International Law (ECL Bachelor, language of program - ukrainian)

Educational and scientific institute of international relations

International Law (ECL Bachelor, language of program - ukrainian)
Program code
Qualification awarded
Bachelor in International Law
Length of programme
4 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
First (Bachelor)
International relations
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Based on full general secondary education
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
1. Has undertaken the Field Practice (Pre-Diploma Internship) production character not less than 75 points. 2. Selection of a specialized block of disciplines from the curriculum and obtaining an average score of not lower than "75" based on the results of compiling all the disciplines that are included in it. 3. Has received «75» or higher for the comprehensive qualification examination on the program.
Programme learning outcomes
PLO 1. Think abstractly and analytically, synthesize general knowledge primarily from the subject area to achieve the goals of professional activity. PLO 2. Quickly understand professional tasks, evaluate their complexity. PLO 3. To be aware of the need for lifelong learning, to adhere to the principles of continuous development and continuous self-improvement; to strive for professional growth, to show tolerance and readiness for innovative changes. PLO 4. Demonstrate writing and oral communication skills in foreign languages, professionally use legal terminology. PLO 5. Quickly find, process, analyze, evaluate and validate information. PLO 6. Identify the essence of the problem, transform the problem into a set of specific tasks and solve them, working in a group and under the supervision. PLO 7. To offer non-standard approaches in the field of professional activity. PLO 8. Establish business contacts with authorities, colleagues, partners and clients; avoid conflicts in professional activity and effectively solve problems that have already arisen. PLO 9. Maintain working contacts with representatives of other countries and cultures. PLO 10. Act ethically and consciously, understand one’s own responsibility for actions, both professionally and socially. PLO 11. Consider the international political context when performing professional tasks; to identify and take into account foreign national and group interests and concerns. PLO 12. Identify economic aspects of legal problems and tasks. PLO 13. To offer legal tools for securing the interests of the state; working in a group and under leadership, actively defend them with the help of such tools. PLO 14. Anticipate and articulate legal risks of particular actions taking into account the multiplicity of legal systems and jurisdictions. PLO 15. To use basic methods of historical science in performing professional tasks, to establish the historical context of norms and regimes. PLO 16. Formulate legal issues at the abstract-theoretical level, and explain them to people of different levels of professional training and education. PLO 17. Discuss high-level legal issues, be correct to other points of view, identify strengths and weaknesses of other people’s argumentation. PLO 18. Under the guidance of more qualified specialists, carry out work in foreign policy bodies, conduct diplomatic and business correspondence, strictly follow the rules of business and (in appropriate situations) diplomatic etiquette, ensure compliance with the most basic rules of the diplomatic protocol. PLO 19. Analyze, develop, draft and edit documents used internationally. PLO 20. Provide legal opinions and consultations, legal support for the main types of international cooperation and foreign trade operations, formulate a legal position in the interests of the client. PLO 21. Under the guidance of more qualified or experienced professionals, prepare cases for trial in Ukrainian, international and foreign courts and arbitrations. PLO 22. Perform standard non-managerial work in the legal service of organizations, enterprises, including private legal practice, in a responsible and ethical manner, and to avoid conflicts of interests.
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
Written and oral exams, credits, differentiated credits, module control works, essays, comprehensive qualification board proficiency exam in International Law. A 100-point scale is used for final evaluation (including up to 40 points at the exam if it is envisaged), 60% is the minimum threshold to pass a course. Academic integrity rules are specified in the Regulation on the organization of education process (, Ethical code (, Regulation on the the system of checking and preventing academic plagiarism of TSNUK (
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
Field practice (Pre-diploma internship) within the speciality without interruption за study in international organizations, government agencies of Ukraine and foreign countries, domestic and foreign law firms
Work-based learning
Dual form of education is a combination of education and in-depth practical training through internships as a prerequisite for professional qualifications
Director of the course
Vsevolod Mitsik
International Law Chair
Educational and scientific institute of international relations
Occupational profiles of graduates
Employment in state bodies, law firms, international organizations (governmental and non-governmental) at positions related to the collection, analysis and processing of legal data, decision-making in the field of international law and international relations, as well as legal representation of clients’ interests.
Access to further studies
Opportunity to continue education at the second (master’s) level of higher education, to improve qualification and to receive additional education at the certified and postgraduate programs.


As part of the curriculum, students study the following disciplines

Law of International Security
Code: ДВС.1.03,
Introduction to "International Law"
Code: ННД.01,
Theory of State and Law
Code: OK10,
History of State and Law of Ukraine and the Countries of the World
Code: ОК 15,
International Relations and World Policy
Code: ОК5,
Foreign Language (Basic User Course)
Code: ОК4,
The Legal Map of the World
Code: ОК 17,
History of Political and Legal Studies
Code: ОК 21,
Foreign Language (Basic User Course)
Code: ОК4,
Roman Law
Code: ОК 16,
Comparative Constitutional Law
Code: ОК 14,
Theory of State and Law
Code: OK 10,
Theory of International Legal Regulation
Code: ДВС.3.04.02,
Comparative administrative law
Code: ОК 22,
Foreign Language (Independent User Course)
Code: ОК9,
Judicial Systems and Comparative Judicial Law
Code: ВБ 5.14,
Comparative labour and social law
Code: ВБ. 5.11,
Comparative municipal law
Code: ВБ. 5.27,
International Economic Relations
Code: ОК15,
Comparative Administrative Process
Code: ВБ 5.6,
Foreign Language (Independent User Course)
Code: ОК9,
Comparative Сriminal law
Code: ОК 13,
Law of Treaties
Code: ДВС.3.10.01,
Public International Law (Theory Basics)
Code: ННД.02,
European Union law
Code: ОК 12,
Language of the Speciality
Code: ОК25,
Comparative Сriminal Рrocess
Code: ВБ 5.12,
Theory and Practice of Translation (English) (5th semester)
Code: ОК26,
Theory and Practice of Translation (English)
Code: ОК26,
Language of the Speciality
Code: ОК25,
Code: ОК2,
Immunities in International Law
Code: ДВС.3.09.02 ,
International air law
Code: ДВС.1.02,
Law of Foreign Relations
Code: ДВС.3.13.02,
International Human Rights Law
Code: ДВС.3.09.01,
Environmental ethics and education in International Environmental law
Code: ДВС.4.02.,
European system of human rights protection
Code: ВБ. 3.2,
Law of international organizations
Code: ВБ 5.13,
EU Economic Law
Code: ВБ 1.8,
Language of the Speciality (Language of International Documents)
Code: ОК24,
Theory and Practice of Translation (English) (7th Semester)
Code: ОК26,
International Public Law (Main Branches and Institutions)
Code: ННД.08,
Theory and Practice of Translation (business translation and conference translation) (English)
Code: ОК27,
Language of the Speciality (Language of International Documents)
Code: ОК24,
Transport Law of the EU
Code: ВБ 3.4,
International space law
Code: ДВС.1.01,
International legal basis of natural resource law
Code: ДВС.4.03,
International wildlife law
Code: ДВС.4.04,
International Sea Law
Code: ДВС.1.04,
History of International Law
Code: ННД.18,