Socio-pedagogical work in the community

Course: Social pedagogy

Structural unit: Faculty of Psychology

Socio-pedagogical work in the community
ОК 35. Частина 2
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
3 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
LO1, LO3, LO4, LO6, LO8, LO12, LO15, LO18, LO19, LO25. The full list of Programme learning outcomes is given in the section «Programme Profile».
Form of study
Prerequisites and co-requisites
The student must: Know: theories of the social systems functioning, the history of social work methods formation and development. Be able to: analyze the content of key concepts of social work, summarize and correlate different conceptual approaches to the study of social phenomena, analyze the existing legal framework for social work, set professional goals, applying theoretical models in practice. Have the skills of public communication, activity planning, performance evaluation. 
Course content
The purpose of the discipline is to form students' knowledge and skills to attract and activate community members to solve their problems, assist in organizing local communities and communities of interest, organizing services in the community, preparing students for practical socio-pedagogical activities in the community. The discipline contains two content modules. The first module reveals approaches to understanding the concept of community, its structure and resources, presents classifications of methods and approaches to community work, reveals the tasks, strategies and tactics of a social worker in the community. The second module is devoted to applied issues: it reveals the main areas of practical work in the community, specific methods and tools and provides practical training in skills of using methods of citizen involvement, community activation, evaluation, development and implementation of social projects and social services.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Analitychnyi zvit za pidsumkamy doslidzhennia stanu sotsialnoho kapitalu u hromadakh Ukrainy ta umov dlia yoho formuvannia i rozvytku. Odesa, 2017. 182 s. 2. Kozubovska I. Terytorialna hromada yak obiekt diialnosti fakhivtsia z sotsialnoi roboty // Social Work and Education. 2019. Vol. 6. No. 1. R. 19-31. 3. Lesechko M., Sydorchuk O. Sotsialnyi kapital: teoriia i praktyka : monohrafiia. Lviv : LRIDU NADU, 2010. 220 s. 4. Semyhina T. V., Lykhovyd D. O. Yak peretvoryty naselennia na spilnotu? (Sotsialno-tekhnolohichni aspekty rozvytku terytorialnoi hromady) // Naukovi zapysky NaUKMA. 2015. T. 174: Sotsiolohichni nauky. S. 81-85. 5. Franke S. Measurement of Social Capital: Reference Document for Public Policy Research, Development and Evaluation. URL: 6. Woolcok M. Narayan D. Social Capital: Development Theory // The World Bank Research Observer. 2000. № 15. P. 225-251.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, seminars, workshops, tasks for Individual student work. Test, discussion, practical (individual and group) tasks, modular test.
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment of students is carried out during all types of classes and for the results of independent work. The minimum number of scores that can be scored per semester and required for admission to the exam – 36 scores, the maximum number of scores that a student can score for work during the semester – 60 scores (of which: survey, discussions – 16 scores (2-4 scores each); analytical, creative research works – 14 scores; modular tests (practical tasks) – 20 scores; self-assessment – 10 scores). Final assessment – exam (maximum – 40 scores, minimum – 24 scores). Grading scheme: - Excellent (90-100 scores) - Good (75-89 scores) - Satisfactory (60-74 scores) - Fail (0-59 scores).
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Olha Olehivna Baidarova
Department of Social Rehabilitation and Social Pedagogy
Faculty of Psychology


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Social Rehabilitation and Social Pedagogy
Faculty of Psychology