Educational and scientific institute of international relations
Educational programms
The structural unit trains students for the following curriculum
International Economic Relations (with compulsory study of two foreign languages)
Qualification: First (Bachelor)
International Business, Commerce And Finance
Qualification: First (Bachelor)
International business (compulsory study of two foreign languages)
Qualification: First (Bachelor)
International relations (compulsory study of two foreign languages)
Qualification: First (Bachelor)
International Relations (bachelor)
Qualification: First (Bachelor)
International Communications
Qualification: First (Bachelor)
International Law (ECL Bachelor, language of program - english)
Qualification: First (Bachelor)
International Law (ECL Bachelor, language of program - ukrainian)
Qualification: First (Bachelor)
International Law (ECL master)
Qualification: Second (Master)
International Public Law (ECL master)
Qualification: Second (Master)
International Litigation (ECL master)
Qualification: Second (Master)
international Relations
Qualification: Second (Master)
International Trade Regulation
Qualification: Second (Master)
Environment and Energy Security in International Relations
Qualification: Second (Master)
Foreign policy and national security
Qualification: Second (Master)
Private International Law
Qualification: Second (Master)
European Business Law
Qualification: Second (Master)
International Business (Management and Marketing)
Qualification: Second (Master)
International Business (master)
Qualification: Second (Master)
Diplomacy and International Cooperation
Qualification: Second (Master)
Foreign policy
Qualification: Second (Master)
International Commerce
Qualification: Second (Master)
International finance and investments
Qualification: Second (Master)
International economic relations (commerce and finance)
Qualification: Second (Master)
International economic relations (master)
Qualification: Second (Master)
Educational and professional program "International Journalism" (master's)
Qualification: Second (Master)
International Communications (OKR Master)
Qualification: Second (Master)
International management and marketing
Qualification: Second (Master)
Educational and scientific institute of international relations has the following departments
Chair of World Economy and International Economic Relations
Chair of international finance
International Organizations and Diplomatic Service Chair
Chair of International Business
Chair of Comparative and European Law
International Relations and Foreign Policy Department
Chair of International Information
International Law Chair
Chair of International Media Communication and Communication Technologies
+38 (044) 481-44-37
04119, Yurii Illenko Street, 36/1,