Classical Philology and English language

Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

Classical Philology and English language
Program code
Qualification awarded
Bachelor of Philology with a specialization Classical Languages and Literatures (Translation Included)
Length of programme
4 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
First (Bachelor)
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Complete general secondary education (NQF Level 3 or higher).
Admission was based on the results of External Independent Assessment of the Ukrainian Language and Literature, Foreign Language, History of Ukraine or Geography; creative competitions, entrance exams or interviews.
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
Successful open and public passing of the final certification in the forms: comprehensive final exam in classical languages and literatures (testing, assessment of knowledge of classical languages and literatures, ability to analyze, comment, interpret and translate fragments of texts); final exam in English (testing, evaluation of theoretical and practical knowledge, level of English language proficiency, ability to use it in oral and written form); public defense of a bachelor's thesis.
Programme learning outcomes
ПРН 1. Communicate freely on professional issues with experts and non- experts in Ukrainian and a foreign language, in oral and in written form, use these languages to organize effective cross-cultural communication. ПРН 2. Process information effectively: collect relevant information from a variety of sources, including professional literature and electronic databases, critically analyze and interpret it, organize, classify and systematize it. ПРН 3. Organize own learning and self-education process. ПРН 4. Understand the fundamental principles of human, nature and society genesis. ПРН 5. Collaborate with colleagues, representatives of other cultures and religions, supporters of different political views, etc. ПРН 6. Use information and communication technologies to solve complex specialized tasks and issues of professional activity. ПРН 7. Understand the major issues of philology and approaches to solving those using relevant methods and innovative approaches. ПРН 8. Know and understand the system of the Ancient Greek, Latin and a foreign language, the general properties of literature as the art of word, the history of the Ancient Greek and Latin languages, and literature, be able to apply this knowledge in professional activities. ПРН 9. Characterize dialect and social varieties of classical and a foreign language, describe the sociolinguistic situation. ПРН 10. Know the rules of standard language and be able to apply them in practice. ПРН 11. Know the principles, technologies and techniques of oral and written texts of different genres and styles creation in Ukrainian, classical and a foreign language. ПРН 12. Analyze language units, determine their interaction, and characterize linguistic phenomena and the underlying processes. ПРН 13. Analyze and interpret works of the Ancient literature, determine their peculiarities and place in the literary process.
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
The final evaluation of learning outcomes at the University is carried out on a single 100-point scale. The assessment of the applicant corresponds to the ratio established of the level of professional and general competencies to the planned learning outcomes (as a percentage). The minimum positive level of assessment is 60 points. According to the results of exams, according to the results of course and diploma works (projects); based on the results of work in practice, the student is also graded on a 4-point scale: “Excellent”, “Good”, “Satisfactory”, “Unsatisfactory”. If the final exam is not conducted in the disciplines, the results of the applicant’s work are evaluated on a 2-point scale: “Passed” or “Fail”.
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
Professional industrial practice is mandatory. Students undergo practical training at the M. Maksymovich Scientific Library of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Before starting the internship, students must successfully master the grammar and syntax of the ancient Greek and Latin languages, be able to work with educational and scientific information in the field of classical philology, process it, make generalizations and conclusions, and have basic research skills.
Work-based learning
Director of the course
Olesia Vasylivna Lazer-Pankiv
Department of General Linguistics, Classical Philology and Neo-Hellenistics
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology
Occupational profiles of graduates
A bachelor of philology can work in scientific and applied fields; in research and experimental laboratories in the field of humanitarian sciences; in mass media; in publishing houses of books, magazines and periodicals; in foundations, unions, humanitarian organizations, museums, libraries, archives, art and cultural centers, etc.; in various fields of professional activity (art, sports, entertainment and recreation), where services for content creation, analysis, translation, evaluation of texts in classical and foreign languages are required.
Access to further studies
Graduates of the bachelor's program are eligible to pursue education on the second (master's) level of higher education in the field of Humanities, as well as to improve qualifications and receive additional postgraduate education.


