«Еducational and Professional Program Law»

Education and Research Law School

«Еducational and Professional Program Law»
Program code
Qualification awarded
Length of programme
4 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
First (Bachelor)
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
According to the results of the External Independent Evaluation
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Complete secondary education
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
Programme learning outcomes
PRN3 to do collection and integrated analysis of materials from various sources; PRN4 to formulate their own sound judgments based on the analysis of a known problem; PRN5 to give a brief opinion on certain factual circumstances (data) with sufficient justification; PRN8 to use a variety of information sources to fully and comprehensively establish certain circumstances; PRN9 to determine independently the circumstances in which assistance is needed and to act in accordance with the received recommendations; PRN10 is fluent in state and foreign languages both orally and in writing, correctly using legal terminology; PRN11 have basic rhetorical skills; PRN12 to inform the respondent about material on certain issues accessibly and clearly; PRN 13 to explain the nature of certain events and processes with an understanding of the professional and social context; PRN14 should use statistical information obtained from primary and secondary sources for its professional activities; PRN15 is free to use available information technologies and databases for professional activities; PRN16 to demonstrate the ability to use computer programs necessary for professional activities; PRN17 to work in a group, forming their own contribution to the tasks of the group; PRN18 to show knowledge and understanding of the basic modern legal doctrines, values and principles of functioning of the national legal system; PRN19 to demonstrate the necessary knowledge and understanding of the nature and content of basic legal institutions and norms of fundamental branches of law; PRN20 to explain the nature and content of major legal phenomena and processes; PRN22 to prepare drafts of necessary acts of application of law in accordance with the legal conclusion made in different legal situations; PRN 23 to provide advice on possible ways to protect the rights and interests of clients in various legal situations.
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
Examination is carried out in accordance with the content of the work program of the discipline. Rating scale: "excellent" - 90-100; "Good" - 75-89; "Satisfactory" - 60-74; "Unsatisfactory" - 0-59.
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
Industrial practices in public authorities and local self-government; in the prosecutor's office; in the judiciary are mandatory.
Work-based learning
Director of the course
Svitlana Vasylivna Bobrovnyk

Education and Research Law School
Occupational profiles of graduates
Jobs in enterprises, institutions, organizations of all forms of ownership and organizational subordination, public authorities, local governments, law firms, law associations, notaries, national police, prosecutors, courts.
Access to further studies
It is possible to continue education at the educational level of Master for the acquisition of educational-scientific and educational-professional skills, in-depth knowledge of law, its branches


