Private International Law

Educational and scientific institute of international relations

Private International Law
Program code
Qualification awarded
Master in International Law, International Law Scholar
Length of programme
1,5 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
Second (Master)
International relations
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Obtained Bachelor or Specialist or Master Degree
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
1. Has undertaken the Field Practice (Pre-Diploma Internship) production character not less than 75 points. 2. Selection of a specialized block of disciplines from the curriculum and obtaining an average score of not lower than "75" based on the results of compiling all the disciplines that are included in it. 3. Has received «75» or higher for the comprehensive qualification examination on the program.
Programme learning outcomes
PLO 1. Demonstrate knowledge of different legal systems, understand the reasons for their multiplicity, as well as mechanisms of interaction; knowledge of the international legal system characteristics and the place of international law in it. PLO 2. Understand theoretical approaches of national and international law correlation and practical ways to provide their interaction. PLO 3. To make reasonable decisions in the law-making and law-enforcement fields of law, realizing their ethical consequences for different subjects of national and international commercial law. PLO 4. Demonstrate the ability to conduct cases in international judicial institutions and other general and special international institutions for the settlement of international disputes, protecting interests of the state, individuals and legal entities. PLO 5. Demonstrate the ability to represent the client's interests in civil and commercial matters in the courts of Ukraine, arbitration courts, state bodies authorized to conduct commercial investigations. PLO 6. Demonstrate the ability to comprehensive legal and (in cooperation with experts) economic analysis of an international commercial and another economic project for the determination of the main legal and non-legal, but legally related with economic activity, risks. PLO 7. Determine the content and legal nature of national regulations, international treaties and other international instruments, identify conflicts between the norms of international treaties, between the norms of an international treaty and acts of national legislation, and propose ways of their solution PLO 8. Demonstrate business correspondence skills, ability to work with international documents: treaties, acts of international organizations, etc., — to analyze their nature and legal status, draft projects and supporting documentation. PLO 9. Demonstrate the ability to manage a legal business, select the optimal forms of conducting such business taking into account different factors; attract clients and build long-term relationships with them. PLO 10. Demonstrate a thorough knowledge of legal ethics and the ability to be guided by it in everyday legal activity. PLO 11. Demonstrate foreign language written and oral communication skills with the professional use of legal terminology.
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
Written and oral exams, credits, differentiated credits, current control, module control works, essays, case-studies, presentations, other types of participation in seminars and individual work, report and defending it after the field practice; defending master thesis etc. A 100-point scale is used for final evaluation (including up to 40 points at the exam if it is envisaged), 60% is the minimum threshold to pass a course. Academic integrity rules are specified in the Regulation on the organization of education process (, Ethical code (, Regulation on the the system of checking and preventing academic plagiarism of TSNUK (
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Based on bilateral agreements between the Institute of International Relations (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv) and Ukrainian universities, between the Institute of International Relations (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv) and educational institutions of partner countries (Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece and Herzegovina) (Georgia, India, Spain, Italy, Kazakhstan, China, Cyprus, Lithuania, Morocco, Germany, Poland, USA, Hungary, Uzbekistan, France, Croatia) cooperates in the field of national and academic mobility of masters and the corresponding transfer of credits. The mechanism for the implementation of national credit mobility is regulated by the "Regulations on the procedure for exercising the right to academic mobility KNU. Taras Shevchenko "from 29.06.2016, as well as the Regulations on the procedure for re-enrollment in the KNU. Taras Shevchenko ”on June 29, 2016
Work placement
Field practice (Pre-diploma internship) within the speciality without interruption за study in international organizations, government agencies of Ukraine and foreign countries, domestic and foreign law firms
Work-based learning
Dual form of education is a combination of education and in-depth practical training through internships as a prerequisite for professional qualifications
Director of the course
Viktor Yaroslavovych Kalakura

Educational and scientific institute of international relations
Occupational profiles of graduates
Employment in law firms, private companies, state authorities, international organizations (governmental and non-governmental) in positions related to the collection, analysis and processing of legal information, management decisions in the field of Private International law and international relations, and also a legal representation of the client's interests
Access to further studies
An opportunity to continue education at the third level of higher education, in-service training and further education in certified programmes and post-graduate programmes, as well as lifelong learning