Social pedagogy

Faculty of Psychology

Social pedagogy
Program code
Qualification awarded
Length of programme
4 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
First (Bachelor)
Social work
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
Programme learning outcomes
LO 1. To search, analyze and synthesize information from various sources for solving professional tasks and to establish causal relationships between social events and phenomena. LO 2. To communicate fluently orally and in writing state and foreign languages on professional issues. LO 3. To identify, formulate and solve problems in the field of social work, to integrate theoretical knowledge and practical experience. LO 4. To formulate their own reasonable judgments based on the analysis of a social problem. LO 5. To argue ways to overcome problems and difficult life circumstances theoretically, to choose effective methods to solve them, to predict the consequences. LO 6. To develop long-term and current plans, programs of activities, to make effective decisions in difficult situations promptly. LO 7. To use specialized software in solving professional problems. LO 8. To analyze and evaluate the current social policy of the country, socio-political processes at the national, regional and local levels critically. LO 9. To use appropriate scientific investigations and apply professional research skills in the provision of social assistance. LO 10. To analyze socio-psychological processes in small and large groups. LO 11. To use prevent methods for deviations in mental development, behavioral disorders, interpersonal relationships breakdown, for conflict resolution, for prevention of social risks and difficult life circumstances. LO 12. To determine the content of cooperation with partner organizations in social work for performing tasks of professional activity. LO 13. To use methods of social diagnostics in the evaluation process of problems, needs, peculiarities and client’s resources. LO 14. By their own to determine the circumstances which are needed social assistance. LO 15. To make practical decisions to improve social welfare and to increase social security. LO 16. To apply management methods to organize their own professional activities and to manage the activities of social workers, volunteers and staff. LO 17. To establish and maintain relationships with clients on the basis of mutual trust and in accordance with ethical principles and standards of social work, to provide them with psychological support and to encourage clients. LO 18. To set the cooperation with representatives of various professional groups and communities; to use strategies of individual and collective representation of clients' interests. LO19. Identify strengths and involve personal resources of clients, resources of social groups and communities to solve their problems, overcome difficult life circumstances. LO20. Identify ethical dilemmas and inconsistencies in professional activities and use supervisory tools to resolve them. LO21. Demonstrate tolerant behavior, show respect for cultural, religious, ethnic differences, distinguish the influence of stereotypes and prejudices. LO22. Demonstrate the ability to creatively solve problems and make innovative decisions, think and apply creative abilities to form fundamentally new ideas. LO23. Construct the process and result of socio-pedagogical activities within the set tasks, use quantitative and qualitative indicators, adjust the work plan in accordance with the results of the assessment. LO24. Implement plans and tasks for the provision of social services within the socio-pedagogical activities, systematize, analyze and process information, take measures to eliminate identified shortcomings. LO25. Organize the necessary counseling psychological and pedagogical assistance to children, youth, public associations, social risk groups, children and adolescents in need of social and pedagogical services. LO26. LO27. LO28. LO29. LO30. The full list of Programme learning outcomes is given in the section " Programme Profile".
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
Written and oral exams, tests, differentiated tests, tests, seminars, practical classes, essays, projects, presentations, defense of individual and group research, course projects, reports on practices with assessment of achievements, defense of qualifying bachelor's theses that have been tested for academic plagiarism. Rating scale - Excellent - 90-100; Good - 75-89; Satisfactory - 60-74; Fail - 0-59.
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Academic mobility is regulated by the Regulations on the Procedure for Exercising the Right to Academic Mobility of the Tarasa Shevchenko National University of Kyiv of June 29, 2016.
Work placement
Students are sent for internships following the agreements of the faculty with employers and the student has the right to offer a self-selected base of practice. At the end of the internship, the organization provides a description of the intern, certified by the signatures of the head of the internship (psychologist) and the head of the institution (Base of internship), and the wet seal of the institution. The practice has a differentiated test. Points for internship (current assessment) - 60, for public defense of the internship report - 40.     
Work-based learning
Director of the course
Liudmyla Stepanivna Tokaruk
Department of Social Rehabilitation and Social Pedagogy
Faculty of Psychology
Occupational profiles of graduates
Sphere of employment of the student of educational level bachelor, prepared under the educational-professional program «Social pedagogy» - performance of functions of the consultant on questions of a healthy way of life; organizer of cultural and leisure activities; social educator in preschool; general and professional institutions; colleges; lyceums; boarding schools; orphanages; specialized general and higher educational institutions; socio-pedagogical and cultural-sports complexes. Specialist in social assistance at home and organizer of social services in family-type orphanages. Escort for people with disabilities in nursing homes; special schools for children with mental and physical disabilities. Social worker in rehabilitation centers and social shelters. Inspector of Social Assistance at the Employment Center and the Labor Exchange; penitentiary and social services; departments of social protection; social assistance offices. Social worker in the centers of social pedagogy and social work.
Access to further studies
Continuation of studies in the educational and scientific program «Master».


