Administrative law

Course: «Еducational and Professional Program Law»

Structural unit: Education and Research Law School

Administrative law
ОК 20
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
1 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
To know the provisions of domestic and international (European) legal acts aimed at legal regulation of public relations in the field of public administration (management); To know the basic provisions of administrative and legal doctrine on the legal regulation of public relations in the field of public administration (management); To know the basic approaches of law enforcement agencies to the interpretation and application of administrative law governing public relations in the field of public administration (management); To be able to interpret properly the rules of administrative law governing public relations in the field of public administration (management); To be able to apply the rules of administrative law to solve specific practical situations (cases).
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
The study of the discipline is facilitated by the presence of students' specific knowledge of the General Theory of Law and the State on the concept, content, functions of the state, branches of government, the legal mechanism for the implementation and protection of human rights; understanding of social processes, legal relations, their content, the specifics of the legal status of individuals, legal entities, entities endowed with power; general cultural, ethical, moral erudition and education of students on interaction in society, rules and responsibilities for decisions, actions, offenses and crimes. Students must gradually develop practical skills of independent appeal to public authorities with appeals, petitions, be able to draft basic administrative documents and implement and protect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of man.
Course content
The discipline forms competencies in theoretical, doctrinal understanding of key categories, concepts of administrative and legal doctrine of Ukraine, skills of analysis of domestic legal acts in the field of executive power and human rights protection, as well as international treaties, legal acts of European Union institutions, European Court decisions. human rights, judicial authorities of Ukraine, generalization and research of modern sources, in particular, educational and monographic literature, development of system thinking.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1.Admin. law of Ukraine: full course. Ed. by Galunko V. Kh: OLDI-Plus, 2021. 584 p. 2. Admin. process in Ukraine: a coll. monogr.: Edited by V. Galunko. Kh: OLDI-Plus, 2021. 846 p. 3.Pukhtetska A.A. Princ. of adm. law: admin.-legal and Europ. integr. asp. of upd. the cont. and pract.: monogr. Kh: PE Panov, 2016. 434 p. 4. of Ukraine: gen. course.Kherson, 2018. 484 p.5.General Admin. Law, Ed. I.S. Hrytsenka. K .: Jurinkom Inter, 2015. 568 p. 6. Dikhtievsky P.V., Pashinsky V.Y. Theor. and legal issues of devel. of mil.-admin. law in the legal syst. of Ukraine: col. mon. Fr., 2020. P. 136-149. 7. Pukhtetska A.A. On impr. the provis. of the CUAO: a crit. rev. of legisl. init.KUL NASU. 2021. № 1. pp. 129-134. 8. Const. of Ukraine: offic. ed. K., 2021 65 p. 9.Dyakiv T.History of st.and law of Ukraine.2020.214 p.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
It is envisaged to conduct lectures, seminars and practical classes, independent work of students, also solving problems, cases, tests, problematic practical situations in cooperation with the power entities that ensure the implementation of executive power functions.
Assessment methods and criteria
The knowledge control is carried out according to the module rating system. Informative module 1 includes topics 1-4, informative module 2 includes topics 5-6. Successful completion of module tests is mandatory for admission to the exam. Students who scored less than 24 points in total, must rewrite two module tests in order to be admitted.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline