
Course: Sociology

Structural unit: Faculty of Sociology

Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
6 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
Know: 1.1 main economic categories and laws of functioning and development of social production; 1.2 conditions of functioning and features of a market economy, the basics of commodity-money circulation, the theory of supply and demand; sources and types of economic growth, manifestations and causes of macroeconomic instability; Be able: 2.1 analyze economic phenomena and processes; 2.2 collect and process statistical information 3.1 Explain and communicate information, problems, solutions 3.2 It is argued to convey to the target audience their views on the implementation of economic decisions. 4 Work as part of a mini-group to solve economic problems
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. Be able to clearly and reasonably present ideas, prepare presentations in the PP. 2. Have basic skills of public speaking.
Course content
I. General principles of the theory of economic development of society. 1. General principles of economic development. Economy as a sphere of human activity. 2. Production, its factors, results and efficiency. 3. The economic system of society. Socio-economic development. 4. Market economy. Supply and demand. 5. Entrepreneurship in a market economy. ІІ. Macroeconomic aspects of economic functioning. 6. Dynamics of social reproduction. Economic functions of the state in a market economy. 7. National economy and its development 8. Income and social protection. 9. Financial system. State budget and its structure. 10. International economic relations.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Єщенко П.С., Палкін Ю.І. Сучасна економіка: Навч. посіб. — К.: Вища шк., 2005. 2. Економічна теорія: Політекономія : підручн. / За ред. В.Д. Базилевича. 9-те видання. Київ нац.ун-т. ім. Т.Шевченка. Київ: Знання, 2014. 710 с. 3. КамінськаТ.М. Основи економічної теорії: підручник (I-IV р. а.) – 2-е видання.Київ. 2018. 232 с. 4. Мазур О. Є. Основи економіки : теорія і практикум : для студ. вищ. навч. закл. / Олена Мазур. — К. : Лібра, 2008. — 287 с. 5. Несененко П. П.,АртеменкоО. А., ПатлатойО. Є.. Теоретичні основи економічної політики : навчальний посібник. Київ : ФОП Гуляєва В. М., 2019. 306 с
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture, seminar, independent work
Assessment methods and criteria
1. Participation in seminars (theoretical discussions, case studies, speeches, participation in didactic games) - 50 points / 30 points. 2. Test written work on topics 1-9 - 20 points / 12 points. 3. Compilation of a glossary of terms - 10 points / 6 points. 4. Microgroup project. Group research and its defense - 20 points / 12 points. Final assessment: credit
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers


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