Foreign and Ukrainian culture

Course: Politology

Structural unit: Faculty of Philosophy

Foreign and Ukrainian culture
ОК 25
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
2 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
1. Understand the subject area, ethical and legal principles of professional activity. 7. To understand the history, patterns and stages of development of the subject area of political science, to know its values and achievements. 10. Be able to describe, explain and evaluate political processes and phenomena in different historical, social, cultural and ideological contexts.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. Before starting this course, students should know the main consequences of the historical development of mankind (at the level of secondary education). 2. To be able to collect and interpret information about the phenomena and phenomena of culture, cultural processes and events. 3. Possess elementary skills of scientific research and mastering information; critical attitude to socio-cultural phenomena; the use of foreign language professional cultural information sources
Course content
The course provides a review of the general definition of culture, the characteristics of cultural processes, their differences and, at the same time, the relationship with natural processes, the disclosure of the concepts of civilization, cultural era, cultural paradigm, cultural picture of the world. The main attention is paid to showing the specificity of the diversity of cultures as a result of global and local processes along the paths of their historical development and the prospects of finding their productive unity in the context of preserving the cultural diversity of the modern world. In the situation of increasing the role of national culture and the development of statehood, knowledge of general civilizational processes will contribute to the formation of students' broader horizons of their own worldviews, the ability to navigate in modern cultural reality.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Hrytsak YA.Y. Podolaty mynule. Hlobalʹna istoriya Ukrayiny. – K.: Portal, 2021. – 432 s. 2. Istoriya svitovoyi kulʹtury. Kulʹturni rehiony. Pid red L.Levchuk. Navch. Posibnyk. – K.: Lybidʹ, 1997.; 2-he vydannya 2000 r. 3. Istoriya svitovoyi kulʹtury: Nav. posib./Kerivnyk avt. kolektyvu L. T. Levchuk. – 3-te vyd. pererob. dop. – K.: Tsentr uchbovoyi literatury,2010. 4. Istoriya ukrayinsʹkoyi kulʹtury. U 5 tomakh.. – K.: Naukova dumka,2000- 2009. 5. Kulʹturolohiya: pidruchnyk dlya studentiv vyshchykh navchalʹnykh zakladiv –Kharkiv, 2013 6. Plokhiy S. Brama Yevropy. Istoriya Ukrayiny vid skifsʹkykh voyen do nezalezhnosti / Per. z anhl. R. Klochko. ‒ KH., 2016. ‒ 496 s. 7. Popovych M. Chervone stolittya. K.: ArtEk,2007. – 5-175s.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, seminars, independent work
Assessment methods and criteria
At seminar classes (oral reports, additions and participation in discussions at seminars), the level of knowledge and the completeness of the disclosure of the issue in oral reports are subject to assessment; activity in discussing issues and argumentation of one's own position in discussions; use of additional sources when preparing a report; the ability to carry out a critical analysis of ideas and statements presented for discussion. The criteria for evaluating independent work (presentation of independent research, eview of sources with analytical commentary) are the completeness of the disclosure of the problem; integrity, systematicity, logical sequence, ability to formulate conclusions; the presence of an independent, scientifically based commentary (with reference to the main and additional literature for the course), the formulation of an opinion using professional terminology, compliance with the deadlines set for the performance of independent works
Language of instruction


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