As part of the curriculum, students study the following disciplines

Multi-semester discipline: Ancient Greek language (1 semester)
Code: ННД.22,
Comprehensive discipline: Introduction to Philology. Part 1. Introduction to Linguistics
Code: ННД.01,
English (1st term)
Code: ННД.25,
Comprehensive discipline: Introduction to Philology. Part 2: Introduction to Literary Studies
Code: ННД.02,
Introduction to Classical Philology
Code: ННД.17,
Multi-semester discipline: Latin language (1 semester)
Code: ННД.23,
Complex discipline: Historical and philological studies. Part 1. History of Ukraine
Code: ННД.03,
Introduction to university studies
Code: ННД.10,
Ancient mythology and modernity
Code: ННД.29,
Multi-semester discipline: Latin language (2 semester)
Code: ННД.23,
Historical and philological studies. 3: Ukrainian language and the basics of scientific discourse
Code: ННД.05,
History of Ancient Greek literature (2 semester)
Code: ННД.27,
English (2nd term)
Code: ННД.25,
Comprehensive discipline:Historical and philological studies.P.2: History of Ancient Greece and Rome
Code: ННД.04,
Multi-semester discipline: Ancient Greek language (2 semester)
Code: ННД.22,
History of ancient Greek literature (3rd semester)
Code: ННД.27,
Multi-semester discipline: Latin language (3 semester)
Code: ННД.23,
English (3d term)
Code: ННД.25,
Multi-semester discipline: Ancient Greek language (3 semester)
Code: ННД.22,
Sports and holidays in antiquity (in ancient Greek and Latin texts)
Code: ННД.31,
Ukrainian and foreign culture
Code: ННД.11,
Scientific image of the world
Code: ННД.12,
Principles of Ecology
Code: ННД.13,
English (4th term)
Code: ННД.25,
History of Roman literature (4th term)
Code: ННД.28,
Multi-semester discipline: Latin language (4th semester)
Code: ННД.23,
Ancient linguistics and modernity
Code: ННД.19,
History of classical philology
Code: ННД.18,
History of Ancient Rhetoric
Code: ННД.32,
Multi-semester discipline: Ancient Greek language (4th semester)
Code: ННД.22,
Greek-Latin foundations of scientific terminology
Code: ННД.20,
History of the Ancient Greek language
Code: ННД.17,
Culture of Ancient Greece and Rome (in ancient Greek and Latin texts)
Code: ННД.30,
Ancient metric as the basis of modern poetry
Code: ДВС. 1.03,
Ancient linguistics and modernity
Code: ДВС. 1.02 ,
Ancient mythology and modernity
Code: ДВС. 1.05,
Socio-political studies
Code: ННД.04,
Vernacular Latin and Romance languages
Code: ДВС. 1.09,
Byzantine literature
Code: ДВС. 1.08,
Ancient epigraphy and paleography in the linguistic and semiotic aspect
Code: ДВС. 1.07,
Latin medieval studies in the European space
Code: ДВС.1.12 2016,
Legal Latin
Code: ДВС. 1.15,
Methods of teaching classical and modern languages
Code: ДВС. 1.10,
History of Classical Philology
Code: ННД.18,
Dialogue of cultures in the texts of early patristics
Code: ДВС. 1.11,
Foreign Language. Communicative-Functional Level (English) (7th term)
Code: ДВВ. 07,
Ancient plots in the context of world literature (based on original texts)
Code: ДВС. 1.14,
Selected sections of labor law and the basics of entrepreneurial activity
Code: ННД.05,
Code: ННД.15,
Final exam in a foreign language
Code: ДВВ.15,
Comprehensive final exam in classical languages and literatures
Code: ННД.22,
Foreign Language. Communicative-Functional Level (English) (8th term)
Code: ДВВ. 07,
Suggestive potential of ancient sacred texts
Code: ДВС. 1.17,
Ukrainian neo-Latin studies: formation and development
Code: ДВС. 1.18,
Qualification work
Code: ННД.21,
Communication Technologies of Antiquity
Code: ДВС. 1.16,
Professional and industrial practice with a gap
Code: ННД.20,
Live Latina
Code: ДВС. 1.19,
History of the Latin language
Code: ННД.24,
Ancient plots in foreign literature
Code: ННД.08,
Antique plots in Ukrainian literature
Code: ННД.09,
Multi-semester discipline: English (5th semester)
Code: ННД.25,
Multi-semester discipline: English (6th semester)
Code: ННД.25,
Multi-semester discipline: Modern Greek language (6th semester)
Code: ДВС.18,
Theory of the English language (5th semester)
Code: ННД.26,
Theory of the English language (5th semester)
Code: ННД.26,
History of Roman Literature (5th semester)
Code: ,
Ancient theatre and modernity (based on original texts)
Code: ДВС.1.3,
Ancient Greek historical prose (based on original texts)
Code: ДВС.1.05,
Ancient Greek Philosophical Prose (based on original texts)
Code: ДВС.1.06,
Ancient Roman historical prose (based on original texts)
Code: ДВС.1.09,
Ancient Roman Oratorical prose (based on original texts)
Code: ДВС.1.10,