Civil law. Part one

Course: «Еducational and Professional Program Law»

Structural unit: Education and Research Law School

Civil law. Part one
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
3 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
Achievement by students of such competencies, skills and abilities as: to formulate their own sound judgments based on the analysis of a known problem; independently determine the circumstances in which assistance is needed to clarify, and act in accordance with the received recommendations; demonstrate the necessary knowledge and understanding of the nature and content of basic legal institutions and norms of fundamental branches of law.
Form of study
Distance form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Know the basic principles, doctrinal principles, legal sources, concepts, terms, definitions, legal categories and institutions of general civil law, personal non-property rights, property law and intellectual property rights, the specifics of legal regulation of personal non-property and property relations based on legal equality. Be able to reproduce the basic concepts and structures of civil law, to distinguish from the general range of legal relations that are governed by civil law, analyze them and give a legal description. Have basic skills of perception and analysis of civil law, the provisions of common sources of civil law, including the ability to search, analyze and process civil information through the use of formal law, comparative law and other methods of knowledge of civil law phenomena as well as to resolve elementary disputes arising from the application of civil law.
Course content
Within the framework of the discipline the following are studied: a) general provisions of civil law - its origins and evolution as a branch of domestic private law; subject, methods, principles, functions, essence, forms of manifestation, system; relations with related branches of law; characteristic features of civil law as a branch of law; b) civil legal relations - their participants, content, objects; c) transactions, representation; d) terms and terms, statute of limitations; forms and methods of protection of civil rights and interests; e) personal intangible rights of an individual; g) property rights and other property rights; g) intellectual property rights. The course involves the simultaneous mastery of the existing conceptual apparatus in civilization, the study of civil law and practice of their application, mastering the skills of practical application of civil law to certain controversial situations, designed to understand the logic of civil law regulation.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Maidanyk R.A. Civil Law: / General part. / Vol. I. Introduction to Civil Law. - К .: Аlerta, 2012. - 472 p. 2. Scientific and Practical Commentary on the Civil Code of Ukraine: in 2 volumes - 6th ed., Revised and supplemented. / Ed. Dzery O.V., Kuznetsova N.S., Luts V.V. - K .: Jurinkom Inter, 2019. TI - 752 p. 3. Civil Law of Ukraine: Academic course: Textbook: In 2 volumes / Borisova V.I. (supervisor. Col.), Barangova LM.., Begova T.I., etc .; for ed. Borisova V.I., Spasibo-Fateeva I.V., Yarotsky V.L. - H .: Pravo, 2011. – Vol.1.- 656 p. 4. Civil Law. Workshop: textbook. 3rd ed., Revised. and add .. / Ed. Maidanyk R.A. (supervising author), Kuznetsova N.S., Ryabokon E.O. K .: Alerta, 2019. – 622p. 5.Civil law. The general part. Course of lectures. Edited by: I. V. Spasibo-Fateeva. Kharkiv: ECUS, 2021. 300 p
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, seminars, student’s self-study work.
Assessment methods and criteria
At seminars current evaluation of the student's knowledge of the discipline includes: reports and research papers - from 6 to 8 points; express questioning - from 3 to 5 points; case resolution - from 2 to 5 points; presentation - from 5 to 10 points; discourse - from 5 to 8 points. The minimum score to be obtained by a student in the appropriate forms of assessment for two semesters is 24 points. The maximum score that a student can receive in two semesters is 40 points. If the student is absent from the seminar for good reasons, he can work off the missed class in extracurricular time (teacher consultation time). The final grade for the discipline is formed by adding the number of points obtained during the two semesters and the number of points obtained for the final form of assessment (exam), and this amount may not be less than 60.
Language of instruction


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