Clinical Psychology and Fundamentals of Psychotherapy

Faculty of Psychology

Clinical Psychology and Fundamentals of Psychotherapy
Program code
Qualification awarded
Psychologist (Clinical Psychology) / Psychologist (Psychological Counseling)
Length of programme
2 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
Second (Master)
Social and behavioral sciences
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Educational degree of bachelor, master, educational and qualification level of a specialist.
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
The professional qualification “psychologist (clinical psychology)” or “psychologist (psychological counseling)” is assigned depending on the selected subjects based on the results of certification. The required minimum level of results in all subjects, assistant practice and production practice, demonstrated level of learning results in the complex exam and master's thesis - 75 points.
Programme learning outcomes
LO1. Search, process and analyse professionally significant knowledge from various sources using modern information and communication technologies. LO2. Know how to organize and conduct psychological research using valid and reliable methods. LO3. Generalize empirical data and formulate theoretical conclusions. LO4. Make a psychological prognosis for the development of individuals, groups and organizations. LO5. Devise psychological interventions programmes (training, psychotherapy, counselling, etc.); implement them in individual and group work; make quality evaluations. LO6. Devise, implement, get feedback and evaluate educational materials and programmes. LO7. Represent research results in available and argued written and oral form; participate in professional discussions. LO8. Make complexity assessment of the activity’s tasks; decide whether to seek assistance or advanced training. LO9. Resolve ethical dilemmas relying on the rules of law, ethical principles and human values. LO10. Summarize the results of own scientific research in the various scientific reports forms (theses, articles, presentations). LO11. Evaluate achievements; identify and argue for the future of one’s own research. LO12. Search for and choose methods of clinical and psychological research in accordance with the actual tasks of psychological science and practice. LO13. Devise strategies for clinical and psychological research, taking into account the specificities of the subject and research methods availability. LO14. Conduct psychological counselling and know how to make its efficiency estimation relying on scientifically sound criteria. LO15. Devise criteria and indicators for professional performance efficiency; apply them in the evaluation of professional tasks solutions; offer recommendations for ensuring the quality of counselling, clinical and psychological services. LO16. To draw up and implement psychoprophylactic and educational events programmes in the clinical, psychological, counselling and psychotherapeutic spheres (in the form of lectures, talks, round tables, training sessions, master classes, etc.) with their quality evaluation. LO17.Carry out an analytical search for the interdisciplinary information sources and assess them against the criterion of compliance with the formulated problem in the clinical and psychological and/or counselling and psychotherapeutic practice.
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
The student's success is assessed by calculating the scores of the semester grade (maximum score - 60 points) and exam scores (maximum score - 40 points). The number of points of the final grade consists of the sum of the points of the semester grade and the points obtained by the student for the exam. The maximum number of points that can be obtained by a student in the final assessment is 100 points. If a student scores less than the critical-minimum in the semester assessment, he is given additional creative tasks, the number of which depends on the number of points, which is not enough to achieve the critical-minimum - 36 points. The minimum threshold level of the examination mark at which the examination is considered passed may not be less than 24 points. Correspondence scale: Excellent - 90-100 Good - 75-89 Satisfactory - 60-74 Fail - 0-59
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
The internship takes place in organizations with which the faculty has concluded agreements on internships and which are related to the content of the program. In particular, it is Kyiv Gestalt University, A.Kid Rehabilitation and Neurotherapy Center, Neuroflex Center for Psychological Diagnosis and Rehabilitation. The current assessment consists of points for the written Report (up to 20 points from the head of practice from the department of the educational institution) and the score from the head of practice from the Base of practice (up to 20 points) and wet seal of the institution, organization, etc. (Bases of practice). The final assessment is conducted in the form of a differentiated test and provides for the defense of practice at the department. The maximum number of points that can be obtained by a student is 40 points on a 100-point scale. (see the internship program for details).
Work-based learning
Director of the course
Lyudmyla F. Frantsivna Krupelnytska
Department of Psychodiagnostics and Clinical Psychology
Faculty of Psychology
Occupational profiles of graduates
Work in psychological, rehabilitation and crisis centers, health care facilities; development and implementation of clinical-psychological and counseling programs and projects, including programs of psychological support of combatants and members of their families; conducting research in the field of clinical psychology, psychological counseling and psychotherapy.
Access to further studies
Further education at the third level is possible, as well as advanced training and additional postgraduate education.


As part of the curriculum, students study the following disciplines

Code: ОНД 13,
Professional and Corporate Ethics
Code: ОК.02,
Psychic health care in information society
Code: ОНД_14,
Image and symbol in psychological counseling and psychotherapy
Code: ВБ 2.4.,
History and methodology of clinical psychology
Code: ОНД. 07,
Criminal pathopsychology
Code: ДВС.1.02,
Modern Psychotherapy Approaches
Code: ОК 3,
Neuropsychological diagnosis
Code: ДВС.1.05,
Basic skills of counseling and psychotherapy: a workshop
Code: ДВС.2.02,
Purposeful interviewing and counseling
Code: ВБ 2.1,
Fundamentals of existential psychotherapy
Code: ВБ 2.6,
Psychology of sexual life
Code: ДВС.1.03,
Psychology of somatic health
Code: ОНД.15,
Group psychotherapy
Code: ОК 17,
Fundamentals of client-centered psychotherapy
Code: ОК 19,
Neuropsychology of Personality
Code: ОК 6,
Code: ВБ 2.3,
Psychological Research in the Internet
Code: ОК. 5.,
Basics of extreme psychology in the work of a clinical psychologist
Code: ВБ 1.4,
Clinical psychodiagnostics: workshop
Code: ВБ 1.6,
Technologies of cognitive-behavioral therapy
Code: ВБ.2.5,
Methodology and organization of scientific research with the basics of intellectual property
Code: ОК.01,
Basics of clinical and psychological diagnosis
Code: ОК. 04,
Hardware methods of psychological rehabilitation and correction
Code: ОК16,
Design of psychological research with elements of mathematical statistics
Code: ОК 17,
Psychiatric propaedeutics
Code: ОК 20,
Interprofessional interaction in the field of health care
Code: ВБ 1.1,
Biology of mental and behavioral disorders
Code: ОК 8,
Code: ОК 9,
Assistantship practice
Code: ОК 10,