Educational and scientific institute of international relations

Educational programms

The structural unit trains students for the following curriculum

International Economic Relations (with compulsory study of two foreign languages)
Qualification: First (Bachelor)
International Business, Commerce And Finance
Qualification: First (Bachelor)
International business (compulsory study of two foreign languages)
Qualification: First (Bachelor)
International relations (compulsory study of two foreign languages)
Qualification: First (Bachelor)
International Relations (bachelor)
Qualification: First (Bachelor)
International Communications
Qualification: First (Bachelor)
International Law (ECL Bachelor, language of program - english)
Qualification: First (Bachelor)
International Law (ECL Bachelor, language of program - ukrainian)
Qualification: First (Bachelor)
International Law (ECL master)
Qualification: Second (Master)
International Public Law (ECL master)
Qualification: Second (Master)
International Litigation (ECL master)
Qualification: Second (Master)
international Relations
Qualification: Second (Master)
International Trade Regulation
Qualification: Second (Master)
Environment and Energy Security in International Relations
Qualification: Second (Master)
Foreign policy and national security
Qualification: Second (Master)
Private International Law
Qualification: Second (Master)
European Business Law
Qualification: Second (Master)
International Business (Management and Marketing)
Qualification: Second (Master)
International Business (master)
Qualification: Second (Master)
Diplomacy and International Cooperation
Qualification: Second (Master)
Foreign policy
Qualification: Second (Master)
International Commerce
Qualification: Second (Master)
International finance and investments
Qualification: Second (Master)
International economic relations (commerce and finance)
Qualification: Second (Master)
International economic relations (master)
Qualification: Second (Master)
Educational and professional program "International Journalism" (master's)
Qualification: Second (Master)
International Communications (OKR Master)
Qualification: Second (Master)
International management and marketing
Qualification: Second (Master)


+38 (044) 481-44-37
04119, Yurii Illenko Street, 36/1, Kyiv