
Course: International Economic Relations (with compulsory study of two foreign languages)

Structural unit: Educational and scientific institute of international relations

Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
1 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
To be responsible for professional self-improvement, aware of the need for lifelong learning, to show tolerance and readiness for innovative changes. Identify and highlight the features of the functioning of the subjects of international relations and models of their economic development. Identify the causes, types and nature of international conflicts and disputes, justify and apply economic, legal and diplomatic methods and means of resolving them at the international level, defending the national interests of Ukraine.
Form of study
Distance form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1.1 To know the basic theoretical principles and key concepts of Economics and current trends in its development 1.2 To understand the main problems of Economics, their relationship with the processes taking place in society 1.3 To know the principles and laws of the market economy at different levels 1.4 To know the reasons and limits of state regulation of the economy at different levels 2.1 To know the main concepts of Economics, basic models and methods of analysis of economic phenomena and processes 2.2 To be able to use methods of economic research to analyze the effectiveness of various economic systems and their elements 2.3 To be able to independently identify economic problems in the analysis of specific situations, suggest ways to solve them 3.1 To be able to independently collect, systematize and scientifically interpret economic information 3.2 To be able to lead a discussion, defend one's own views, use professional reasoning
Course content
Module 1. General principles of Economics. Topic 1. Subject and method of Economics Topic 2. Economic system, economic needs and interests. Property relations Topic 3. Forms of organization of social production and their evolution Topic 4. Theory of money and money circulation Topic 5. Market economy: essence, structure, infrastructure Topic 6. Demand and supply. The theory of market equilibrium Module 1. Theoretical foundations of micro- and macroeconomics Topic 7. Competition and monopoly in a market economy Topic 8. Entrepreneurship and enterprise in a market economy Topic 9. Capital. Production costs, revenues, their sources and distribution Topic 10. Financial and credit system Topic 11. State regulation of a market economy Topic 12. Globalization of the economy and internationalization of economic life
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Економічна теорія: Політекономія. Підручник / за ред. В.Д. Базилевича. 7-ме вид., випр. і перероб. К.: Знання-Прес, 2014. 710 с. 2. Економічна теорія: політекономія: практикум: навч. посіб. / за ред. В.Д. Базилевича. К.: Знання, 2010. 494 с. 3. Осецький В.Л., Онищенко Н.В., Пінчук Є.А. Політекономія: навч. посіб. К.: НАУ, 2013. 380 с. 4. Економічна теорія (політекономія, мікроекономіка, макроекономіка): навч. посіб. / [Н.П. Мацелюх та ін.]. - Ірпінь : Ун-т ДФС України, 2018. - 429 с. 5. Базилевич В.Д. Інтелектуальна власність: підручник. К.: Знання, 2014. 671 с. 6. Фондовий ринок: підручник / за ред. В.Д. Базилевича. К.: Знання, 2015. 621 с. (Серія “Класичний університетський підручник”). 7. Макконнелл К.Р., Брю С.Л. Экономикс: принципы, проблемы и политика: В 2 т. М.: Инфра-М, 2007. 939 с. 8. Самуэльсон П.Э. Экономика: Пер. с англ. К.: 2015. 1358 с. 9. Цінні папери: практикум / за ред. В.Д. Базилевича. К.:Знання, 2013. 791 с.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, seminars, case study
Assessment methods and criteria
1. Oral answers, comments, blitz poll, discussion, problems – up to 30 points. 2. Tasks for individual work (case study presentation) – up to 10 points. 3.Module control work – up to 20 points. 4. Examination test work – up to 40 points
Language of instruction


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