Basics of socio-pedagogical management

Course: Social pedagogy

Structural unit: Faculty of Psychology

Basics of socio-pedagogical management
ВБ 1.1.
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
7 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
LO 1; LO 7; LO 9; LO 15; LO 17; LO 21; LO 25; LO 28; The full list of Programme learning outcomes is given in the section «Programme Profile».
Form of study
Prerequisites and co-requisites
The student must know: the subject, purpose, objectives, technologies of social pedagogy; system of social and pedagogical work with different client groups in Ukraine and the world; features of network professional communities. The student must be able to: work in a group, use time wisely, clearly distribute assignments in order to obtain maximum results; navigate the search engines of global computer networks, choosing terms for query formulation and search strategy; to choose information resources according to the developed or specified criteria; critically analyze the information received, highlight the most important; to correlate and systematize the acquired knowledge and practical experience in the studied discipline. The student must have basic skills: interaction with various client groups of a social educator; regulators of activity and behavior in a group of young professionals.
Course content
Socio-pedagogical management is one of the main types of management, which is based on the ability to set goals and find adequate means of achieving them, to predict the results of influence, inherent only to humans. In the history of society, nothing is done without a conscious intention, without a desired goal. It is on this basis that social management differs from what we conventionally call management in complex biological and technical systems. It is on this basis that social management differs from what we conventionally call management in complex biological and technical systems. The goals of socio-pedagogical management come from the public interests and needs of each person. Conscious, active human efforts to achieve them characterize management as purposeful work, in which the unity of intellectual and volitional moments is clearly visible, which is an actual and promising direction for improving the entire management system in socio-pedagogical work.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
Baryshpol O. Posibnyk dla vchyteliv. Psychologichni igry z elementamy treningy u pochatkovij shkoli. K., 2020. - 198 s. Bobchenko T.R. Psihologіchnі trenіngi: osnovi trenіngovoї roboti: navch.posіbn. dlya vuzіv. Kiїv: YUrajt, 2020 – 132 s. Zabolotna N. M., Mel'nik O. V., Kosaruk O. MTrenіngovі metodiki rozvitku funkcіonal'nih kompetencіj u molodі Naukovo-metodichne vidannya./ Zabolotna N. M., Mel'nik O. V., Kosaruk O. M. – Vіnnicya: FOP Rogal's'ka І.O., 2019. – 124 s Zlivkov V.L., Lukoms'ka S.O. Teorіya ta praktika psihologіchnih trenіngіv. Kiїv-Nіzhin: Vidavec' PP Lisenko M.M., 2019, 209 s. Іvashn'ova S.V. YAk pіdgotuvati ta provesti efektivnij trenіng: praktichnij poradnik. Harkіv: Ranok, 2019 80 s. Kondratova L.H. Wychowna robota v shkoli trening dla vchyteliv. - K., 2017. - 160 s. Lefterov V.O., Formanyuk YU.V., Tret'yakova T.M. Teorіya і praktika psihologіchnogo trenіngu: metodichnі rekomendacії dlya samostіjnoї roboti zdobuvachіv. Odesa: Fenіks, 2021 44 s.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture, seminar, tasks for independent student work. Survey, discussion, practical (individual and group) tasks, modular test.
Assessment methods and criteria
Creative and reproductive tasks for independent work - 20 points. Preparation of reports and abstracts - 20 points. Modular test - 20 points. Exam - 40 points. In this case, the number of points for the student is determined as follows: • 1-34 corresponds to the grade "unsatisfactory" with the obligatory re-study of the discipline; • 35-59 corresponds to the assessment of "unsatisfactory" with the possibility of re-assembly; • 60-64 corresponds to the assessment "satisfactory" ("sufficient"); • 65-74 corresponds to the assessment "satisfactory"; • 75 - 84 corresponds to the assessment of "good"; • 85 - 90 corresponds to the assessment "good" ("very good"); • 91 - 100 corresponds to the rating "excellent" - To obtain an overall positive grade in the discipline, the grade for the exam can not be less than 24 points. - A student is not allowed to take the final control if he scored less than 20 points during the semester.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Nadiia Mykolaivna Chernukha
Department of Social Rehabilitation and Social Pedagogy
Faculty of Psychology


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Social Rehabilitation and Social Pedagogy
Faculty of Psychology