International Economic Relations (with compulsory study of two foreign languages)

Educational and scientific institute of international relations

International Economic Relations (with compulsory study of two foreign languages)
Program code
Qualification awarded
"Bachelor of International Economic Relations" of the educational program "International economic relations (with the compulsory study of two foreign languages)"
Length of programme
4 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
First (Bachelor)
International relations
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
External Independent Evaluation certificates with scores not lower than 160 in such subjects as: Ukrainian language and literature; mathematics; history of Ukraine or a foreign language, or biology, or geography, or physics, or chemistry. Appendix to the Certificate of complete general secondary education. For foreign students: documents on secondary education, B1 certificate of Ukrainian language proficiency and pass a competitive selection.
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Certificate of complete general secondary education
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
After the successful completion of the educational program "International economic relations" and passing of the assessment students receive an educational qualification of "Bachelor of International Economic Relations" of the educational program "International economic relations (with the compulsory study of two foreign languages)" and, subject to the relevant requirements, receive a professional qualification of "specialist in international economic relations" and "specialist in translation".
Programme learning outcomes
PLO1. To treat professional self-improvement responsibly. PLO2. To communicate professionally orally and in writing with fluent knowledge of state and foreign languages. PLO3. To use modern information and communication technologies, software packages. PLO4. To systematize and organize the received information on processes and phenomena in the world economy. PLO5. To plan, organize, motivate, evaluate and increase the effectiveness of collective work, carry out research in a group led by a leader. PLO7. To apply the acquired theoretical knowledge to solve practical tasks and meaningfully interpret the received results. PLO8. To understand, highlight and describe new phenomena, processes and global development trends. PLO9. To understand and to be able to apply modern theories and methods of solution of specialized complex tasks and practical problems in the field of international trade of goods and services, international movement of capital, international monetary, financial and credit relations, mobility of human resources, international technology transfer. PLO10. To identify and single out the specifics of functioning of subjects of international relations and their models of economic development. PLO11. To justify one's own opinion on specific conditions of implementation of various forms of international economic relations. PLO12. To carry out a comprehensive analysis of complex economic systems, to compare and contrast their components. PLO13. To select and skilfully apply analytical tools to study the state and prospects of development of individual segments of international markets of goods and services using modern knowledge of methods. PLO14. To understand and apply theories, principles, tools and instruments for the implementation of international monetary and financial and credit relations. PLO15. To determine the functional features, nature, level and the degree of relationships between the subjects of international economic relations at various levels. PLO16. To demonstrate knowledge of the state of international economic relations and the world economy in interdisciplinary combination with other sciences and philosophy. PLO17. To identify the causes, types and nature of international conflicts and disputes, to justify and apply economic, legal and diplomatic methods and means of solving them at the international level. PLO18. To study economic phenomena and processes on the international arena based on the understanding of categories, laws; highlighting and summarizing trends and patterns of functioning and development of world economy. PLO19. To understand and apply current legislation, international legal documents and agreements in the field of international economic relations. PLO20. To defend the national interests of Ukraine. PLO21. To understand and have business protocol skills and business etiquette in the field of international economic relations. PLO22. To apply appropriate methods, rules and principles of functioning of international economic relations for development of foreign economic activity of Ukraine. PLO23. To realize the need for lifelong learning. PLO24. To justify the choice and apply information and analytical tools, economic and statistical methods of calculations, complex analysis techniques and monitoring methods to the state of world markets. PLO25. To present research results. PLO26. To demonstrate knowledge of theory and practice of international law, international relations, international business, international information, regional studies. PLO27. To apply knowledge of strategic management and marketing for the development and implementation of strategic planning in international enterprises. PLO28. To identify the main trends and patterns of historical progress of Ukraine and prospects for its European and Euro-Atlantic integration.
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
Written and oral exams, tests, differentiated credits, continuous control, modular tests, essays, "case studies", presentations, other types of work in seminars and individual scientific research, report and presentation of the results of internships; presentation of coursework, qualification work, etc. During the entire period of study for the Educational Degree "Bachelor" each student performs two courseworks.
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
Mandatory ones include: field practice and field (pre-diploma) internship in international economic organizations, government agencies of Ukraine and foreign countries, domestic and foreign companies; passing an internship "Translation activities: oral interpretation, written translation" (optional, without interruption of study) in the amount of 240 hours at enterprises, organizations and institutions and providing a reference on work within the translation specialty or an internship in primary positions of the appropriate level.
Work-based learning
dual form of education - a combination of training and in-depth practical training through the internship "Translation activities: interpretation, translation" ( without interruption of study) as a prerequisite for the assignment of professional qualifications.
Director of the course
Nataliia Reznikova
Chair of World Economy and International Economic Relations
Educational and scientific institute of international relations
Occupational profiles of graduates
Bachelor of specialty 292 «International Economic Relations (with compulsory study of two foreign languages)» can hold initial positions according to the Classification of Professions DK 003:2010: 1475.4 Manager of commercial activity 2441.2 International trade economist 2419.2 Expert on foreign economic issues 2414 Professional on financial and economic security of enterprises, institutions and organizations 2414.2 Financial and economic security analyst 2441.2 Investment analyst 2419.2 Professional in marketing, business efficiency, industrial streamlining, intellectual property and innovation 2419 Civil service professional 2419.2 Market development specialist 2419.2 Commodity market research analyst 2441.2 Economic consultant 2441.2 Economics columnist 2441.2 Economic advisor 2419.2 Sales economist 2412.2 Labor economist 2441.2 Economist 25359 Contract and claims economist 3411 Dealers (exchange traders at their own expense) and brokers (intermediaries) for collateral and financial transactions 3415 Sales representative 3422 Customs clearance agent 3436.1 Assistant to the head of enterprises, institutions and organizations
Access to further studies
You can study in the programs of master's level of higher education in Ukraine and abroad, as well as in "MBA" programs ("Mini-MBA") in the field of international economic relations and related fields of vocational education, etc.


