Liability in Labor Law

Course: «Еducational and Professional Program Law»

Structural unit: Education and Research Law School

Liability in Labor Law
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
8 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
Знати: поняття та ознаки відповідальності працівників у трудовому праві, етапи становлення та розвиток правового регулювання відповідальності у трудовому праві; підстави та умови дисциплінарної та матеріальної відповідальності; поняття та елементи трудового правопорушення. Вміти приймати обґрунтовані рішення щодо застосування загального та законодавства про працю та спеціального законодавства, що регламентує відповідальність працівників у трудовому праві при розв’язанні спірних питань. Обґрунтовувати сучасні правові проблеми правового регулювання відповідальності праці працівників у трудовому праві на території Україні
Form of study
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Know the features and characteristics of labor relations; provisions of the labor law doctrine, in particular in terms of differentiation of labor law; provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine, international acts (ILO conventions, international treaties, acts of the European Union, etc.), the Labor Code of Ukraine and other regulations governing labor relations (general legislation). Be able to independently study the scientific literature, apply labor law, analyze case law, use the key concepts and categories of labor law, make structural and logical schemes of the relationship between categories of labor law, draw reasonable conclusions. Possess the skills to determine the legal nature of the relationship in terms of realization of a person’s ability to work; resolving legal cases.
Course content
Concept and types of liability. The concept of disciplinary liability under labor law. Grounds and conditions of disciplinary liability. Types of disciplinary liability under labor law. Procedure for bringing to general disciplinary liability. Special disciplinary liability of employees and its features. The concept of liability, features, the difference between employee liability and civil liability. Grounds and conditions of liability. Types of liability in labor law. Legal regulation of employee liability to the employer. Liability of the employer to the employee.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
Legal liability and other coercive measures in labor law: a textbook / M.I. Inshyn, V.I. Shcherbyna, І.М. Vahanova. Kh.: Golden Mile, 2012. 495 p. Podorozhniy E.Yu. Theoretical and practical issues of legal liability in labor law of Ukraine: monograph Kh: NikaNova, 2016. 402 p. Korothykh A.Yu. Legal liability of civil servants under the labor legislation of Ukraine: theory, practice, problems. Kh: Constanta, 2019. 420 p. Lezhneva T.M., Chernopyatov S.V. The essence of general disciplinary liability as an element of the mechanism of legal regulation of labor relations. Comparative and analytical law. 2020. № 2. pp. 90-92 Amelicheva L.P. Legal liability of the employer in the field of intellectual activity under the influence of the concept of decent work. Entrepreneurship, economy and law. 2020. № 5 pp. 91-95.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Verbal: explanation, discussion, lecture, seminar, independent work, individual task. Visual: illustration, demonstration, self-observation Practical: analysis of current local law-making practice, judicial practice, practical tasks
Assessment methods and criteria
The minimum score to be obtained by a student according to the established forms of evaluation is 24 points. The maximum score that can be obtained by a student per semester is 40 points. The envisaged forms of semester evaluation cannot exceed 40 points in total. The maximum final grade for this course can be 100 points. A student is not admitted to the exam if he / she scored less than 24 points during the semester, did not complete an individual task and scored less than 4 points for a test conducted by a lecturer. A student can receive a maximum of 60 points in exam, to which the points obtained during seminars are added. To obtain an overall positive grade in the discipline, the grade for the final test cannot be less than 36 points.
Language of instruction


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