Biology And Medicine Institute Science Educational Center

Program code
Qualification awarded
Master of Medicine
Length of programme
6 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
Second (Master)
Health care
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
Complete general secondary education
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Enrolment of foreign students is based on the results of entrance examinations in certain subjects and languages of education and on the basis of academic rights to continue their studies, confirmed by a document on the level of education in the country of origin.
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
Certification is carried out in the form of a single state qualification exam - integrated test exam (STEP 1 and STEP 2), test exam in English for professional purposes conducted by the Testing Center at the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and practical (clinical) exam that evaluates clinical ) components of professional competence on a real object or model and conducted by the examination commission of a higher education institution
Programme learning outcomes
1. Have a thorough knowledge of the structure of professional activity. Be able to carry out professional activities that require updating and integration of knowledge. To be responsible for professional development, ability to further professional training with a high level of autonomy. 2. Understanding and knowledge of basic and solve professional problems in the field of health care. 3. Specialized conceptual knowledge, which includes scientific achievements in the field of health care and is the basis for research, critical thinking in the field of medicine and related interdisciplinary problems. 4. Identify and identify the leading clinical symptoms and syndromes (according to list 1); according to standard methods, using preliminary data of the patient's anamnesis, data of the patient's examination, knowledge of the person, his organs and systems, to establish a preliminary clinical diagnosis of the disease (according to list 2). 5. Collect complaints, life history and disease, assess the psychomotor and physical development of the patient, the state of organs and systems of the body, based on the results of laboratory and instrumental studies to assess information about the diagnosis (list 4), taking into account the patient's age. 6. Establish a final clinical diagnosis by making an informed decision and analysis of subjective and objective data of clinical, additional examination, differential diagnosis, adhering to relevant ethical and legal norms, under the supervision of a physician manager in a health care institution ( on the list 2). The whole list of the Program learning outcomes is described in the attached file
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
Current and final control are organized in the form of tests / differentiated tests and written or combined exams, qualification test state exam "STEP" and practice-oriented exam. Final evaluation of learning outcomes is carried out on a single 100-point scale. The minimum threshold for evaluation of the educational component is 60% of the maximum possible number of points. Rating scale: Excellent 90-100 Good 75-89 Satisfactory 60-74 Poor 1-59 Credited 60-100 Not credited 0-59
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
Preparation of highly qualified specialists in the program “Medicine”, able to use knowledge, skills, understanding to solve typical tasks of the doctor's activity in the field of health care, to perform appropriate functions, to solve certain problems and tasks of the activity, in the case of receiving the system of skills and competences defined by this program at the level of independent scientific creativity and research. Realization of this purpose is provided by laboratory works on the particular disciplines, specialized / profile laboratory and educational practices; conducting research in the laboratories of the institute or research institutions-partners in Ukraine and, according to the right for academic mobility, in leading educational or research institutions abroad.
Work-based learning
Director of the course
Department of of Anatomy and Pathological Physiology
Biology And Medicine Institute Science Educational Center
Occupational profiles of graduates
A graduate is able to perform the functional duties of an intern.
Access to further studies
The graduate of the program must enter the postgraduate programs (internship, residency), to receive certain speciality and may also enter the program for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.


As part of the curriculum, students study the following disciplines

Foreign language (Ukrainian)
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Introduction to University Studies and the History of Medicine
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Medical biology
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Medical chemistry
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Human anatomy
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Histology, cytology and embryology
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Health and safety; fundamentals of bioethics and biosafety
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Latin language and medical terminology
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Medical and biological physics
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Biological and bioorganic chemistry
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Selected sections of the labor and medical law and the basics of business
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Medical informatics and the fundamentals of statistics
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Foreign language (for professional purposes)
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Deontology with the basics of professional and corporate ethics
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Microbiology, virology and immunology
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Hygiene and ecology
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Taking care of patients (practice)
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Clinical anatomy and operative surgery
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Pharmacology and medical prescription
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Propaedeutics of internal medicine
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Propedeutics of pediatrics
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Nursing practice
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General surgery
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Propaedeutics of internal medicine
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Pediatrics with children's infectious diseases
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Clinical surgery with a course of anesthesiology and resuscitation
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Obstetrics and gynecology
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Psychiatry and narcology
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Manufacturing medical practice
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Internal medicine
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Surgery including pediatric surgery, neurosurgery
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Epidemiology and principles of evidence-based medicine
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Traumatology and orthopedics
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Clinical biochemistry
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Oncology and radiation medicine
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Infectious diseases
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Urgent and emergeny medical care
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Social medicine, public health with the basics of evidence-based medicine
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Theory and practice of professional language communication
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Sociology and medical sociology
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Clinical physiology
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Current issues of laboratory and instrumental diagnostics in the clinic of internal medicine
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Management and marketing in medicine
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Features of clinical and laboratory diagnosis in the elderly
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Clinical parasitology and tropical medicine
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Laboratory diagnostics of parasitic infestations
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ECG basics. From theory to practice
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Modern methods of genetic diagnostics
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Actual problems of clinical pathomorphology
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Evidence-Based Medicine
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Clinical microbiology, virology and immunology
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Current issues of physiotherapy, balneology and rehabilitation
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Current issues of physical rehabilitation in the clinic of internal medicine
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Current problems in gastroenterology
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Emergency care (emergency conditions) in urology
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Topical issues of ENT pathologies
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Plastic interventions in otorhinolaryngology
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