Assistantship practice

Course: Clinical Psychology and Fundamentals of Psychotherapy

Structural unit: Faculty of Psychology

Assistantship practice
ОК 10
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
4 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
LO7. Represent research results in available and argued written and oral form; participate in professional discussions. LO8. Make complexity assessment of the activity’s tasks; decide whether to seek assistance or advanced training. LO9. Resolve ethical dilemmas relying on the rules of law, ethical principles and human values. LO15. Devise criteria and indicators for professional performance efficiency; apply them in the evaluation of professional tasks solutions; offer recommendations for ensuring the quality of counselling, clinical and psychological services. LO17.Carry out an analytical search for the interdisciplinary information sources and assess them against the criterion of compliance with the formulated problem in the clinical and psychological and/or counselling and psychotherapeutic practice.
Form of study
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. To know the fundamental psychological disciplines at the level of a 2nd year master's student. 2. To be able to select and structure material on psychological topics for presentation to students. 3. To possess the skills of searching, processing and analyzing information.
Course content
The assistantship involves the development of lectures, seminars, workshops, and laboratory classes by the student, attendance at classes conducted by the lecturer, and preparation of written reviews of the classes conducted by them. During the internship, students are engaged in scientific and methodological work, as well as self-study. Each student receives individual assignments that must be completed on time and in a quality manner. The volume of classroom lessons attended by the student practitioner, conducted by the teacher-methodologist, is 8 academic hours. The volume of classroom classes prepared during the assistantship is 8 academic hours: 2 lectures - 4 hours; 2 practical (seminar) classes - 4 hours. Upon completion of the assistantship, the student prepares a report in accordance with the existing requirements for writing and formatting. The assistantship is conducted mainly at the faculties of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, and, if necessary (as an exception), in other higher education institutions where the graduate's future work is planned.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
Innovacijni pedahohichni texnolohiyi: teoriya i praktyka vykorystannya u vyshhijshkoli: [monohrafiya ] /I.I.Dobroskok, V.P.Kocur, S.O.Nikitchyna ta in. -Pereyaslav-Xmel"nyc"kyj, 2008. - 284s. [in Ukrainian] Koncepciya nacional"noho vyxovannya students"koyi molodi // Osvita i upravlinnya. - 2009. -T12. - №2. - S.80-82. [in Ukrainian] Koncepciyi rozvytku pedahohichnoyi osvity [Elektronnyj resurs]. - Rezhym dostupu: [in Ukrainian] Metodyka vykladannya u vyshhij shkoli: navch. posibnyk / O.V. Malyxin, I.H. Pavlenko, O.O. Lavrent"yeva, H.I. Matukova. - K. : KNT , 2014. - 262 s. [in Ukrainian] Navchal"no-metodychnyj posibnyk z asystents"koyi pedahohichnoyi praktyky. Ukl.: Zhylins"ka O.I., Vyzhva S.A., Marushkevych A.A., Spicyn Ye.S., Koshechko N.V. K.: 2020. 148 s. [in Ukrainian]
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Individual work and consultation with a teacher
Assessment methods and criteria
A grade is assigned for each type of work, namely - for academic work 0-45 points (quality of classes prepared by the student), of which 10-27 points - the supervisor, 7-18 points - during the credit; - for methodological work 0-45 points (quality of lesson plans), of which 10-27 points - for the supervisor, 7-18 points - during the credit; - preparation of reporting documentation: 0-10 points, including 2-6 points for the internship supervisor and 1-4 points during the credit. The total grade is assigned as the sum of the student's academic and methodological work, as well as the grade of the internship report. The final evaluation is conducted in the form of a credit. Based on the evaluation of the defense of the practice report and the analysis of the reporting documentation, the commission of the department members assigns a grade in the range of 0-40 points. The decision of the commission is based on the conclusion of the department.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline