International Information

Course: International relations (compulsory study of two foreign languages)

Structural unit: Educational and scientific institute of international relations

International Information
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
1 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO5. To know the nature and mechanisms of international communications PLO8. Collect, process, and analyze large amounts of information on the state of international relations, foreign policy of Ukraine and other states, regional systems, and international communications. PLO14. Use modern digital technologies, specialized software, databases, and information systems to solve complex, specialized problems in the field of international relations, public communications, and/or regional studies.
Form of study
Distance form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. To know the facts, trends and problems of the modern international and political development of humanity. 2. To be able to analyze and generalize information about modern international events. 3. To have the skills of elementary analysis and conceptual thinking.
Course content
Content module 1. Information dimension of international activity Topic 1. International information: terms and approaches Topic 2. Problems of information development of humanity Topic 3. International and European information policy Topic 4. International information conflict Content module 2. Foreign policy as a communicative space Topic 5. International communications: theoretical approaches Topic 6. The practice of using communication technologies in the foreign policy activities of international actors Topic 7. EU activities in the field of international communications Topic 8. Strategic communications Topic 9. Communication technologies in the foreign policy practice of Ukraine
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
Міжнароднаінформація:терміниікоментарі.Навчальнийпосібник/МакаренкоЄ.А.,Риж-ковМ.М.,КучмійО.П.,ФроловаО.М.-Вид.2-ге,доповн.Тапереробл.-К.:Центрвільноїпреси,2016.–518с.2.Зовнішньополітичні комунікативні технології. Підручник. / Макаренко Є.А., Рижков М.М.,ПіпченкоН.О.таін.–К.:Центрвільноїпреси,2016.–416с.3.ПіпченкоН.О.,МакаренкоЄ.А.,РижковМ.М.Цифровадипломатія.Підручник.–К.:Вадекс,2019.–318 с.4.Стратегічні комунікації. Підручник. / Макаренко Є.А., Рижков М.М., Піпченко Н.О. таін.–К.: Вадекс, 2019.–446 с.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lections, seminars, presentations
Assessment methods and criteria
The results of the student's educational activities are evaluated on a 60-point scale. For students who have scored a total of less than the critical-calculated minimum of 20 points, a test of increased complexity, estimated at 60 points, must be conducted for admission to the exam, while previously scored points are canceled. The recommended minimum for admission to the exam is 38 points. In the case of a student's absence due to good reasons, practice and retake of the MKR are carried out in accordance with the "Provisions for the evaluation of students' knowledge in the credit-modular system of the organization of the educational process" dated October 31, 2010.
Language of instruction


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