As part of the curriculum, students study the following disciplines

Training of psychological readiness for the profession of social pedagogue
Code: ОК 25,
Personal growth training
Code: ВБ 2.7,
Training of communicative competence of social teacher
Code: ВБ 2.6,
Modern youth policy
Code: ОК 33,
Socio-pedagogical work in educational institutions
Code: ОК 12.,
Socio-pedagogical work in the community
Code: ОК 35. Частина 2,
Social policy
Code: ОК 27,
Social androgyny
Code: ВБ 2.2.,
Complex discipline Psychology. Part 4. Socialization of personality
Code: ОК 16.,
Psychology of deviant behavior
Code: OK16,
Project activity of a social pedagogue
Code: ОК 14.,
Prevention of social exclusivity
Code: ВБ 3.3.4.,
Fundamentals of modern didactics
Code: ОК 29,
Basic of sexology
Code: ОК 21.,
Fundamentals of inclusive education
Code: ОК 35.,
Methodology of socio-pedagogical research
Code: ОК 24,
History of social pedagogy
Code: ОК 11,
Innovative models of social services
Code: ВБ 3.2.2.,
Introduction into university studios
Code: ОК.01,
Volunteering in socio-pedagogical activities
Code: ОК 15,
Code: ОК 23.,
Basis of social tutoring
Code: ВБ 3.6.4.,
System of institutions of social and pedagogical activity
Code: ОК 30,
Technologies of Social-Pedagogical Work
Code: ОК 13 ,
Ukrainian and foreign culture
Code: ОК 2.,
Foreign language - English
Code: ОК 6.,
Code: ОК 3.,
Scientific image of the world
Code: ОК 7.,
Social and Political Studies
Code: ОК 4.,
Selected Sections of Labor Law and Business Basics
Code: ОК 5.,
Cross-cultural competence of a social pedagogue
Code: ОК 8.,
Age and pedagogical psychology
Code: ОК 16.,
Technologies of rehabilitation pedagogy
Code: ОК 10.,
Fundamentals of Preventive Social Pedagogy
Code: ОК 20,
Theory of social pedagogy
Code: ОК 26.,
Safety of children and youth in cyberspace
Code: ОК 28,
Social and pedagogical work with different categories of the population
Code: ОК.32,
Family psychology
Code: ОК 35.,
Introduction to the profession
Code: ОК 25,
Prevention of bullying in educational institutions
Code: ОК 34.,
Socio-pedagogical work with young families
Code: ВБ 3.5.1.,
Social and pedagogical work with foster families
Code: ВБ 3.5.4.,
Socio-pedagogical work on violence prevention
Code: ОК 35.,
Social and pedagogical support of the family
Code: ВБ 1.4.,
Workshop on professional communication
Code: ВБ 1.6,
Hotline services
Code: ВБ 2.5.,
Consulting in socio-pedagogical work
Code: ВБ 2.1.,
Psychotherapeutic counseling
Code: ВБ 2.4.,
Practical psychology in social pedagogy
Code: ВБ 2.8.,
Information policy
Code: ВБ 3.1.3,
Development of critical and reflexive thinking of a social educator
Code: ВБ 3.4.1.,
Social and pedagogical work with families in crisis
Code: ВБ 3.5.2.,
Social and pedagogical work with migrants
Code: ВБ 3.5.3.,
Social and pedagogical work in rural areas
Code: ВБ 3.6.2.,
Innovations in socio-pedagogical activity
Code: ВБ 1.2.,
Training of socio-pedagogical interaction
Code: ВБ 1.7.,
Physiology of the nervous system and higher human nervous activity
Code: ОК 17.,
Code: ОК 18.,
Religious studies
Code: ВБ 3.1.1.,
Basics of pedagogical skills
Code: ВБ 3.4.3,
Basics of social and legal protection
Code: ВБ 1.5.,
Code: ВБ 3.1.2.,
General Psychology
Code: ОК 16.,
Social psychology
Code: ОК 16.,
Demographics and social statistics
Code: ОК 31.,
Fundamentals of special pedagogy
Code: ОК 39.,
Interpersonal sensitivity training
Code: ВБ 1.8,
Art therapy in social pedagogics
Code: ВБ 3.4.4 ,
Social ecology (Man in the modern world)
Code: ОК 9.,
Socio-pedagogical gerontology
Code: ВБ 1.3.,
Basics of socio-pedagogical management
Code: ВБ 1.1.,
Legal provision of socio-pedagogical activities
Code: ВБ 3.4.2.,
Educational practice
Code: ОК 37.,
Psychological assessment
Code: ВБ 2.3.,
Socio-pedagogical creativity
Code: ВБ 3.2.4.,