Landscape Design and Greening (Bachelor)

Biology And Medicine Institute Science Educational Center

Landscape Design and Greening (Bachelor)
Program code
Qualification awarded
Bachelor of Garden and Park Management
Length of programme
4 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
First (Bachelor)
Agrarian sciences and food
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
The presence of a certificate of secondary education, the presence of a junior specialist diploma (up to 60 ECTS credits can be transferred)
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Enrollment of foreign citizens is carried out on the basis of the results of entrance examinations in certain subjects and the language of instruction and on the basis of academic rights to continue education, confirmed by a document on the level of education received in the country of origin.
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
Academic qualification is awarded on the condition of successful mastery of the educational components of the program, successful completion of the comprehensive examination and public defense of the final qualification thesis. The professional qualification Specialist in Garden and Park Management is awarded by the decision of commission.
Programme learning outcomes
LO1. To analyze the main stages and patterns of historical development in the formation of citizenship, national dignity and patriotism. LO2. To strive for self-organization and self-education. LO3. To conduct a literary search in Ukrainian and foreign languages and analyze the information received. LO4. To possess professional knowledge to solve problems of organizing and maintaining gardening and park management. LO5. To possess at the operational level the methods of observation, description, identification, classification, cultivation of ornamental plants, and park and gardening plant groups, maintaining their ornamentality, durability and stability under the conditions of the complex green area of a city. LO6. To understand and apply legislative acts, regulatory reference materials, organizational and management documentation on the organization and management of landscape gardening, knowledge of economics and law to ensure efficient production activities. LO7. To have the skills to work independently and as a leader, achieve results in a limited time with an emphasis on professional integrity when growing ornamental plants on open and closed ground, design, creation and operation of landscaping facilities. LO8. To be proficient in applying technologies for growing planting material of ornamental plants on open and closed ground. LO9. To design and organize events with cultivation of planting material for ornamental woody plants on open and closed ground and the formation of landscape gardening facilities in accordance with modern scientific methods and customer requirements. The rest of the learning outcomes can be found in the attached Program Profile.
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
Current and final control is carried out in the form of credits / differentiated credits, and written or combined examinations, a comprehensive examination, public defence of the course thesis and bachelor’s qualification thesis. The final assessment of learning outcomes is carried out according to the common 100-marks scale. The minimum threshold level of assessment for an educational component is 60% of the maximum possible number of marks. The scale of marks correspondence: Excellent 90-100 Good 75-89 Satisfactory 60-74 Unsatisfactory 1-59 Pass 60-100 Fail 0-59
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
The purpose of the educational program is to train specialists who are able to solve the production problems of ornamental plants cultivation, design, create and operate the components of plant groups, and engineering and technical equipment at gardening, park, and landscape design facilities. The attainment of this objective is ensured by laboratory work in individual disciplines, specialized/profile laboratory practice, educational, vocational and undergraduate practice; conducting scientific work in the laboratories of the institute or research partner institutions in Ukraine and, in the exercise of the right to academic mobility, in leading educational or research institutions in other countries.
Work-based learning
Director of the course
Oksana Ivanivna Kosyk
Department of Plant Biology
Biology And Medicine Institute Science Educational Center
Occupational profiles of graduates
The professional activity of graduates is related to activities in the field of landscape architecture and landscape gardening. Graduates can hold the following positions: Engineer for recreational landscaping, garden and park management; Specialist in landscape design and planning, green and recreational landscaping; Specialist in floriculture and phytodesign; Specialist in greening of territories of state, municipal and private enterprises; Research Assistant at specialized scientific and research institutions (agronomy, zootechnics, forestry, nature reserve activities). Work in manufacturing associations, gardening and flower farms, industrial enterprises, treatment and sanatorium facilities, urban green construction companies, industrial enterprises with orangeries, greenhouses and territories for greening and landscaping, zoos, enterprises and organizations that have or build winter gardens, exhibition and trade organizations that sell floral and decorative products and small architectural forms related to landscaping, scientific, research and design institutes, schools, preschool institutions, creativity centers, quarantine seedbeds and plant protection stations.
Access to further studies
The possibility of studying under a program of the second (educational and scientific) level of higher education in this sphere of knowledge to obtain the educational degree Master.


As part of the curriculum, students study the following disciplines

Computer technologies in landscape architecture
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Fundamentals of fine arts
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Latin language and professional terminology
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Introduction to university studies. History of garden and park art
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Chemistry with the basics of agrochemistry
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Phytoecology of landscapes
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Meteorology and climatology
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Plant biology
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Labor protection and life safety during gardening and park works
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Educational practice in plant biology
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Ukrainian and foreign culture
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Landscape graphics
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Engineering and computer graphics
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Meadow growing
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Lawn science
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Selection of ornamental plants with the basics of genetics
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Soil science and soil microbiology
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Educational practice in dendrology
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Educational practice in soil science and geodesy with the basics of topography
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Vegetation of the globe
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Geography of plants
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Decorative dendrology
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Forest science
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Plant physiology
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Geodesy with the basics of topography
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Socio-political studies
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Greening of populated areas
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Ornamental crop production
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Landscape design
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Design of garden and park objects
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Plant biochemistry
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Reforestation and afforestation
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Landscape architecture
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Garden and park compositions
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Compositions in biogenic landscapes
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Training practice in floriculture and greening of populated cities
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Vocational practice оn garden and park facilities
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Conservation, reconstruction and restoration of garden and park objects
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Foreign language
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Hydraulic structures of gardens and parks
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Engineering equipment for garden and park facilities
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Adaptation of ornamental plants
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Bachelor's qualification work according to the training program
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Selected sections of labor law and the basics of entrepreneurial activity
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Course work
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Economics of horticulture
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Landscape taxation
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Ornamental indoor plants with the basics of biotechnology
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Organization of garden and park production
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Urboecology and phytoremediation
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Pre-diploma practice
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Color science and three-dimensional composition
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Form formation in landscape design
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Decorative nursery
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Seed production
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Decorative gardening
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Floriculture with the basics of arranging
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Landscape crops
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Decorative nurseries and seed production
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Agricultural engineering of green construction
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Introduction of garden and park objects
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Basics of urban planning
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History of architecture and urban planning
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Phytodesign of a closed environment
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Landscaping of interiors
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Recreational forestry and forest parks
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Formation of the recreational landscape and resort science
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Protection of green spaces
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Protection of forest and park facilities
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Topiary art and the basics of composition
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Ornamental horticulture and park science
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Inventory and operation of garden and park objects
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Monitoring and accounting of garden and park objects
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Estimated business
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Business planning
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History and theory of design
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Ethics and aesthetics
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Mechanization of work in horticulture
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