Arabic language, literature, and translation, the French language

Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

Arabic language, literature, and translation, the French language
Program code
Qualification awarded
Bachelor of Philology in specialization Oriental Languages and Literatures (translation included), Major - Arabic
Length of programme
4 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
First (Bachelor)
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Certificate of Complete general secondary education
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
Programme learning outcomes
PLO 1. Use the Ukrainian language as the state language in all spheres of public life, in particular in professional communication. PLO 2. Analyze the main trends of historical development of the Ukrainian people, to argue in favor of one's position on sensitive points of Ukrainian history and modern social life. PLO 3. Work effectively with information: select the necessary information from different sources, critically analyze and interpret it, organize, classify and systematize it. PLO 4. Organize the process of learning and self-education. PLO 5. Demonstrate understanding of fundamental principles of human existence, nature and society. PLO 6. Cooperate with colleagues, representatives of other cultures and religions, supporters of different political views, etc. PLO 7. Use the Oriental language to organize effective intercultural communication. PLO 8. Apply philological knowledge to solve professional problems. PLO 9. Highlight the branches of philology and outline the range of their key issues. PLO 10. Know the Oriental language system. (See Program Profile for the full list)
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
The evaluation of students' knowledge in each discipline includes current, modular and final control. Current control is carried out in the form of oral interviews, written works, reports at seminars, abstracts, presentations. Modular control takes the form of a written modular test or test. Final control includes tests, differentiated tests, exams (oral, written, written, in test form), certification (final) exam, defense of bachelor's theses. Rating scale (in points): Excellent 90-100 Good 75-89 Satisfactory 60-74 Unsatisfactory 0-59 Passed 60-100 Failed 0-59. Students must adhere to the rules of academic integrity in education: adhere to the principles of honesty, trust, justice, respect, responsibility; uphold the values of academic integrity and adhere to its rules in all activities in the university space and beyond.
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
Communication and translation practice is a compulsory component of the EP. The bases of the practice are the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine (in Arabic) and the French Center of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology in Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (in French). The internship is based on bilateral agreements between Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University and educational institutions of partner countries, including Egypt, Qatar, Kuwait, provided that a student has an average grade point of at least 75 points.
Work-based learning
Director of the course
Mariya Petrivna Velychko
Department of Middle East Languages and Literature
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology
Occupational profiles of graduates
Bachelor of Philology can work in scientific, literary, publishing and educational fields; in print and electronic media, in the field of advertising and PR agencies; in various foundations, unions, humanitarian foundations, museums, art and cultural centers, etc. Knowledge of Arabic and French provides employment opportunities in various sectors of the economy, which require translation, communication and text creation services in these languages, as well as in travel agencies and international organizations.
Access to further studies
Master's degree program in the second cycle program FQ-EHEA, 7 level EQF-LLL and 8 level HPK.


As part of the curriculum, students study the following disciplines

Linguistic and regional studies of the Arab East countries
Code: ннд.11.02.,
Basics of linguistics: synchrony
Code: Ннд.13.02.,
The Arabic language: basic level
Code: ннд.08.01.,
The Arabic language: basic level
Code: ннд.08.01.,
Lingual and regional studies of the Arab East countries
Code: ннд.11.02.,
Introduction to Arabic Philology
Code: ННД.13.04.,
Basics of literary studies (by regional direction)
Code: Ннд.15.02.,
Basics of linguistics: diachrony
Code: ННД.13.03.,
The Arabic language: intermediate level
Code: ННД.08.02.,
Basics of Arabic translation practice
Code: ННД.09.02.,
Basics of Arabic translation theory
Code: ННД.09.01.,
Oral and ancient Arabic literature
Code: ННД.12.01.,
Medieval Arabic literature
Code: ННД.12.02.,
Basics of Arabic translation practice
Code: ННД.09.02.,
The Arabic language: intermediate level
Code: Ннд.08.02.,
Lexicology of the Arabic language (term paper)
Code: ННД.10.01,
Theoretical grammar of the Arabic language
Code: ННД.10.02.,
The Arabic language: advanced level
Code: ННД.08.03.,
Business language and Arabic business etiquette
Code: ДВС.1.06.,
Information provision of philological research in the field of Iranian studies
Code: ДВС.1.01.,
Stylistics of the Arabic language
Code: ННД.10.03.,
Arabic medieval prose: linguistic aspect
Code: ДВС.1.09.,
Arabic linguistic tradition
Code: ДВС.1.02.,
Arabic classical poetics
Code: ДВС.1.07.,
Introduction to Arabic dialectology
Code: ДВС.1.05.,
The Arabic language: advanced level
Code: ННД.08.03.,
Translation of Arabic economical and commercial texts
Code: ДВС.1.08.,
Ukrainian-Oriental language translation
Code: ННД.10.04.,
The Oriental language: functional level
Code: ННД.09.04.,
Code: ННД.13.,
Arabic dialects: practical course
Code: ДВС.1.09.,
Second Oriental language (Persian). Practical course
Code: ДВС.1.11.,
The genre paradigm of the modern Arabic novel
Code: ННД.12.04,
Translation of Arabic legal and diplomatic texts
Code: ДВС.1.12.,
History of the first oriental language
Code: ННД.16.,
Arabic-Ukrainian audiovisual translation
Code: ДВС.1.15.,
The language of the Quran and Quranic studies
Code: ДВС.1.13.,
Oral and written Arabic-Ukrainian two-way translation
Code: ДВС.1.16.,
Arabic dialects: practical course
Code: ДВС.1.09.,
Second Eastern language (Persian). Practical course
Code: ДВС.1.11.,
Introduction to university studies
Code: ННД.01,
Ukraine and the East: historical ties
Code: ННД.11.01,
Latin language
Code: ННД. 13.01,
Ukrainian: the basics of editing
Code: ННД.14.01,
Trends in the development of the world literary process
Code: ННД.15.03,
French: basic level
Code: ННД 16.01,
French: basic level
Code: ННД 16.01,
Ancient literature
Code: ННД.15.01,
Principles of Ecology
Code: ННД.03.,
Ukrainian and foreign culture
Code: ННД.04,
Eastern reminiscences in Ukrainian literature
Code: ННД.14.02,
French: intermediate level
Code: ННД.16.02,
French: intermediate level
Code: ННД.16.02,
Code: ННД.05,
Scientific image of the world
Code: ННД.02,
Socio-political studies
Code: ННД.06,
French: advanced level
Code: ННД.16.03,
French: advanced level
Code: ННД.16.03,
Arabic literature of the 19th and 20th centuries.
Code: ННД.12.03,
Arabic-Ukrainian translation of media texts
Code: ДВС.1.03,
Translation of Arabic-language online resources
Code: ДВС.1.04,
Selected sections of labor law and the basics of entrepreneurial activity
Code: ННД.07,
Code: ННД.13,
Western European language of business and academic direction
Code: ДВВ.02.04,
Arabic literature of the 19th and 20th centuries.
Code: ДВС.1.14,
Bachelor's qualification work in translation studies
Code: ННД.08,