International relations (compulsory study of two foreign languages)

Educational and scientific institute of international relations

International relations (compulsory study of two foreign languages)
Program code
Qualification awarded
Length of programme
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
First (Bachelor)
Specific admission requirements
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
Programme learning outcomes
Form of study
Distance form
Examination regulations and grading scale
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
Work-based learning
Occupational profiles of graduates
Access to further studies


As part of the curriculum, students study the following disciplines

Introduction to International Relations
Code: OK1,
Regional Studies
Code: ОК2,
Ukrainian and Foreign culture
Code: OK3,
International Information
Code: OK4,
International Political Space
Code: OK5,
International Economic Relations
Code: OK 6,
Code: OK 11,
Theory of International Conflicts
Code: OK15,
Diplomatic Protocol and Etiquette
Code: OK16,
Ukraine's Foreign Policy
Code: OK17,
International Law
Code: OK13,
International Relations and World Politics
Code: OK19,
International Organizations
Code: OK20,
US foreign policy
Code: OK22,
Foreign Policy of Asian Countries
Code: OK23,
European Union in International Relations
Code: OK24,
Іноземна мова (базовий курс)
Code: OK25,
Foreign Language (normative course)
Code: OK26,
IField Practice (Pre-Diploma Internship)
Code: OK33,
Language of the Specialty (Language of International Documents)
Code: OK28,
Theory and Practice of Translation
Code: OK28,
Translation Theory and Practice (Business Translation and Conference Translation)
Code: OK30,
Second Foreign Language (Basic Course)
Code: OK31,
Fundamentals of geopolitics
Code: ОК 9,
Fundamentals of International Political Research
Code: OK12,
International Relations from the Ancient World to Modern Times
Code: ОК 7,
Fundamentals of National and International Security
Code: OK 10,
Fundamentals of Diplomacy and Diplomatic Service
Code: OK8,
Diplomatic History of Ukraine
Code: ВБ 6.2.,
English as a second foreign language (basic course)
Code: ВБ 6.3.,
French/Spanish/German as a second foreign language (basic course)
Code: ВБ 6.3,
History of International Relations
Code: OK14,
Field Practice (Professional Translation)
Code: OK32,
English as a second foreign language (normative course)
Code: ВБ 6.4.,
French/Spanish/German as a second foreign language (normative course)
Code: ВБ 6.4,
Institutes for ensuring international cooperation
Code: ВБ 2.1.,
Modern theories of world politics
Code: ВБ 4.3.,
Humanitarian problems of development
Code: ВБ 5.3.,
Political Psychology
Code: ВБ 1.3.,
Documents of multilateral diplomacy
Code: ВБ 3.3.,
European Foreign Policy
Code: OK21,
The Language of the Profession
Code: OK27,
Environmental and Energy Issues in International Relations
Code: OK9,
International Relations Theory
Code: OK18,