Selected Sections of Labor Legislation and Fundamentals of Entrepreneurial Activity

Course: Sociology

Structural unit: Faculty of Sociology

Selected Sections of Labor Legislation and Fundamentals of Entrepreneurial Activity
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
8 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
Key provisions of the theory of labor law (system of labor law; subjects of labor law and labor relations; legal status of subjects of labor law; grounds and conditions of labor relations, approaches to understanding the main categories of labor law). Theoretical and methodological foundations, philosophical, ethical and cultural principles of studying and conducting business. Features of various organizational and legal forms and types of entrepreneurship and rules governing labor relations. The main forms and methods of influence of public authorities on the development of entrepreneurship. The process of making managerial decisions in business. Use the current regulatory framework for starting and running a business, organizing hiring. Analyze different business ideas to create your own business. Formulate strategies for the development of business entities. Based on the specific situation to find legal ways to solve production problems.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. To have knowledge, skills and abilities in the disciplines of the socio-humanitarian cycle, such as: "Introduction to university studies", etc. 2. Know the basic categories and concepts related to human life and society. 3. Be able to identify, analyze educational and scientific information, draw sound conclusions on professional activities. 4. Have basic skills in compiling written documents, adjusting their content, systematizing the materials needed for work, effective organization of their own educational activities.
Course content
Substantive part 1. Selected sections of labor law. 1. The concept, parties and content of the employment contract. types of employment contract. 2. Change and termination of the employment contract. Legal regulation of working hours and leisure time. 3. Legal regulation of labor protection. 4. Discipline of work. Liability of the parties to the employment contract. Legal regulation of labor rights protection. Substantive part 2. Fundamentals of entrepreneurial activity. 5. The essence and functions of entrepreneurship. 6. The main prerequisites for doing business. 7. Philosophy, ethics and culture of entrepreneurship. Types and organizational and legal forms of entrepreneurial activity. 8 Technology of creating your own business. 9. Business planning. 10. System of business development strategies.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Волошина С.М., Соцький А.М., Щербина В.І. Трудове право України: Навчальний посібник / С.М. Волошина, А.М. Соцький, В.І. Щербина. – Чернівці: Технодрук, 2015. – 188 с. 2. Правове регулювання організації праці: навчальний посібник / М.І. Іншин, А.М. Соцький, В.І. Щербина. – Харків: Диса плюс, 2013. – 448 с. 3. Трудове право України та зарубіжних країн. Академічний курс: підручник / М.І. Іншин, В.І. Щербина. – Харків: Колегіум, 2017. – 1112 с. 4. Трудове право України: підручник / М.І. Іншин, В.І. Щербина. – Харків: Диса плюс, 2014. – 500 с. 5. Трудове право України: підручник / За заг. ред. М.І. Іншина, В.Л. Костюка, В.П. Мельника. Вид. 2-ге, перероб. і доп. – К.: «МП «Леся»», 2016. – 448 с.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture, seminars, practical task, analytical task
Assessment methods and criteria
1. Active work in seminars - 40/28 points. 2. Performance of control works - 30/16 points (2 works on 15 maximum or 8 minimum points for each). 3. Solving practical and analytical tasks - 30/16 points. Final evaluation: pass-exam.
Language of instruction


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