
Faculty of Sociology

Program code
Qualification awarded
3439 - assistant sociologist, 3436.1 - clerk
Length of programme
4 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
First (Bachelor)
Social and behavioral sciences
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
Competitive selection for enrollment in the OP "Sociology" on the basis of complete general secondary education is based on the results of external evaluation.
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
Professional qualification 3439 - assistant sociologist, 3436.1 - clerk is assigned by a separate decision of the examination commission
Programme learning outcomes
Learning outcomes defined by the Standard of Higher Education in the specialty: LO01. Use the conceptual apparatus of sociology in educational, research and other areas of professional activity. LO02. Understand the history of sociology, its modern concepts and theories, the main problems. LO03. Apply the provisions of sociological theories and concepts to the study of social change in Ukraine and the world. LO04. Explain the patterns and features of development and functioning of social phenomena in the context of professional tasks. LO05. Fluent in state and foreign / foreign languages ​​orally and in writing on professional matters. LO06. Effectively perform various roles (including organizer, communicator, critic, idea generator, performer, etc.) in the team in the process of solving professional problems. LO07. Be able to use information and communication technologies in the process of searching, collecting and analyzing sociological information. LO08. Justify one's own position, make and argue independent conclusions based on the results of research and analysis of professional literature. LO09. Be able to develop a program of sociological research. LO10. Have the skills to collect social information using quantitative and qualitative methods. LO11. Present the results of their own research to professionals and non-specialists. LO12. Know and adhere to the ethical norms of professional activity of a sociologist. Learning outcomes defined by the educational program: LO13. apply the tools of sociological science in the study of various spheres of public life LO 14. to determine the theoretical, methodological and conceptual principles of research of certain branches of sociological knowledge LO15. Carry out sociological analysis of social structures and processes at the micro, meso and macro levels LO 16. To substantiate the choice of methods and techniques of sociological research to solve current social problems LO17. Apply theoretical approaches and sociological tools for the analysis of communication processes in modern society and solving problems of coordination of interactions of social groups of Ukrainian society LO18. Define, design and forecast social mechanisms for stable operation and development of organizational systems of management and marketing LO19. Describe and comprehend social, demographic and economic statistics and apply methods of estimating, regulating and forecasting the processes of urbanization and globalization. LO20. Have the skills of sociological analysis of social problems and sociological justification of decisions to regulate them.
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
Assessment of students' academic achievements is carried out according to the ECTS system. Current control - oral and written questioning, assessment of work in small groups, testing, defense of individual and group research tasks and projects. Final control - exams and tests, differentiated test. Final attestation - preparation and public defense (presentation) of qualification (bachelor's) work and complex attestation exam.
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
The educational program provides for two types of practice: The educational practice, which is conducted for 3 years, aims to generalize, systematize the theoretical knowledge acquired by students, to develop skills and abilities to apply them in practice. Industrial practice is conducted in the 4th year of study, designed to develop professional skills, skills to make independent decisions in certain areas of work (or on specific issues) in real production conditions by performing certain functions and tasks inherent in the future profession.
Work-based learning
Director of the course
Maryna Oleksandrivna Sobolevs'ka
Department of Theory and History of Sociology
Faculty of Sociology
Occupational profiles of graduates
Access to further studies
Education at the second level of higher education


As part of the curriculum, students study the following disciplines

Introduction to University Studies
Code: ОК1,
Information Technologies in Sociology
Code: ОК3,
Social Anthropology: Sociological Foundations
Code: ОК7,
Theory and History of Sociology
Code: ОК4,
Code: ОК6,
Introduction to Sociology
Code: ОК2,
Foreign Language
Code: ОК5,
Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics in Sociology
Code: ОК8,
Code: ОК11,
Theory and History of Sociology
Code: ОК4,
Methods of collecting sociological data
Code: ОК9,
General Sociology
Code: ОК10,
Sociology of economics, labor and employment
Code: ОК18,
Sociological theories of the city and urbanization
Code: ВБ4.2,
Sociology of culture
Code: ОК13,
Social Inequalities in Contemporary Societies
Code: ОК15,
Organization and Operation of Social Research Service
Code: ВБ1.1,
Sociology of Space
Code: ВБ4.1,
Fundamentals of Ecology
Code: ОК12,
Sociology of Culture
Code: ОК13,
Techniques of Internet Research
Code: ВБ1.2,
Sociology of social work
Code: ВБ 2.1.,
Using Electronic Archives of Social Data
Code: ВБ1.3,
Sociology of television and the Internet
Code: ВБ6.1,
Social Structure of Society
Code: ОК16,
Social Statistics and Demography
Code: ОК17,
Scientific Vision of the World
Code: ОК20,
Quantitative Social Data Analysis Methods
Code: ОК14,
Term Paper
Code: ОК33,
Social Psychology
Code: ВБ6.4,
General Psychology
Code: ВБ7.3,
Sociology of Globalization
Code: ВБ4.3,
Sociology of Advertising
Code: ВБ7.2,
Sociology of Advertising and Public Relations
Code: ВБ2.2,
Sociology of mass communications
Code: ОК19,
Contemporary Sociological Theories
Code: ОК15 ,
Social and Political Studies
Code: ОК16,
Sociаl and Demographic Analysis of Settlement Networks
Code: ВБ9.5,
Comparative Sociology of Europe
Code: ВБ9.6,
Sociology of Social Mobilities
Code: ВБ4.4,
Educational practice in methods of collecting sociological information
Code: ОК39,
Empirical content-analytical research
Code: ВБ1.5,
Techniques of Internet Research
Code: ВБ 1.4,
Sociology of economics
Code: ОК17,
Methodology of Social Research
Code: ОК19,
Term Paper
Code: ОК38,
Social Structure of Society
Code: ОК18,
Urban Research Methods
Code: ВБ9.7.,
Sociology of ethnic processes and migration
Code: ВС12.01,
Middle Range Theories in Applied Research
Code: ВБ1.7,
Ukrainian and Foreign Culture
Code: ОК20,
Code: ВС12.10,
Code: ВС13.06,
Sociology of education
Code: ОК32,
Sociology of organizations and management
Code: ОК33,
Ethnosociology and sociology of religion
Code: ОК34,
Sociology of mass communications
Code: ОК35,
Sociology of politics
Code: ОК21,
Geographical Analysis of Social Systems
Code: ВБ 9.8,
Foreign Language
Code: ОК11,
Social and Cultural Studies of Public Space
Code: ВБ9.9,
Methods of measuring social indicators
Code: ВБ1.9,
Using of electronic social data archives
Code: ВБ1.8,
Production practice (Internship)
Code: ОК23,
Comparative and panel sociological research
Code: ВБ1.10,
Postmodern Theories of New Mobility
Code: ВБ4.10,
Gender Relations in Contemporary Society
Code: ВБ11.1,
Selected Sections of Labor Legislation and Fundamentals of Entrepreneurial Activity
Code: ОК22,
International Relations and World Politics
Code: ВС14.05,
Business Planning
Code: ВС15.06,
Bachelor’s Degree Graduation Thesis
Code: ОК24,
Sociology of Social Changes
Code: ОК36,
Preparation and presentation of sociological research results
Code: ВБ1.6,