As part of the curriculum, students study the following disciplines

International relations and world policy
Code: ОК 05.,
Code: ОК5,
Mathematics for economists
Code: ОК3,
"Foreign language (basic course)" (English)
Code: ОК 07,
"Foreign language (basic course)" (English)
Code: ОК 06,
Modern Information System and Technologies
Code: ОК4,
Introduction to the profession
Code: ОК 01,
World economy
Code: ОК 11,
Principles of international macroeconomics
Code: ОК 10,
Principles of international microeconomics
Code: ОК09,
Foreign economic policy of Ukraine
Code: ,
Non-tariff regulation of international commerce
Code: ОК 3.2,
History of International Economic Relations
Code: ННД.08,
International information
Code: ОК13,
Theory of international economic relations
Code: ННД.15,
Economy and foreign economic relations of Ukraine
Code: ,
International statistics
Code: ННД.14,
«Foreign language (normative course)» (English)
Code: ОК 16,
International Trade Finance
Code: ВК 2.7,
Regional studies
Code: ОК 12,
Ukrainian and Foreign Culture
Code: ОК 33,
International economic organizations
Code: ВК 2.1.1,
Ukraine in international economic organizations
Code: ВК 2.2.1,
International finance
Code: ОК 18,
Diplomatic History of Ukraine
Code: ОК19,
International public law
Code: ОК 20,
Financial analysis and mathematics of financial markets
Code: ,
International Economic Relations Regulation
Code: ОК 23,
International Business
Code: ОК28,
Economy of EU member states
Code: ДВС.1.01,
Economic and mathematical modelling of the world economic processes
Code: ОК22,
«Theory and practice of translation» (English)
Code: ОК 25,
Code: ОК21,
«Second foreign language» (language for special purposes(LSP))
Code: ОК 26,
«Language for special purposes (LSP)» (English)
Code: ОК 24,
Theory of foreign direct investment
Code: ВК 5.1,
Credit and payment instruments of European business
Code: ВК 1.8,
Organization and Technique of International Commercial Operations
Code: ДВС.2.01,
Methodology of international market research
Code: ВК 4.1,
Social responsibility of international enterprises
Code: ВК 5.3,
Finance of international enterprises
Code: ВК 5.2,
The stock market of foreign countries
Code: ВК 3.3,
Monetary policy strategies of foreign countries
Code: ВК 3.2,
The mechanism of the WTO
Code: ВК 3.2.1,
Investment and financial services in the global economy
Code: ВК 6.3,
EU infrastructure, energy and regional policy
Code: ,
International logistics
Code: ДВС.3.03.01,
Contracts in Foreign Economic Activities
Code: ВК 2.2,
International Market Risk
Code: ДВС.3.04.01,
Monetary and financial integration in the EU
Code: ОК1.2,
Economic Environment of Developed Countries
Code: ДАС.4.02,
Competitive Policy of the EU
Code: ,
Workshop on international market analysis
Code: ВБ4.8,
International Commodity Science
Code: ВК 4.4,
World Markets Analysis
Code: ДВС.2.03,
Competition on World Markets
Code: ВК 1.5,
Accounting of foreign economic activity
Code: ДВС.3.06.01,
Accounting in International Entrepreneurship
Code: ДВС.3.06.01,
International institutional investors
Code: ВК 5.5 ,
Strategic management of an international enterprise
Code: ВК 5.4,
International banking
Code: ВК 6.6,
«Language for special purposes (language of international documents)»
Code: ОК 27,
Insurance in international commerce
Code: ВК 2.6 ,
Economic diplomacy and diplomatic practice
Code: ВК 7.1.1,
International Financial Management
Code: ВК 3.1,
International digital marketing
Code: ВК 2.4,
Trade aspects of international integration agreements
Code: ВК 2.5,
International financial engineering
Code: BK 3.5,
International tax management
Code: ВК 3.4,
Global marketing strategies
Code: ВК 4.6,
Information technology in the study of world markets
Code: ВК 4.4,
Business planning of foreign economic activity
Code: ВК 5.2.1,
International goods and services market conditions
Code: ВК 4.5,
Organization of trade with European companies
Code: ВК 1.6,
Commercial activities in offshore areas
Code: ВК 4.2.1,
Competition in European markets
Code: ДВС 1.05,
Analysis of European goods and services markets
Code: ДВС 1.04.,
International management and marketing
Code: ВК5.1.1 ,
Offshore finance
Code: BK 3.8,
Ukraine in international integration processes
Code: ВК 9.2.1,
Ukraine's economic integration with the EU
Code: ВК 9.1.1,
Insurance in foreign economic activities
Code: ВК 3.7 ,
Fundamentals of forecasting the world economic conjuncture
Code: ДВС.4.07,
Payments in international commercial activity
Code: ВК. 2.8.,
Tax accounting and analysis of external economic activity
Code: ДВС.3.08.01,
«Theory and practice of translation (business translation and conference translation)» (English)
Code: ОК 29,
Management of international projects
Code: ОК6.08,