Clinical psychodiagnostics: workshop

Course: Clinical Psychology and Fundamentals of Psychotherapy

Structural unit: Faculty of Psychology

Clinical psychodiagnostics: workshop
ВБ 1.6
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
3 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO1. Search, process and analyze professionally important knowledge from various sources using modern information and communication technologies. PLO2. Be able to organize and conduct psychological research using valid and reliable methods. PLO3. Summarize empirical data and formulate theoretical conclusions. PLO4. Make a psychological forecast regarding the development of individuals, groups, and organizations. PLO9. To solve ethical dilemmas based on the norms of the law, ethical principles and universal human values. PLO10. Summarize the results of own scientific research in the form of scientific reports of various forms (theses, articles, reports, presentations). PLO13. Develop clinical and psychological research strategies taking into account the specifics of the research object and available research methods.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Know differential psychology, the basics of pathopsychology and clinical psychology, techniques and methods of psychological counseling. To be able to conduct a pathopsychological examination, psychodiagnostics in the situation of examination of patients who need psychological help. Possess basic skills of professional communication and psychodiagnostics.
Course content
The purpose of the discipline - in accordance with the requirements of the OP and the professional activity of psychologists, the purpose of this discipline is to study the peculiarities of clinical psychodiagnostics, which is carried out both in conversation and with the help of psychodiagnostic methods and tests, writing the conclusions of a psychological examination, cooperation with a doctor and social workers. The program is designed to study the psychological patterns of diagnosis of mental disorders in various categories. Students should familiarize themselves with conducting a clinical interview and modern and classic methods of pathopsychological diagnosis; learn the signs of mental illnesses that can be recognized in a conversation and how these illnesses are noticeable when performing methods and tests. To learn to analyze the received data and form them in the form of concise and understandable conclusions of pathopsychological research.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Іl'їna N.M. Klіnіchna psihologіya. Navchal'nij posіbnik. Sumi. Unіversitec'ka kniga, 2020. – 172 s. 2. Galec'ka І. Klіnіko-psihologіchne doslіdzhennya: navch. posіbnik / Іnna Galec'ka. – L'vіv : LNU іmenі Іvana Franka, 2015. – 242 s. 3. Klіnіchna psihodіagnostika: praktikum / Redaktor-uporyadnik prof. M.V.Mikolajs'kij. – Іvano-Frankіvs'k: Mіsto NV, 2006. – 228 s. 5. Klіnіchna psihologіya: slovnik-dovіdnik / Avt.- uklad. S. V. Dіdenko K.: Akademvidav, 2012. – 320 s. 4. Maksimenko S. D. Medichna psihologіya / [Maksimenko S.D., Cekhmіster YA.V., Koval' І.A., Maksimenko K. S.]; za zag. red. S. D. Maksimenka – K., 2014. – 520 s. 5. Mushkevich M. І. Klіnіchna psihodіagnostika: metodichnі rekomendacії dlya studentіv f-tu psihol / M. І. Mushkevich. – Luc'k, 2006. – 170 s. 6. Nikonenko YU.P. Klіnіchna psihologіya: navchal'nij posіbnik [Elektronnij resurs] / Ukl. YU. P. Nikonenko. – Kiїv : KNT, 2016. – 368s.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture, seminar class, practical class, independent work
Assessment methods and criteria
1. Oral answers (speech at the seminar, participation in discussions and debates, additions) - 24/14 points 2. Analytical report - 24/14 points 3. Creative independent work - 32/20 points 4. Final test - 20/12 points The credit is given based on the results of the student's work during the semester (the maximum number of points for work during the semester is 100). The recommended minimum for admission to the credit is 40 points.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Kateryna Leonidivna Milyutina
Department of Developmental Psychology
Faculty of Psychology


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Developmental Psychology
Faculty of Psychology