General Sociology

Course: Sociology

Structural unit: Faculty of Sociology

General Sociology
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
2 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
1.1 The nobility of special importance of the subject of sociological knowledge, the structure and functions; the content of the main categories. The concept of "sociological imagination". 1.2 The nobility of the essence of the understanding of suspilstvo, the head of acquaintances, the types of suspilstvo, the structure of the structure of the state: the need to understand the social system, the social group, the social class, the nervousness, the social institute. 2.1 Be able to analyze and explain the role of sociological knowledge in modern society, to determine the specific features of sociology as a science, discipline, profession. 3.1 The robot in the group is based on the selection of analytic materials, the stagnation of socio-educational theories and the concepts to the future of the presentation of social networks. 4.1 Independently search and critically apply the provisions of sociological theories and concepts to the study and explanation of social changes.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. Know the main concepts in the history of sociology, philosophy. 2. To be able to operate with the conceptual and categorical apparatus of philosophy; take notes and work with scientific literature; substantiate one's own worldview position on the interaction of man and society. 3. Have elementary skills in the analysis, generalization and systematization of empirical and theoretical material in relation to social phenomena.
Course content
Sociology as a science. Society as a social system. Typology of Societies. Culture and society. Social structure of society. A social group and its types. Social organization. Social mobility and social marginality. Social institutions of society. The family as a social institution and a social group. Personality in the system of social ties. Socialization. Social control. Deviant behavior. Trends in structural and cultural changes in modern societies.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Humeniuk L.I. Sotsiolohiia: Khrestomatiia (vid pershodzherel do suchasnosti). U 2-kh tomakh. – T.1. – Lviv, 2019. (Temy: 1, 3-6, 8, 13) 2. Kuzmenko T.M. Sotsiolohiia. Navchalnyi posibnyk. – K., 2010. – S.8-18; 36-242. 3. Sotsiolohiia: navchalnyi posibnyk. / Za red. S. O. Makeieva (Rozdil: 1; 3-5; 7; 11). – K., 2008. 4. Sotsiolohiia: pidruchnyk dlia studentiv vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladiv Volovych V.I., Horlach M.I., Kremin V.H. – K.: TsUL, 2019 – S. 11-34; 270-388; 625-656; 780-804. 5. Sotsiolohiia: teorii serednoho rivnia: navchalnyi posibnyk / za nauk. red. Yu. F. Pachkovskoho [N. V. Kovalisko, T. D. Lapan, N. Y.Chernysh ta in.]. (Rozdil: 4, 5, 12.) K., 2020. 356 s. – S. 31-45; 110-172 6. Chernysh N. Y. Sotsiolohiia: pidruchnyk (Tema: 1; 6-8; 11). ‒ K., 2009.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture, practice session, individual work
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral response 9/15 points LR 1.1; LR 1.2; LR 1.3; LR 1.4; LR 2.1; LR 2.2 Addition of 3/5 points LR 1.1; LR 1.2; LR 1.3; LR 1.4; LR 2.1; LR 2.2 Written independent work 3/5 points LR 1.1; LR 1.2; LR 1.3; LR 1.4; LR 2.1; LR 2.2 Analytical task 6/10 points LR 1.1; LR 2.1 Collective presentation of 6/10 LR 1.1 points; LR 2.1; LR 3.1; LR 4.1 Control work 9/15 points LR 1.1; LR 1.2; LR 1.3; LR 1.4; LR2.1; LR 2.2; LR 3.1; LR 4.1 final assessment – credit
Language of instruction


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