texts of different genres and styles (poetry, prose, drama). Optional subjects block 2 "Тheory of Literature" (PLO 21.1, PLO 22.1, PLO 23.1, PLO 24.1). Optional subjects block 2 "Organization of literary activity" PLO 21.2 Know literary process in Ukraine and the world of the 20th–21st centuries, as well as the context of literature, in particular, among other types of art. PLO 22.2 Know the principles of creativity process and writing texts of different genres, as well as understand concepts and laws of the book market, principles of literary works analysis, their critical assessment. PLO 23.2 Analyze aesthetic features of the personal texts and texts of different writers. PLO 24.2 Create and translate texts of different genres and topics, prepare materials for publication in Ukrainian and English. The full list of Programme learning outcomes is given in the section "Programme Profile".
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
The final evaluation is carried out on a single 100-point scale. Grades Excellent (90-100), Good (75-89), Satisfactory (60-74), Unsatisfactory (0-59) are assigned based on the results of exams, completion of coursework and qualification work of the bachelor, internships. During the exam, the student receives a final score, which consists of the sum of points for the semester (maximum 60, minimum 36) and points for the exam (maximum 40, minimum 24). The grades Pass (60-100), Fail (0-59) are assigned based on the results of individual assignments, laboratory work, practical and seminar classes with credit as the form of final control. Specific measures and the scheme of assessment are set out in the work programs of academic disciplines and correspond to the principles of "Regulations on the organization of the educational process in KNUTS". To maintain academic integrity, participants in the educational process are guided by the norms of the "Ethical Code of the University Community".
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
Students are required to full-time work placement (source study) internship and full-time (creative) professional internship at positiones in institutions designated as practice bases, apart from theoretical studies. Practical training is an indispensable part of the education of a bachelor of philology, it is aimed at consolidating general and professional competences in activities related to research and creative spheres, it provides an opportunity to gain unique personal professional experience.
Work-based learning
Director of the course
Mariana Oleksandrivna Shapoval
Department of History of Ukrainian Literature, Theory of Literature and Literary Creativity
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology
Occupational profiles of graduates
A bachelor of philology has the opportunity to work in the scientific, literary, publishing and educational fields; in print and electronic media, PR agencies; in various foundations, unions, humanitarian foundations, museums, art and cultural centers, etc.
Access to further studies
Education at the second (master's) level of higher education. Acquisition of additional qualifications in the system of postgraduate education.


As part of the curriculum, students study the following disciplines

Introduction to University Studies
Code: ОК.01,
Fundamentals of Literature Studies
Code: ОК.09,
Multi-semester discipline "History of Eastern Literature" (1st semester)
Code: ОК.10.01,
Multi-semester Course "English Language" (1st Semester)
Code: ОК.11.01,
СD "History of Western European Literature": Part 1 (Antiquity and Middle Ages)
Code: ОК.12.01,
Modern Ukrainian Language: Part 1. Lexicology. Phraseology. Lexicography
Code: ОК.13.01,
History of Ukrainian Literarure: Part 1. Literature of IXth-XIVth centuries
Code: ОК.14.01,
Workshops of Literature Creativity: Part 1. Introduction to the Specialty.
Code: ОК.23.01,
Latin Language
Code: ОК.17,
Verbal Folklore
Code: ОК.18,
Modern literary process: theoretical aspect
Code: ОК.20,
СD "Workshops of Literature Creativity": Part 2. Workshop of Poetry
Code: ОК.23.02,
History of Ukrainian Literarure: Part 2. Literature of IXth-XIVth centuries
Code: ОК.14.02,
Modern Ukrainian Language: Part 2. Phonetics and Phonology
Code: ОК.13.02,
History of Western European Literature: Part 2 (Renaissance, Enlightenment, classicism)
Code: ОК.12.02,
Multi-semester Course "English Language" (2nd Semester)
Code: ОК.11.02,
Multi-semester discipline "History of Eastern Literature" (2st semester)
Code: ОК.10.02,
Scientific Image of the World
