
Faculty of Philosophy

Program code
Qualification awarded
Bachelor of Politology
Length of programme
4 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
First (Bachelor)
Social and behavioral sciences
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
According to the admission rules of the current year
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
A prerequisite for admission to the educational program is the presence of a complete general secondary education
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
Attestation of graduates of the educational and professional program of the specialty 052 "Politоlogy" is conducted in the form of a qualifying exam in political science and a public defense of the qualifying work and ends with the issuance of a document of the established model awarding him with a bachelor's degree with the assignment of an educational qualification: Bachelor of Politiology
Programme learning outcomes
1. To understand the subject area, ethical and legal principles of professional activity.2. To fluently communicate in the state and one of the foreign languages orally and in writing in professional activities.3. To be able to think critically in the field of professional activity.4. To have professional communication skills5. To be able to use information and communication technologies in professional activities.6. To know their rights and responsibilities as a member of a democratic society and use them in their professional activities.7. To understand the history, patterns and stages of development of the subject area of political science, know its values and achievements.8. To be able to use the basic categorical-conceptual and analytical-research apparatus of modern political science.9. To be able to apply political science thinking to solve theoretical and practical problems in the political sphere on the basis of mastering classical and modern political thought.10. To be able to describe, explain and evaluate political processes and phenomena in different historical, social, cultural and ideological contexts.11. To apply the tools of normative and empirical political theory, political methodology, comparative and applied political science, international and global studies in professional activities.12. To be able to analyze the interaction of political actors and institutions, power and government, political systems and regimes, political behavior in different contexts of their functioning.13. To be able to analyze public policy at the local, national, European and global levels.14. To apply theories and methods of applied political science, political communications, special political science disciplines in professional activities.15. To construct design, develop a program and perform political science research using modern methods, technologies and tools of political analysis.16. To present the results of theoretical and applied research to professionals and the general public, the media, experts in other fields of knowledge
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
Examination is carried out in accordance with the content of the work program of the academic discipline. Rating scale: "excellent" - 90-100; "good" - 75-89; "satisfactory" - 60-74; "unsatisfactory" - 0-59. Attestation of graduates of the educational and professional program of the specialty 052 "Politоlogy" is conducted in the form of a qualifying exam in political science and a public defense of the qualification work
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
Political and sociological educational practices lasting 3 weeks, which students take in public organizations, political parties, and state authorities
Work-based learning
Director of the course
Inna Anatoliyivna Tukalenko
Politology department
Faculty of Philosophy
Occupational profiles of graduates
Acquired competencies can be applied in expert-analytical, political-organizational, consulting and public activities
Access to further studies
A bachelor can continue his education at the second (master's) level of higher education, improve his qualifications and receive additional postgraduate education.


As part of the curriculum, students study the following disciplines

History of foreign political students. 1 Part
Code: ОК 4,
Ukrainian language
Code: ОК 1,
Introduction to political science
Code: ОК 7,
History of Ukraine
Code: ОК 2,
Foreign Language
Code: ОК 3,
Admission to university studies
Code: ОК 14,
History of philosophy
Code: ОК 30,
Traditional logic
Code: ОК 32,
Modern logic
Code: ОК 33,
Theoretical and practical philosophy
Code: ОК 34,
General Psychology
Code: ОК 15,
Code: ОК 16,
Foreign and Ukrainian culture
Code: ОК 25,
Foreign culture
Code: ОК 26,
Political rhetoric
Code: ОК 29,
Code: ОК 31,
Democracy: from theory to practice
Code: ОК 40,
Code: ОК 34,
General theory of politics
Code: ОК 7,
Contemporary political history of the world
Code: ОК 23,
History of Ukrainian culture
Code: ОК 24,
History of Political Thought in Ukraine
Code: ОК 14,
Basics of party science
Code: ОК 18,
Political theory of the state
Code: ОК 19,
Scientific image of the world
Code: ОК 25,
Code: ВБ 7.1,
Selected sections of labor law and business law
Code: ОК 28,
Political management and political forecasting
Code: ОК 39,
Practical Political Science
Code: ОК 20,
Modern foreign constitutionalism
Code: ОК 21,
Electoral Political Science
Code: ОК 05,
Electoral Political Science
Code: ОК 37,
Sociological methods of researching political processes
Code: ОК 35,
General and social ecology
Code: ОК 6,
Political responsibility
Code: ОК 27,
Public administration
Code: ОК 36,
Fundamentals of elitology
Code: ОК 38,
Electoral technologies and communication technologies in politics Больше информации: electoral
Code: ВБ 1.5,
Modern Ukrainian constitutionalism
Code: ОК 22,