Social and Cultural Studies of Public Space

Course: Sociology

Structural unit: Faculty of Sociology

Social and Cultural Studies of Public Space
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
7 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
1.1 To knowledge of basic theoretical principles and discussions on public space. 1.2 To know the characteristics of public space, its place and function in the structure of urban societies. 2.1 To apply the acquisition, classical achievements of sociology, urban studies, modern discussions to identify and analyze problems and specifics of public space. 2.2 To use modern information and communication technologies. be able to apply methods of anthropological, sociological and sociocultural analysis. 2.3 Be able to apply theoretical approaches and methodology of analysis to diagnose and solve problems of public space of Ukrainian society. 3 To demonstrate the skills of reasoned presentation of one's own opinion, competent and tolerant discussion with opponents.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. To know the basic provisions and conceptual and categorical apparatus of sociology of space, sociological theories of the city and urbanization, sociology of globalization, sociology of social movements. 2. Be able to read professional scientific publications, work with sociological data and formulate their own ideas in the Ukrainian scientific language, apply theoretical material to the analysis of globalization and urbanization. 3. Have the skills to search and select relevant information, use research methods of urban communities, socio-cultural and demographic analysis; identifying issues of "spatial injustice"; discuss, present and discuss their own position on selected issues.
Course content
I. Theory and history of the study of public space. 1. Definition of public space, its place and function in the structure of urban societies. 2. Theoretical approaches and history of public space research. 3. Methods of studying public space. ІІ. Sociocultural studies of public space. 4. Territorial self-organization, gentrification and social segregation. 5. Symbolic capital of the public space: urbanonymy and places of memory. 6. People-friendly urban space: practices and policies.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Graaf de R. Chotyry stiny ta dakh (Four Walls and a Roof: The Complex Nature of a Simple Profession ). - K.: Vydavnytstvo «Kenekshens», 2019.-S. 110-138. 2. Males L.V. Tsentralnist ta publichnist: vypadok Kyieva // Urbanistychni stratehii Kyieva. - K.; Fond imeni Hainrikha Bolia v Ukraini, 2011. - S. 28-35. [Elektronnyi resurs] rezhym dostupu do resursu: l/09/30/strategiyi-urbanistichnogo-maybulnogo- kiieva (dostupno na 26.08.2021) 3. Males . L. Miska nerivnist i sehrehatsiia ./ L.Males, M.Naumova // Sotsiolohiia mista, navchalnyi posibnyk / za O.K. Mikheievoi, Donetsk: vyd-vo «Noulidzh», 2010. - S. 129-146. 4. Males L., Deineka A. Dyskurs dekomunizatsii Kyieva v dosvidi pereimenuvan//ideolohiia i polityka. Ideology and politics. - № 1(15), 2020. - S. 115 - 145. 5. Soroka 10. Sotsiokulturni zminy ta misto / Yu.Soroka // Sotsiolohiia mista, navchalnyi posibnyk / za zah. red. O.K. Mikheievoi, Donetsk: vyd-vo «Noulidzh», 2010. - S. 166-180
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture, practical classes, individual and group work
Assessment methods and criteria
1. Group and individual work in practical classes: PH1.2, PH2.1, PH2.2 - 50 points (30 minimum points). 2. Execution of control work: РН1.1, РН1.2, РН2.1, РН2.3 - 25 points (15 minimum points) 3. Execution and presentation of the results of the practical task: РН2.3, РНЗ, РН4 - 25 points (15 minimum points): final evaluation is a pass-exam
Language of instruction


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