International economic relations (master)

Educational and scientific institute of international relations

International economic relations (master)
Program code
Qualification awarded
International economist, interpreter
Length of programme
1,5 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
Second (Master)
International relations
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
Entrance exams (weights) for enrollment to the Master program for graduates of Bachelor or Master programs (or applicants with Specialist education and qualification degree): - Single entrance exam on foreign language (0.5) - Exam on economics and international economics (0.25) - General aptitude test (0.25)
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Enrollment to the education program for applicants who have a bachelor, master or specialist diploma
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
“International economist”: 1. Field practice - no less than 75 points. 2. The average grade from the optional bloc no less than 75 points. 3. The Comprehensive qualification proficiency exam for the master study program “International Economic Relations” and for the master thesis - no less than 75 points. “Interpreter”: 1.Prior qualification “Specialist in translation” 2. The Qualifying exam in theory and practice of translation - no less than 75 points.
Programme learning outcomes
PLO.1. To have business communications knowledge and skills necessary for professional activities in international economic relations, to communicate efficiently at professional and social levels including oral and written communication in foreign language / foreign languages. PLO.2. To think creatively, to be flexible in decision making based on logical arguments and verified facts under limited time and resources by using various diagnostic methods of the leading international organizations. PLO.3. To systematize, synthesize and arrange the obtained information, to identify problems, to make conclusions and elaborate recommendations by using efficient approaches and technologies, specialized software in order to solve complex practical problems considering cross-cultural peculiarities of the entities participating in international economic relations. PLO.4. To make reasonable decisions in international economic relations under indefinite conditions and requirements, to work independently and in a team, to be initiative and responsible, to motivate and manage the work of others in order to achieve the set goals, to ensure quality of work performed, to ensure results of economic activity under volatile conditions. PLO.5. To assess complexity of tasks during planning activities and processing results. PLO.6. To analyze legal acts, evaluate analytical reports, to prepare analytical information professionally. PLO.7. To study and analyze development models for national economies, to reason measures to achieve their strategic goals. PLO.8. To elaborate and study adaptive models for smoothing imbalances and to avoid threats for the global development. PLO.9. To monitor, analyze and evaluate activity of global companies. PLO.10. To understand regularities and trends in the global economic development and the phenomenon of the New Economy. PLO.11. To understand the essence of social dimension of the global economic development. PLO.12. To determine geoeconomic strategies of countries and their regional economic priorities. PLO.13. To identify changes in market conditions caused by unidentified factors, to do their comparative analysis. PLO.14. To present results of own research by preparing research publications and participating in scientific events. PLO.15. To make decision on implementing trade, monetary and sectoral integration policy and entering the markets. PLO.16. To evaluate development trends and yields in various segments of international financial markets. PLO.17. To manage foreign direct and portfolio investments. PLO.18. To ensure compliance of business activity and economic policy to the provisions of international and European law.
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
Written and oral exams, credits, differentiated credits, current control, module control works, essays, case-studies, presentations, other types of participation in seminars and individual work, report and defending it after the field practice; defending master thesis etc. A 100-point scale is used for final evaluation (including up to 40 points at the exam if it is envisaged), 60% is the minimum threshold to pass a course. Academic integrity rules are specified in the Regulation on the organization of education process (, Ethical code (, Regulation on the the system of checking and preventing academic plagiarism of TSNUK (
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
Field practice (Pre-diploma internship) within the speciality without interruption of study in international economic organizations, government bodies of Ukraine and foreign countries, domestic and foreign companies
Work-based learning
Director of the course
Oleksii Chugaiev
Chair of World Economy and International Economic Relations
Educational and scientific institute of international relations
Occupational profiles of graduates
According to the State classification of professions DK 003:2010, the graduates of the Master program can be employed at 40 positions, including: Expert in foreign economic issues, Advisor on foreign economic issues, Economist in international trade, Economist in financial work, Export inspector, Assistant of the Manager of an enterprise (institution, organization), Attaché, Investment analyst etc.
Access to further studies
Opportunity to continue education at the 3rd level of higher education, training and receiving additional education within certified programs and postgraduate study and life-long learning.


As part of the curriculum, students study the following disciplines

Economics of international integration
Code: ОК5,
International Macroeconomics
Code: ННД.04,
Scientific and practical methods of studying international economic relations
Code: ОК 1 ,
Translation Workshop (English)
Code: ОК.8,
Multinational enterprises
Code: ОК3,
International Investment Management
Code: OK7,
International financial markets
Code: ОК06,
Scientific and practical methods of studying international economic relations
Code: ОК 1 ,
Credit and settlement instruments of European business
Code: ,
International business ethics
Code: ОК 02,
Offshore in international commerce
Code: 3.5,
International internet marketing services
Code: ОК 4.2,
Management of International Investment Projects
Code: ВК 5.1,
Customs procedures in international trade
Code: ОК 3.1,
Trends in the international markets of goods and services
Code: ОК2.3,
Organization of trade with European companies
Code: ОК 1.3,
Non-tariff regulation of international commerce
Code: ОК 3.2,
International financial analytics
Code: ОК6.3,
World derivatives markets operations
Code: ОК6.2,
International payment systems
Code: ОК6.1,
Practical work: foreign direct investment
Code: ВК 5.3,
International Strategies of Tax Optimization
Code: ВК 5.2,
Foreign economic policy of Ukraine
Code: ОК 11,
International political economy
Code: ОК 9,
Research of international services markets
Code: ОК4.1,
International Commodity Science
Code: ВК.2.1,
European goods and services market conditions
Code: ОК 1.1,
Pricing in World Markets
Code: ВБ 2.2. ,
Quantitative methods for analysis of international economic relations
Code: ОК10,
European business environment
Code: ОК 1.2,
International e-commerce
Code: ОК 3.4.,
Global problems of international economic development
Code: ННД.08,
Workshop on monitoring of the international market
Code: ОК2.5,
International economic policy of the main centers of the world economy
Code: ВК1.1,
Settlement of Disputes in International Commerce
Code: ВК 3.3,
Competition in international trade
Code: 3.3,
Technique of operations in the international market of business services
Code: ОК 4.3,
International Trade Law
Code: ВК 7.3.2,
International venture capital investments and startups
Code: ОК5.5,
Outsourcing of Multinational Enterprises
Code: ОК5.4,
Economic risks in international transactions
Code: ВК 2.3,
International Auditing Activities
Code: ВК2.2,
Offshoring finance
Code: ВК2.1 ,
International financial and investment consulting
Code: ОК6.5,
Strategies for optimizing international portfolio investment
Code: ОК 6.4,
International financial markets conditions
Code: ВК 2.4,
Operations in the EU investment markets
Code: ОК 1.4,
Organization of public procurement in foreign countries
Code: ОК 4.5,
World market of leasing operations
Code: ОК 4.4,
EU Substantive Law
Code: ВК 3.2.,
Economics of international disintegration
Code: ВК 1.3,