Code: ОК.06,
Ukrainian and Foreign Culture
Code: ОК.02,
Multi-semester discipline "English" (3rd semester)
Code: ОК.11.03,
Multi-semester discipline "English" (3rd semester)
Code: ОК.11.04,
Complex discipline "History of Western European Literature": Part 3 (19th century)
Code: ОК.12.03,
Сomplex discipline "Modern Ukrainian Language": Part 3. Morphology and Word Formation
Code: ОК.13.03,
CD"History of Ukrainian literature":Part 3.Ukrainian Literature of the First Half of the19th Century
Code: ОК.14.03,
Complex discipline "Workshops of Literary Creativity": Part 3. Prose Workshop
Code: ОК.23.03,
Code: ОК.21,
Dialects in Fiction
Code: ОК.15,
Multi-semester discipline "Theory of English" (3rd semester)
Code: ОК.28.01,
Multi-semester discipline "Theory of the English" (4th semester)
Code: ОК.28.02,
History of Slavic (Russian) Literature
Code: ОК.19,
Part-time Work Placement (Source Study) Internship
Code: ОК.26,
Complex discipline "Workshops of Literary Creativity": Part 4. Dramaturgy Workshop
Code: ОК.23.04,
Complex discipline "Workshops of Literary Creativity": Part 5. Translation Workshop
Code: ОК.23.05,
СD"History of Ukrainian Literature": Part 4.Ukrainian Literature of the 2nd Half of the 19th Century
Code: ОК.14.04,
Complex discipline "Modern Ukrainian Language": Part 4. Paradigmology
Code: ОК.13.04,
Complex Discipline "History of Western European Literature": Part 4 (20th - early 21st centuries)
Code: ОК.12.04,
Fundamentals of Ecology
Code: ОК.07,
Social-Political Studies
Code: ОК.04,
Multi-semester discipline ""English Language"" (5th semester)
Code: ОК.11.05,
Сomplex discipline "Modern Ukrainian Language": Part 5. Syntax
Code: ОК.13.05,
CD "History of Ukrainian Literature":Part 5. Ukrainian Literature (Late 19th - Early 20th Centuries)
Code: ОК.14.05,
Complex Discipline "Workshop of Literary Creativity": Part 6. Criticism Workshop
Code: ОК.23.06,
Literary Work: Structural-Semiotic Aspect
Code: ВБ.1.01,
Literature in the Context of Visual Studies
Code: ВБ.1.06,
Communicative Strategies of Fiction Text
Code: ВБ.1.08,
Modernism: Issues of Study
Code: ВБ.1.10,
Western European Literatures of the Early 21st Century
Code: ВБ.2.03,
Literature in Intertextual and Intermedial Connections
Code: ВБ.2.07,
Literature in the Art History Сontext
Code: ВБ.2.08,
Modern Approaches to the Literary Works Analysis
Code: ВБ.2.12,
Code: ВБ.2.14,
Full-time (Creative) Professional Internship in the Post
Code: ВБ.2.15,
Dialogicity of Ukrainian and Foreign Literatures of the 20th-21st Centuries
Code: ВБ.2.04,
Code: ВБ.1.14,
Full-time (Creative) Professional Internship in the Post
Code: ВБ.1.15,
Comparative Poetics
Code: ВБ.1.05,
Analysis of Fiction: Workshop
Code: ВБ.1.02,
Theory and Practice of Editing
Code: ОК.22,
Fundamentals of Suggestive Linguistics
Code: ОК.16,
СD "History of Ukrainian Literature": Part 6. Ukrainian Literature (First Half of the 20th Century)
Code: ОК.14.06,
Multi-semester discipline "English Language" (6th semester)
Code: ОК.11.06,
Selected Sections of Labor Law and Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship
Code: ОК.05,
Code: ОК.03,
CD "History of Ukrainian Literature": Part 7.Ukrainian Literature (Late 20th - Early 21st Centuries)
Code: ОК.14.07,
Fundamentals of the Intertextuality Theory
Code: ВБ.1.03,
Multi-semester discipline "English Language and Translation Practice from English" (7th semester)
Code: ОК.29.01,
Fundamentals of Narratology
Code: ВБ.1.09,
Dynamics and Semantics of the Ukrainian Poem
Code: ВБ.1.12,
Modern Concepts of Postmodernism
Code: ВБ.1.13,
Modern Literary-Critical Discourse
Code: ВБ.2.02,
Literary Criticism: Workshop
Code: ВБ.2.13,
Practical Course in Writing Texts (Creative Writitng)
Code: ВБ.2.10,
Project Management in Literary Activities
Code: ВБ.2.06,
Literature and Market
Code: ВБ.2.11,
Translation Projects
Code: ВБ.2.09,
Communicative Technologies of Literary Activity
Code: ВБ.2.05,
Current Issues of Genology
Code: ВБ.1.11,
Realism: Current Discussions on the Issue
Code: ВБ.1.07,
Multi-semester discipline "English Language and Translation Practice from English" (8th semester)
Code: ОК.29.02,
Intergrated Final Examination in Ukrainian Language, Literature, and Literary Creativity
Code: ОК.30,
Final Exam in English language
Code: ОК.31,
Literary Hierarchies: Theoretical Aspect
Code: ВБ.1.04,
Integrated Bachelor's Qualification Work (Scientific and Creative)
Code: ОК.27,
Screenplay as Literary Creativity
Code: ОК.24,
Code: ОК.25,
Fundamentals of General Linguistics
Code: ОК.08,
Literary Projects: Supervision
Code: ВБ.2.01,