International Business (Management and Marketing)

Educational and scientific institute of international relations

International Business (Management and Marketing)
Program code
Qualification awarded
Master of International Economic Relations by educational program "International Business (Management and Marketing), Qualification "economist (international relations)"
Length of programme
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
Second (Master)
International relations
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Enrollment to the education program for applicants who have a bachelor or specialist diploma
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
Qualification "economist (international relations)" may be assigned by a separate decision of the examination commission, provided: passing all types of practice, which are envisaged by the curriculum; choosing a specialized block of disciplines from the curriculum and obtaining an average grade of not less than 75 based on the results of all the disciplines that are included in it; passing a qualification exam of the master’s program “International Business” with not less than 75 points.
Programme learning outcomes
PRE1. Have the professional knowledge and skills in business communication in the field of international economic relations, as well as communicate effectively at the professional and social levels, including oral and written communication in a foreign language / languages. PRE2. Think creatively, show flexibility in decision-making based on logical arguments and verified facts in a limited time and resources based on the use of various diagnostic methodologies of leading international organizations. PRE3. Systematize, synthesize, and organize the information obtained, identify problems, formulate conclusions, and develop recommendations using effective approaches and technologies, specialized software to solve complex problems of practical problems, considering the cross-cultural characteristics of international economic relations. PRE4. Make informed decisions on the problems of international economic relations under uncertain conditions and requirements. PRE5. Assess the degree of complexity of tasks in planning activities and processing its results. PRE6. Analyze normative-legal documents, evaluate analytical reports, competently use normative-administrative documents and reference materials, conduct applied analytical developments, professionally prepare analytical materials. PRE7. Monitor, analyze, evaluate the activities of global firms (corporations, strategic alliances, consortia, unions, trusts, etc.) to identify their competitive positions and advantages in world markets. PRE8. Understand the patterns and trends of the world economy and the phenomenon of the new economy, considering the processes of intellectualization, informatization and scientific and technological exchange. PRE9. Understand the essence of the social dimension of global economic development and implement the principles of social responsibility in the activities of the subjects of international economic relations. PRE10. Identify changes in market conditions under the influence of uncertain factors, carry out their comparative analysis, critically evaluate the consequences of ideas and decisions to predict the trend of global markets. PRE11. Present the results of their own research by preparing scientific publications and trials at scientific events. PRE12. Be able to produce and test hypotheses, identify, and solve scientific problems, plan, and perform scientific or applied research, gather the necessary information, argue conclusions, and present research results. PRE13. Be able to apply cumulative knowledge, scientific achievements, information technology in research in the field of international economic relations; interpret the results of research, be able to present them, find ways to solve problems and predict the future consequences of decisions. PRE14. Be able to work proactively, boldly, independently and in a team, take responsibility and risks for decisions on certain issues of international business, motivate employees and manage the company's team to achieve goals, ensure high quality work and justify the effectiveness of business in turbulent business. environment. PRE15. Organize foreign economic activity at the enterprise level, develop corporate strategy and organizational development programs, manage organizations, departments, groups (teams) of employees, projects, and networks. PRE16. Research and analyze the modern international business environment, the impact of economic and non-economic, including socio-cultural, religious, psychological, technical, and technological factors on its uncertainty, risk and turbulence, take into account these factors in the process
Form of study
External form
Examination regulations and grading scale
Written and oral exams, credits, differentiated credit, current control, module tests, essays, case study, presentations, other work forms during seminars and self-study, reporting and defense of the results of practice, defense of master’s work, complex qualification exam on educational program “International Business (Management and Marketing)”, etc.
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
Professional practice in the field of study in international or Ukrainian companies (pre-diploma traineeship)
Work-based learning
Director of the course
Chair of International Business
Educational and scientific institute of international relations
Occupational profiles of graduates
Employment in structural units operating in the international business environment, in national and international corporations, line ministries and other departmental structures, international economic organizations, universities, academic institutions of Ukraine and foreign countries
Access to further studies
Opportunity to continue education at the third level of higher education, advanced training and additional education in certified programs and postgraduate programs, as well as lifelong learning