Communicative Strategies of Fiction Text

Course: Literary Creativity, Ukrainian Language and Literature and English

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

Communicative Strategies of Fiction Text
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
5 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO 7 Understand the main issues of philology and approaches to their solution using appropriate methods and innovative approaches. PLO 9 Characterize dialectal and social varieties of Ukrainian and English, describe sociolinguistic situation. PLO 16 Know and understand the basic concepts and theories of the chosen philological specialization, be able to apply them in professional activity. PLO 19 Have the skills to participate in theoretical and/or applied studies in the field of philology. PLO 23.1 Interpret works of art according to their genre, poetic and stylistic features.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. To know the basics of the theory of literature, the literary terminological apparatus. 2. Orientate yourself in the methodology of literary research. 3. To be able to think critically and express one's own thoughts.
Course content
The purpose of the discipline is to form an idea of forms and regularities of the communicative nature of the literary process; to highlight the main elements of the communicative model: author, text, reader – according to various literary concepts; to develop practical skills in the analysis of literary texts. The discipline introduces the status and functions of the author and the reader in various literary concepts; represents the text as an object of decoding; helps to master the skills of analyzing literary texts.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Астрахан Н. Теорія літератури : основи, традиції, актуальні проблеми. Київ : Видавничий Дім Дмитра Бураго, 2021. 2. Колошук Н. Порівняльне літературознавство : посібник для вищих навчальних закладів. Київ : Кондор, 2018. 3. Марко В. Аналіз художнього твору : навчальний посібник. 2-ге вид., випр. Київ Академвидав, 2015. 4. Мітосек З. Теорії літературних досліджень. Сімферополь : Таврія, 2003. 5. Сінченко О. Д. Комунікативні стратегії в теорії літератури : автор, текст, читач : навчальний посібник. Київ : Логос, 2015. 6. Слово. Знак. Дискурс. Антологія світової літературно-критичної думки ХХ ст. / За ред. М. Зубрицької. 2-ге вид., доп. Львів : Літопис, 2002.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Learning and teaching activities during the semester: • oral answers, participation in the discussion; • creative project, presentation; • two modular control works. Methods: lectures and practical classes, home work.
Assessment methods and criteria
The final control form is an exam. During the semester, a student can score a minimum of 36 / a maximum of 60 points. Oral answer, participation in the discussion is evaluated at a minimum of 1 / maximum of 3 points; creative project - minimum 4 / maximum 7 points; presentation - minimum 3 / maximum 6 points. A student can score a minimum of 3 / a maximum of 7 points for a modular test. The exam is assigned a minimum of 24 / a maximum of 40 points. Scale of conformity of grades: "excellent" – 90–100 points; "good" – 75–89 points; "satisfactory" – 60–74 points; "unsatisfactory" – 0–59 points.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline