Biology And Medicine Institute Science Educational Center

Program code
Qualification awarded
Bachelor of Ecology
Length of programme
1 year
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
First (Bachelor)
Natural sciences
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
The presence of a complete general secondary education or a junior bachelor's degree (junior specialist). Categories of persons subject to special conditions of participation in the competitive selection for higher education on the basis of complete general secondary education in accordance with the Rules for Admission to Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv in 2022.
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Enrollment of foreign citizens is based on the results of entrance examinations in the specified subjects and the language of instruction and on the basis of academic rights to continue their studies, confirmed by a document on the level of education received in the country where it was provided.
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
Academic qualification is awarded on the condition of successful mastery of the educational components of the program, successful completion of the comprehensive examination and public defense of the final qualification thesis.
Programme learning outcomes
LO01. To demonstrate understanding of the basic principles of management of environmental actions and / or environmental projects. LO02. To understand basic ecological laws, rules and principles of environmental protection and nature management. LO03. To understand the basic concepts, theoretical and practical problems in the field of natural sciences, which are necessary for analysis and decision-making in the areas of ecology, environmental protection and optimal nature management. LO04. To use management principles, which are the basis for environmental safety system. LO05. To know the conceptual basis of monitoring and regulation of anthropogenic pressure on the environment. LO06. To detect the factors that determine the formation of landscape and biological diversity. LO07. To solve problems in the area of environmental protection using generally accepted and / or standard approaches and international and domestic experience. LO08. To be able to search for information using appropriate sources to make informed decisions LO09. To demonstrate skills of assessing unforeseen environmental problems and to make informed choice of the ways to solve them. LO10. To be able to use software, GIS technologies and Internet resources for information support of environmental studies. The rest of the learning outcomes can be found in the attached Program Profile.
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
Current and final control is carried out in the form of credits / differentiated credits and written or combined examinations, a comprehensive examination, public defence of the course thesis and bachelor’s qualification thesis. The final assessment of learning outcomes is carried out according to the common 100-marks scale. The minimum threshold level of assessment for an educational component is 60% of the maximum possible number of marks. The scale of marks correspondence: Excellent 90-100 Good 75-89 Satisfactory 60-74 Unsatisfactory 1-59 Pass 60-100 Fail 0-59
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
Practical training is provided during the vocational practice on the basis of industrial enterprises, scientific institutions, executive organs in the field of environmental protection and public environmental organizations.
Work-based learning
Director of the course
Vladlen Тrokhymets
Department of Ecology and Zoology
Biology And Medicine Institute Science Educational Center
Occupational profiles of graduates
Possibility to hold positions with the professional qualification Ecologist in the process of education, and junior Ecologist. The workplace of an ecologist can be in the relevant departments of central and regional executive organs in the field of environmental protection; control organs in the field of environmental protection, rational use, reconstruction and protection of natural resources; enterprises, institutions and organizations, their branches and representative offices or associations, individual industries, other management objects.
Access to further studies
Possibility of studying under the program of the second level of higher education to obtain the degree Master; receive postgraduate education; advanced training; academic mobility.


As part of the curriculum, students study the following disciplines

Chemistry with the basics of biogeochemistry
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Ecological aspects of cell biology
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Admission to university studies
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Foreign Language
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Ukrainian and foreign culture
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Plant ecology
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Ecology of animals
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General ecology (and neoecology)
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Higher mathematics
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Analytical chemistry
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Geology with the basics of geomorphology
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Landscape ecology
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Human ecology and urban ecology
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Meteorology and climatology
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Socio-political studies
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Cartographic methods in ecology
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Selected sections of labor law and basics of business
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Informatics and systemology
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Ecological safety and technoecology
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Evolution of the biosphere
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Economics of nature management
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Environmental monitoring
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Protected area
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Industrial practice in ecology
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Environmental legislation and environmental law
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Modeling and forecasting of the state of the environment
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Organization of management in environmental activities
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Population ecology
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Foreign Language
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Ecological examination and standardization of anthropogenic load
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Pre-diploma practice
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Comprehensive state exam according to the training program
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Bachelor's qualification work according to the training program
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Protection of flora
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Protection and rational use of water resources
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Ecophysiology of plants
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Ecophysiology of animals
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Protection of wildlife
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Phytoresource science
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Ethology and socioecology
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Forestry and horticulture
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Use of wildlife resources
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Hunting science
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Experimental methods in ecology
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Organization of scientific research at NPF facilities
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Historical anthropology
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History of civilizations
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History of Ukrainian statehood
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Prominent intellectuals of the world
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Religious Studies
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Business Economics
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Business planning
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Land management
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Ecological nosology
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Soil ecology
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Ecological biotechnology
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Management of protected areas
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Biological invasions
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Basics of green business
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Basics of green tourism and recreation
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Fundamentals of environmental toxicology
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Ecological biochemistry
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Course work on ecology
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