Ukrainian Language and Translation (for Foreigners) (Language of study Ukrainian)

Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

Ukrainian Language and Translation (for Foreigners) (Language of study Ukrainian)
Program code
Qualification awarded
Bachelor of Philology
Length of programme
4 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
First (Bachelor)
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Full secondary education; proficiency in the Ukrainian language at the basic
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
Selection of the appropriate block of free choice disciplines and success in all disciplines of the block not less than 75 points, internship and defense of the bachelors degree work not less than 75 points.
Programme learning outcomes
PTR 1. To freely communicate in Ukrainian and Russian languages in the professional sphere with specialists and non-specialists orally and in writing, to use those languages for effective intercultural communication organisation. PTR 2. To effectively work with information, i.e. to select the necessary information from various sources, in particular from specialized literature and electronic databases, to critically analyze and interpret them, organize, classify and systematize PTR 3. To organize the process of learning and self-education. PTR 4. To understand the fundamental principles of human existence, nature and society. PTR 5. To collaborate with colleagues, representatives of other cultures and religions, supporters of different political views, etc. PTR 6. To use information and communication technologies, in particular, to solve complex specialized tasks and problems of professional activity. PTR 7. To understand the main problems of philology and ways to solve them using appropriate methods and innovative approaches. PTR 8. To know and understand the Russian language system and history, and to be able to use this knowledge in professional activities. PTR 9. To characterize the dialectal and social varieties of the Russian language and to describe the sociolingual situation. PTR 10, PTR 11, PTR 12, PTR 13, PTR 14, PTR 15, PTR 16, PTR 17, PTR 18, PTR 19, PTR 20, PTR 21, PTR 22, PTR 23, PTR 24, PTR 25, PTR 26, PTR 26 see in the profile of the educational and professional program ‘Ukrainian Language and Translation (for Foreigners)’.
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
Forms of assessment: current control (tests, oral examination, individual and group projects, presentations, abstracts), final control (tests, differentiated tests, exams (written, oral, mixed forms), term papers defense, practice reports, certification (final) exam, bachelor’s work defense. Rating scale – 100 points. 90-100 – ‘excellent’, 75-89 – ‘good’, 60-74 –‘satisfactory’, 1-59 – ‘fail’. Sanctions for academic integrity violation are determined by the Regulations on the organization of the educational process at the Taras Shevchenko National University in Kyiv.
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
Translation practice (МD) includes written translation of country studying texts from the native language into Ukrainian. During pedagogical practice (SB ‘Teaching Ukrainian language for foreigners’) students have to attend lectures and practical classes in the specialty and make up their detailed plan of lessons. Translation and country studying practice (SB ‘Ukrainian language in the linguistic and cultural aspect’) involves the preparation of an abstract-translation of country studying texts from the native language into Ukrainian, delivering lecture (presentations or excursion) and writing annotations on these materials. Form of control – differentiated exam in the form of report defense. Bases for practices: Kyiv Municipal Academy of Music named after R. Glier, Confucius Institute, Kyiv National University. T. Shevchenko, Scientific Library named after M. Maksimovich KNU. T. Shevchenko.
Work-based learning
Director of the course
Hanna Anatoliivna Chernenko
Department of Ukrainian Philology for Foreigners
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology
Occupational profiles of graduates
Jobs in science, literature, publishing and education; in print and electronic media, PR-agencies; in various foundations, unions, humanitarian foundations; in museums, libraries, archives, art and cultural centers, etc .; in various spheres of administrative and support services, organization of congresses and exhibitions, travel agencies activities; in various sectors of the economy, where services for text creation, analysis, translation and evaluation are needed; place for general educational institution teacher.
Access to further studies
Graduates can continue their studies at the second level university degree in the sphere of humanitarian sciences and education.


As part of the curriculum, students study the following disciplines

Practical phonetics of the Ukrainian language
Code: ОК.18,
Introduction to university studies
Code: ОК.01,
Practical grammar of the Ukrainian language
Code: ННД.16,
Practical course of a second foreign language (English)
Code: ОК.27,
Readings with comments of scientific texts
Code: ОК.24,
Oral speech
Code: ОК.22,
Written language
Code: ОК.23,
Fundamentals of the theory of language communication
Code: ОК.25 ,
Practical course of a second foreign language (English)
Code: ОК.27,
Practical course of Ukrainian language
Code: ОК.08,
History of Ukraine
Code: ОК.29 ,
Modern Ukrainian Language (Lexicology. Phraseology. Lexicography)
Code: ОК.09 ,
Introduction to linguistics
Code: ОК.19,
History of foreign literature
Code: ОК.21,
Introduction to translation studies and basics of practical translation
Code: ОК.15,
Practical course of the third foreign language (Russian)
Code: ОК.28,
Modern Ukrainian Language. Phonetics.
Code: ОК. 10.,
Basics of ecology
Code: ОК.07,
Selected sections of labor law
Code: ННД05,
History of Ukrainian literature
Code: ОК.20,
Practical course of Ukrainian language
Code: ОК.08,
Ukrainian and foreign culture
Code: ОК.02,
Translation and interpreting practice
Code: ОК16,
Practical course of the Ukrainian language
Code: OK.08,
Practical course of a second foreign language (English)
Code: ОК.27,
The scientific image of the world
Code: ОК.06,
Linguistic and country studies of the Ukrainian language
Code: ОК26,
Modern Ukrainian Language (Word formation)
Code: ОК.11 ,
Course work on lexicology and word formation of the Ukrainian language
Code: ОК.30,
Practical course of a third foreign language (Russian)
Code: ОК.28,
Practice of translation and interpretation
Code: ННД.15,
Practical course of Ukrainian language
Code: ОК.08,
Modern Ukrainian language. Morphology
Code: ОК.12,
Social and political studies
Code: ННД.04,
Words as a source of information about the culture and worldview of a people
Code: ДВС.2.01,
Universal features and national specificity in the grammar of Ukrainian language
Code: ДВС 2.03 ,
Ukrainian language in the professional sphere
Code: ДВС 2.02,
Practical course of a second foreign language (English)
Code: ОК.27,
Practice of translation and interpretation
Code: ННД.15,
Practice of translation and interpretation
Code: ННД.15,
Practical course of a second foreign language (English)
Code: ДВВ.09,
Language of mass media
Code: ДВС 2.05 ,
Modern Ukrainian Language. Morphology
Code: ОК.12,
Professional and practical training (translation)
Code: ННД.22,
Ukrainian phraseology in the linguistic and cultural aspect
Code: ДВС 2.04,
Course thesis on the morphology of the Ukrainian language
Code: ДВВ.13,
Colloquial style of the Ukrainian language in the context of national culture
Code: ДВС.2.06,
Professional and practical training (translation)
Code: ННД.21,
Practice of interpretation and translation
Code: ДВС 2.08,
Transcultural dialogue: studying a Ukrainian literary text
Code: ДВС 2.07,
Modern Ukrainian language (Syntax)
Code: ННД.13,
Stylistics of the Ukrainian language
Code: ДВВ.06,
Nonverbal communication: national and cultural specificity
Code: ДВС 2.09,
Code: ННД.03,
Bachelor's degree thesis
Code: ННД.19,
Final exam in Ukrainian language and translation
Code: ННД.20,
Lexical Compatibility of Words as a Translation and Linguistic Problem
Code: ДВС 2.10,
Practical training (translation and country studies)
Code: ДВС.2.12,
Modern Ukrainian language (Syntax)
Code: ННД.13,