Non-property rights and tortious obligations in civil law

Course: «Еducational and Professional Program Law»

Structural unit: Education and Research Law School

Non-property rights and tortious obligations in civil law
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
8 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
Students' achievement of such competencies, skills and abilities as: to formulate their own sound judgments based on the analysis of a known problem; evaluate the disadvantages and advantages of arguments, analyzing a known problem; apply the acquired knowledge in different legal situations, single out legally significant facts and form substantiated legal conclusions.
Form of study
Distance form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Know the main aspects of the historical formation and development of inalienable rights and tortious obligations in Ukraine, the concept and classification of inalienable rights, the legal nature of tortious obligations, literature sources on inalienable rights and tortious obligations, acts of civil law of Ukraine governing inalienable rights and tortious obligations, and current judicial practice of resolving civil disputes in non-contractual areas. Be able to assess and determine the role and objectives of non-contractual obligations, distinguish non-contractual obligations from other types of civil obligations, give them a legal description. Have basic skills in working with educational and legal literature, application of scientific methods of knowledge and legal methods of resolving controversial practical situations in the field of non-contractual obligations, to be guided by the practice of Ukrainian courts and the European Court of Human Rights.
Course content
Forms of teaching and teaching methods of this discipline are aimed at conducting a legal analysis of the problems of legal regulation of non-property relations and tort obligations in the civil law of Ukraine. Within the framework of the discipline the basic doctrinal approaches to the definition of the concepts of non-property rights and the legal nature of tort obligations, their doctrinal classification are studied. Particular attention is paid to current issues of application of current legislation of Ukraine governing civil law protection of non-property rights and tortious obligations by national courts.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Kokhanovskaya O.V. Theoretical Problems of Information Relations in Civil Law: Monograph. – 1. Kyiv: Kyiv University Publishing and Printing Center, 2006. - 463 p. 2. Kuznetsova N.S. Civil Liability: the Concept, Conditions, Mechanism of Application / Kuznetsova N.S. // Almanac of Civilization: Set. articles. Issue. 3 / under ed. Мaidanyk R.A.. - К .: Аlerta; CST; Center for Educational Literature, 201 3. Scientific and Practical Commentary on the Civil Code of Ukraine: in 2 vols. 6th ed., Revised. and add. / by Dzeri O.V., Kuznetsova N.S., Lucy VV..; [Science. ed. MM Khomenko]. Kyiv: Yurinkom Inter, 2019. TI 4. Stefanchuk R.O. Personal Non-property Rights of Individuals (concept, content, system, features of implementation and protection): monograph / NAS of Ukraine, Institute of State and Law. Koretsky V.M. - К.: КNТ, 2008. - 625 с. 5. Spasova K. A. Compensation for Moral Damage in Violation of Non-Property Rights in Social Networks. Dis. … c. l. s. . Odesa, 2021. 227 p.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, seminars, self-studying work of the student on the basis of textbooks, abstracts, methodical recommendations, consultations with the teacher
Assessment methods and criteria
At seminars current control of the student's knowledge of the discipline includes: reports and research papers - from 6 to 10 points; express examination - from 3 to 5 points; case resolution - from 5 to 7 points; presentation - from 5 to 10 points; colloquium - from 5 to 8 points. The following are subject to assessment: the level of knowledge demonstrated in the response; activity in discussing issues; systematic work in the classroom; results doing homework. Missing for good reason seminar classes a student can work in extracurricular time (time of teacher consultations) through oral interviews, testing, preparation of scientific reports. A student who has not reached the minimum threshold level of assessment (24 points) of those learning outcomes that cannot be assessed during the final control may be excluded from the final assessment. The final assessment of the student's knowledge takes place during the written test (maximum score - 60).
Language of instruction


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