Educational practice

Course: Social pedagogy

Structural unit: Faculty of Psychology

Educational practice
ОК 37.
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
6 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
LO 1; LO 3; LO 4; LO 5; LO 6; LO 11; LO 15; LO 17; LO 19; LO 21; LO 22; LO 24; The full list of Programme learning outcomes is given in the section «Programme Profile».
Form of study
Prerequisites and co-requisites
The student should know: the legal framework for social work and social security; methods and tools of social and pedagogical work, the procedure for making and ensuring the implementation of social and pedagogical decisions. The student should be able to: apply knowledge in practical situations; analyze the socio-psychological processes of formation, development and socialization of the individual, the development of the social group and community; apply methods and tools of social and pedagogical work for effective and efficient social and pedagogical decisions, make and ensure the implementation of social and pedagogical decisions. The student must have basic skills: to observe and analyze the content of professional activity; plan and manage their time; act socially responsible and consciously; adhere to ethical principles and standards of social work;.
Course content
The purpose of the educational practice is to master the professional skills of a social pedagogue, the ability to make independent decisions in social and pedagogical areas of work or on specific social and pedagogical issues. The tasks are as follows - updating theoretical knowledge of students in social and pedagogical disciplines; - familiarization with different types and kinds of social institutions that provide social and pedagogical assistance to children and youth; - developing the ability of students to observe and analyze the content of professional activities at the chosen practice site; - developing the ability to independently plan, organize and conduct social activities based on the analysis of the experience of social workers and use their positive professional experience in social and pedagogical work with different categories of children and youth; - familiarization with the main types of social tools in the practice of social institutions;
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
Metodychni rekomendaciyi z orhanizaciyi ta provedennya praktyky dlya studentiv napryamu pidhotovky 231 «Social"na robota», za osvitnimy prohramamy «Social"na pedahohika», «Social"na reabilitaciya». – Navchal"no-metodychna rozrobka / Uklad. O.V. Chujko, O.O. Bajdarova, M.O. Vasyl"yeva-Xalatnykova, O.F. Huk, A.V. Kuncevs"ka, L.S. Tokaruk. – Kyyiv: Lohos, 2017. – 48 s. Polishhuk V.A. Udoskonalennya profesijnoyi pidhotovky social"nyx pracivnykiv: vyklyky suchasnosti. Naukovyj visnyk Uzhhorods"koho universytetu. Seriya: Pedahohika. Social"na robota / Kozubovs"ka I.V. (hol. red.) ta in.]. Uzhhorod: Vydavnyctvo UzhNU «Hoverla», 2011. Vyp. 22. S.121–125 Texnolohiyi social"no-pedahohichnoyi roboty: navch. posibnyk / zah. red. A.J. Kaps"ka. Kyyiv: 2012. 372 s. Chernuxa N. Social"no-pedahohichna robota v Ukrayini: stanovlennya, realiyi, perspektyvy. Social"na robota: Visnyk Kyyivs"koho nacional"noho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka, № 1(5), 2019, S. 37-40.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
lecture, seminar, individual work,
Assessment methods and criteria
Evaluation of the supervisor from the practice base 20 Evaluation of the supervisor from the department: Compliance with the order of practice 20 Evaluation of the supervisor from the department: Preparation of the report 20 The ability of the student to fully and clearly present the results of their research, logically structure the report and communicate it to the audience in a concise form 15 Answers to questions (clarity of wording and clarity of wording and relevance to the question) 15 Use of presentation and handout materials for the report: media presentation, tables, figures that reflect the results of the research and are referred to during the report 10 Total number of points 100 - 1-34 "unsatisfactory" with mandatory re-study of the discipline; - 35-59 "unsatisfactory" with the possibility of repeating the course; - 60-64 "satisfactory" ("sufficient"); - 65-74 "satisfactory"; - 75 -84 "good"; - 85 - 89 "good" ("very good"); - 90-100 "excellent"
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Olga Fedorivna Guk
Department of Social Rehabilitation and Social Pedagogy
Faculty of Psychology


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Social Rehabilitation and Social Pedagogy
Faculty of Psychology