International finance and investments

Educational and scientific institute of international relations

International finance and investments
Program code
Qualification awarded
Master's degree in international economic relations of the educational program "International Finance and Investments", economist (international relations)
Length of programme
1,5 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
Second (Master)
International relations
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
Current information on the terms and rules of admission to the "International Finance and Investments" educational program is available on the website of the Taras Shevchenko KNU Admissions Committee ( in accordance with the Taras Shevchenko KNU Admission Rules for the current year
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
An applicant should hold a bachelor's, specialist's, or master's degree
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
1. Completion of pre-diploma practice with a grade of at least 75 points. 2. Choosing a specialized block of disciplines from the curriculum and obtaining an average score not lower than "75" based on the results of all the disciplines included. 3. Obtaining at least 75 points on the final certification (passing the comprehensive qualification exam of the "International Finance and Investments" program; fulfillment and presentation of the qualifying master's thesis).
Programme learning outcomes
1. Have the necessary knowledge and skills in business communications in the field of IER, communicate effectively, including communication in a foreign language, necessary for professional activity. 2. Think creatively, show flexibility in decision-making based on logical arguments and verified facts in conditions of limited time and resources using various diagnostic methodologies of leading international organizations. 3. Systematize, synthesize, organize information, identify problems, formulate conclusions and develop recommendations, using effective approaches and technologies, and specialized software in order to solve complex problems, regarding the peculiarities of IER. 4. Make decisions on the problems of IER under uncertain conditions and requirements. 5. Assess the degree of complexity of tasks when planning activities and processing their results. 6. Analyze regulatory documents, analytical reports, and reference materials, conduct applied analytical developments, and prepare analytical materials. 7. Study and analyze the development models of national economies and justify measures to achieve their strategic goals in the conditions of transformation of world economic relations. 8. Develop and research adaptive models for leveling imbalances and leveling threats to global development. 9. Monitor, analyze, and evaluate the activities of global firms in order to identify their competitive positions and advantages in world markets. 10. Understand the patterns and trends of the development of the world economy and the phenomenon of the new economy, taking into account the processes of intellectualization, informatization, and scientific and technological exchange. 11. Understand the essence of the social dimension of global economic development and implement the principles of social responsibility in the activities of IER subjects. 12. Determine geoeconomic strategies of countries and their regional economic priorities, taking into account national economic interests and the security component of the IER in the context of global problems of humanity and asymmetric distribution of world resources. 13. Identify changes in market conditions under the influence of uncertain factors, and carry out their comparative analysis, to critically evaluate the consequences of produced ideas and decisions made in order to forecast the development trend of global markets. 14. Present the results of your own research by preparing scientific publications and testing at scientific events. 15. Manage international investment projects. 16. Develop and implement FDI strategies, and apply appropriate measures of international business planning. 17. Optimize international investment portfolios, including using appropriate tools. 18. Analyze the main types of financial reports of MNE, and to use relevant information to study the effectiveness of their economic activities. 19. Determine the main directions of the functioning and development of the IFM, to identify problematic aspects and trends in the development of their individual segments. 20. Identify key approaches and strategies of international banking, basic areas of activity, and types of operations of international banks. 21. Understand and be able to apply the main methods and tools of international lending, and the advantages, and disadvantages of bank funding in relation to other sources of funding. 22. Assess the prerequisites of international insurance, and key risks, and develop elements of insurance strategies for international enterprises. 23. Identify patterns and trends in the movement of international capital flows, understand the underlying factors 24. Research, analyze, and evaluate the main provisions and conclusions of the paradigm of international finance, the main existing theories, and approaches, and key models.
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
Written and written-oral exams, current control, modular control papers, essays, "case studies", presentations, tests, differentiated tests, other types of activities in seminar classes and independent work, report and presentation based on the results of pre-diploma practice, presentation of the qualification master's thesis, comprehensive qualification exam of the educational program "International Finance and Investments", etc. A total 100-point rating scale is used where: 90-100 - excellent; 75-89 - good; 60-74 - satisfactory; 0-60 - unsatisfactory;
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
On the basis of bilateral agreements between the Educational and Scientific Institute of International Relations (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv) and the Higher Education Institution of Ukraine, cooperation is carried out in the field of national mobility of masters and corresponding re-enrollment of credits. The mechanism for implementing national credit mobility is regulated by the "Regulations on the procedure for implementing the right to academic mobility at the Taras Shevchenko KNU" dated June 29, 2016, as well as the "Regulations on the procedure for re-enrollment of study results at the Taras Shevchenko KNU" dated June 29, 2016
Work placement
Completion of pre-diploma practice with a score of no less than 75 points is a mandatory condition for awarding the professional qualification of an economist (international relations).
Work-based learning
Director of the course
Chair of international finance
Educational and scientific institute of international relations
Occupational profiles of graduates
Jobs in the field of financial management of international economic relations, in international financial organizations, at international and national enterprises, in joint investment institutes, international banking institutions, in central and local executive authorities, as well as research and consulting organizations.
Access to further studies
The possibility of continuing education at the third level of higher education, improving qualifications and obtaining additional education through certified and postgraduate programs, as well as lifelong learning.


As part of the curriculum, students study the following disciplines

International lending
Code: ОК 02,
International enterprise and direct investment
Code: ОК 03,
Scientific and practical research of international economic relations
Code: ОК 04,
International business insurance
Code: ОК 05,
International financial markets and banking
Code: ОК 06,
Diplomatic protocol and business etiquette
Code: ОК 07,
Foreign language
Code: ОК 08,
International financial management
Code: ОК 01,
Business ethics in international investment
Code: ВК 1.2,
Business plan of an international enterprise
Code: ВК 1.3,
International portfolio investment
Code: ОК 09,
Theories of foreign direct investments
Code: ОК 10,
Theories of international finance
Code: ОК 11,
Strategic management of an international enterprise
Code: ОК 12,
Modern problems of international finance
Code: ВК 2.1,
International financial engineering
Code: ВК 2.2,
Global value chains of an international enterprise
Code: ВК 1.1,
Tax management of international enterprise
Code: ВК 2.3,
Global derivative market
Code: ВК 2.4,
International financial analytics
Code: ВК 2.5,
International audit and financial analysis
Code: ВК 1.6,
Offshore finance
Code: ВК 2.7,
Tax policy of foreign countries
Code: ВК 1.7,
Strategies for optimizing international investment portfolios
Code: ВК 2.8,
Mergers and acquisitions in global capital markets
Code: ВК 1.8,
International investment management
Code: ВК 1.4,
International investment projects: case studies
Code: ВК 1.5,