As part of the curriculum, students study the following disciplines

Introduction into the University studies
Code: OK 01,
Practice in legal entities of public and private law that carry out law enforcement activities
Code: ОК 16,
Administrative law
Code: ОК 20,
Administrative proceeding
Code: OK 22,
Code: ОК8,
Code: ,
Code: ,
Labor Law
Code: Д.В.В.06.,
Administrative Law of the European Union
Code: ,
Code: ОК.13.,
Code: ,
Code: ,
Roman law
Code: ОК.31,
Code: ,
Code: ,
Code: ОК11,
Code: ОК10,
Code: ОК12,
Code: ,
Code: ,
Notary in Ukraine
Code: ,
Procedure for notarization of contracts
Code: ,
Code: ,
Code: ,
Code: ,
Code: ,
Code: ,
Code: ,
Code: ,
Financial Law
Code: ОК 21,
Code: ,
Code: ,
Code: ,
Основи порівняльного кримінального права
Code: ,
Code: ННД.14,
Insurance Law
Code: ,
Civil law. Part one
Code: ОК.17,
Fundamentals of Intellectual Property
Code: ВБ.7.1.,
Public International Law
Code: ДВС.,
Environmental Law of Ukraine
Code: ДВВ.08,
Exercising and Protection of Copyright
Code: ВБ.4.1.,
Basics of IT Law
Code: ВБ.2.1.,
Copyright for office work
Code: ДВС.32.05.09.,
Bankruptcy in Ukraine and the EU
Code: ,
Energy Law
Code: ,
Trade Law
Code: ,
Transport Law
Code: ,
Fundamentals of the European criminal law
Code: ,
Social Standards in the World
Code: ДВАС.,
Social Security Law
Code: ДВС.,
Code: ДВС.,
Civil process of Ukraine
Code: ДВВ.04,
Legal Regulation of Staff Management
Code: Д.В.С.,
Stock Exchange Law
Code: ,
Civil Procedure of Ukraine
Code: ДВВ.04,
Civil Law
Code: ОК.17,
Constitutional Law
Code: ННД.14,
History of administrstive law
Code: ,
Joint-Stock Company Law
Code: ,
Economic Law
Code: ,
Contracts in the Area of Intellectual Property and IT Law
Code: ВБ.3.1.,
International Protection of Intellectual Property
Code: ВБ.5.1.,
Legal Regulation of Certain Types of Economic Activity
Code: ,
Legal fundamentals for combating corruption
Code: ,
Criminal Law / Criminal Law
Code: ,
Corporate Social Responsibility
Code: Д.В.С.,
Business and the State: Legal Basis of Interaction
Code: ,
Resolution of sports disputes
Code: ДВС.,
Code: ДВС3.2.02.03,
Criminal Law
Code: ,
Code: ДВС.17.01,
Code: ДВС.17.02,
Conciliation procedures in civil litigation
Code: ДВС.13.01,
Procedure Paperwork in Civil Litigation
Code: ДВС.13.02,
Labor and legal issues of governance in business entities
Code: Д.В.С.14.01.,
Judicial Decisions Enforcement Based on the Results of Economic Disputes Resolution
Code: ,
Economic Procedural Law
Code: ,
Legal regulation issues of work of a manager and working proprietor
Code: Д.В.С.3.02.,
Issues of reforming labor legislation
Code: Д.В.С.3.01.,
Criminal law aspects of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights
Code: ,
Problems of criminal liability for crimes in the sphere of official and professional activity
Code: ,
Competition Law
Code: ,
Competition Law of the EU
Code: ,
Bankruptcy Procedures
Code: ,
Protection of Intellectual Property Rights
Code: ВБ.1.2.,
Rule of Law
Code: ДВС.4.01,
Constitutional legislation: genesis and development prospects
Code: ДВС.4.04,
International Protection of Human Rights
Code: ДВС.4.02,
Legal Liability under Environmental Legislation
Code: ДВС.6.01.,
Agreements in Environmental Law
Code: ДВС.7.02.,
EU Internal Market Law
Code: ,
Housing law
Code: ДВС.2.02.,
Introduction to EU Economic Law
Code: ,
Theory of Economic Contract Law
Code: ,
Private International Law
Code: ДВС.,
Code: ДВС.6.02.,
Copyright Protection in the IT Field
Code: ВБ.1.1.,
Theory of contracts in labor law
Code: Д.В.С.14.02.,
Resolution of Labor Disputes
Code: Д.В.С.3.03.,
Labor and Business: Legal Labor Efficiency of Entrepreneurial activity
Code: Д.В.С.14.04.,
Family law
Code: ДВС.,
Urban Planning Law of Ukraine
Code: ДВС.6.03.,
Contract law
Code: ДВС.2.03.,
Contractual regulation of intellectual relations property
Code: ВБ.1.4.,
Liability in Labor Law
Code: Д.В.С.3.04.,
Court Proceedings in Cases Arising from Environmental Legal Relations
Code: ДВС.7.04,
Nuclear Law of Ukraine
Code: ДВС.7.03,
Constitutional and Legal Status of a Person and Citizen of Ukraine
Code: ДВС.4.03,
EU Company and Capital Market Law
Code: ,
Legal Work in Business Organizations
Code: ,
Corporate Law
Code: ,
Contracts in IT Area
Code: ВБ.1.4.,
Problems of qualification of complicity and other special forms of crime
Code: ,
Code: ДВВ.10.,
Guarantees of individual rights in pre-trial investigation
Code: ДВС 10.02,
Evidence and proof in criminal proceedings
Code: ДВС 10.03,
Protection of Labor Rights in Business
Code: Д.В.С.14.03.,
Alternative Methods of Economic Disputes Settlement and Resolution
Code: ,
Protection of the Rights and Interests of Business Entities in ECHR
Code: ,
Non-property rights and tortious obligations in civil law
Code: ДВС.2.04.,
Property and inheritance law of Ukraine
Code: ДВС.2.01.,
Features of consideration of certain categories of civil cases
Code: ДВС.13.04,
Code: ДВС.17.03,
Labor Law
Code: ДВВ.06.,
Administrative institutions in Ukraine: problems of development
Code: ,