Dynamics and Semantics of the Ukrainian Poem

Course: Literary Creativity, Ukrainian Language and Literature and English

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

Dynamics and Semantics of the Ukrainian Poem
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
7 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO 10 Know language norms and be able to apply them in practical activity. PLO 15 Carry out linguistic and literary analysis of the texts of various styles and genres. PLO 19 Have the skills to participate in theoretical and/or applied studies in the field of philology. PLO 20 Create texts of different genres and styles (poetry, prose, drama). PLO 23.1 The full list of Programme learning outcomes is given in the section "Programme Profile".
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. Knowledge of philological terminology, in particular the main terms and concepts of the theory of poetry; 2. Possession of the skills of scientific research of the texts of one's colleagues and one's own from the point of view of versification skill and artistic perfection. 3. The ability to apply existing knowledge in practice in one's own poetic attempts
Course content
Purpose: to expand and deepen students' knowledge of the evolution of European versification systems, the dynamics of their development in Ukrainian poetry, and the semantic and purely versification palette of modern poetry. Abstract: the discipline involves classroom work in the form of lectures and seminars and independent work aimed at studying specialized literature, an in-depth study of the evolution of European versification systems, the dynamics of Ukrainian poetry, starting with folklore (spoken, recitative, song), through the syllabic, tonic and syllabary - tonic and ending with verlibre and its varieties, including in the students' own creativity. Completion of creative tasks, critical reading of various genre samples of colleagues' poetry, their professional analysis and evaluation contribute to consolidation of practical skills of mastering the rich versification palette and semantic polyphony of modern poetry.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
Ткаченко А. Мистецтво слова. К. ВПЦ «Київський університет», 2003. Ткаченко А. Українська віршознавча терміносистема: дискусійні аспекти // Українська версифікація: питання історії та теорії. Чернівці, 2017. Ткаченко А. Науковий чин Ігоря Качуровського. Київські полоністичні студії. Т. ХХХV. К.: Талком, 2019. Ткаченко А. Літературна жанристика: спроба новітньої систематизації. Наук. вісник Міжнарод. гуманітар. ун-ту. Вип. 44. Одеса, 2020. Ткаченко А. Неримовані вірші Лесі Українки: особливості версифікації // Літературознавчі студії. Вип. 61. К., 2021. С.184-203. Літературознавча енциклопедія. У 2 т. [автор-укладач Ю. Ковалів]. К.: ВЦ «Академія», 2007.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Educational activities during the semester: - creative meetings with poets, discussions (PH 1.1; PH 1.2; PH 1.3; PH 2.1; PH 2.2; PH 3.1; PH 3.2); - oral and written answers (own poetic works, presentations, reviews, annotations) (RN 1.1; RN 1.2; RN 2.1; RN 2.2; RN 3.2); - two written papers of intermediate control and final control papers (RN 1.1; RN 1.2; RN 2.1; RN 2.2; RN 3.2). Teaching methods: lecture, practical classes, independent work.
Assessment methods and criteria
The answer in the practical session is min. 2 points / max. – 3; supplements at lectures and practical classes - min. 1 point / max. - 2; written work of intermediate control - min. 3 points / max. – 5; author's text in small verse form - min. 5 points, max. - 15; final control work - min. 12 points, max. - 20. The final grade for the discipline (min. 60, max. – 100) consists of the sum of points for the semester work (min. 52, max. 80) and the final test (min. 8, max. 20 points). Scale of conformity of grades: "Passed" - 60-100 "Not credited" - 0-59
Language of instruction


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