«Applied (computer) Linguistics and English language»

Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

«Applied (computer) Linguistics and English language»
Program code
Qualification awarded
Bachelor Degree, Speciality «Philology», Specialization «Applied Linguistics»
Length of programme
4 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
First (Bachelor)
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Persons with complete general secondary education are admitted to study for a bachelor's degree on a competitive basis, regardless of the sources of funding. Competitive selection is carried out on the basis of the results of external independent evaluation in three competitive subjects defined by the Rules of Admission to Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
The professional qualification of a computer programmer / specialist in the development and testing of software can be awarded on the condition of successful performance (not less than 75 points) in the disciplines of the elective block "Computer modeling of verbal communication and a second foreign language" / "Computer design of lexicographic systems and a second foreign language" and passing (not less than 75 points) a comprehensive final exam in computer linguistics and programming.
Programme learning outcomes
PLR 1. To communicate fluently in official and foreign languages (English, French / Spanish) on professional issues with specialists and non- specialists both orally and in the written form; to use the languages effectively for cross-cultural communication. PLR 2. To work with information effectively: to select necessary information from different sources, in particular from professional literature and electronic bases; to analyze and interpret it critically; to arrange it and make proper classification and systematization. PLR 3. To organize the process of learning and self-education. PLR 4. To understand fundamental principles of human existence and nature in the contemporary scientific picture of the world, as well as fundamental principles of society with the aim of realization man’s rights and duties as a member of society, awareness of the rule of law, human rights and freedoms and rights and freedoms of a citizen of Ukraine. PLR 5. To cooperate with colleagues, representatives of other cultures and religions, proponents of different political views etc. PLR 6. To use information and communicative technologies for solving complicated specialized tasks and professional issues. PLR 7. To understand major problems of philology and approaches to their solution with the use of relevant methods, in particular innovative interdisciplinary approaches of applied (computational) linguistics and information technologies; to explain their interrelation in the integrated system of interdisciplinary knowledge. PLR 8. To know the systemic characteristics of the Ukrainian and English languages, structural and systemic organization of the written and oral texts as a verbal communication mechanism; to know the general properties of literature as an art of word and be able to use this knowledge in professional activity. PLR 9. To characterize dialect and social varieties of the Ukrainian language and describe sociolinguistic situation. PLR 10. To know the norms of literary language (Ukrainian, English, French / Spanish) and be able to use them in practical activity. PLR 11. To know the principles, technologies and methods for creating oral and written texts of different genres and styles in official and foreign (English) languages and be able to use them in professional activity. PLR 12. To analyze language units, phenomena and processes by methods of structural, mathematical and computational linguistics; to represent the processes of analysis and synthesis of linguistic objects in algorithmic way. PLR 13. To analyze and interpret the works of the Ukrainian and foreign literature and folklore, determine their specificity and place in the world literary process. PLR 14. To use Ukrainian, English, French / Spanish in oral and written forms, in different registers of communication (formal, informal, neutral), for solving communicative tasks in educational, professional, scientific spheres and everyday life. And also PLR 15 ... - PLR 34, PLR 1*, PLR 10*, PLR 14*: program learning results in the part "French / Spanish language" are implemented only as components of the selective part of the educational program, a complete list of program learning outcomes submitted in the educational program profile.
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
The final evaluation is carried out on a single 100-point scale. Grades Excellent (90-100), Good (75-89), Satisfactory (60-74), Unsatisfactory (0-59) are assigned based on the results of exams, completion of coursework and qualification work of the bachelor, internships. During the exam, the student receives a final score, which consists of the sum of points for the semester (maximum 60, minimum 36) and points for the exam (maximum 40, minimum 24). The grades Pass (60-100), Fail (0-59) are assigned based on the results of individual assignments, laboratory work, practical and seminar classes with credit as the form of final control. Specific measures and the scheme of assessment are set out in the work programs of academic disciplines and correspond to the principles of "Regulations on the organization of the educational process in KNUTS". To maintain academic integrity, participants in the educational process are guided by the norms of the "Ethical Code of the University Community".
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
Social and communicative practice acquaints students with soft skills in modern labor relations, aimed at mastering the skills of building a career with the help of tools for the professional implementation of knowledge and skills of a bachelor of philology. 2. Industrial practice in computer linguistics is aimed at developing skills in the practical application of professional knowledge and skills in computer linguistics in the tasks of creating software for automatic text analysis and computer lexicographic systems. The main practice bases are: the Laboratory of Experimental Phonetics and the Laboratory of Computer Linguistics of the Institute of Philology; Department of Recognition and Synthesis of Sound Images of the Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems under NAS and MES of Ukraine, Department of Computerized Systems of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Employment Bureau of the RVR Agency, as well as bases of the student's own choice.
Work-based learning
Director of the course
Oksana Mykolajivna Zuban
Department of Ukrainian Language and Applied Linguistics
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology
Occupational profiles of graduates
Graduates can carry out professional activities in the areas of professional competence: philologist-researcher: to conduct research in the field of automatic processing of natural language; philologist-analyst: to apply methods of applied linguistics and information technology in the analysis of written and spoken text; philologist-programmer: to develop, modify, test and provide technical support of software for computer systems for automatic processing of natural language, to carry out automatic processing of text data; philologist-translator: to provide translation services in the field of English-Ukrainian translation.The graduate can work as an employee in various scientific institutions, analyst of written and oral texts; programmer, referent in the field of administrative and office activities, operator of automatic text data processing, translator in various fields of economic activity.
Access to further studies
Studying at the second (master's) level of higher education. Acquisition of additional qualifications in the system of postgraduate education.


As part of the curriculum, students study the following disciplines

Introduction Into University Studios
Code: ННД.01,
Ukrainian and Foreign Culture
Code: ННД.02,
Code: ННД.03,
Socio-Political Studios
Code: ННД.04,
Selected Chapters of Labour Law and Fundamentals of Entrepreneurial Activity
Code: ННД.05,
Scientific Image of the World
Code: ННД.06,
Fundamentals of Ecology
Code: ННД.07,
Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Phonetics in Modern Ukrainian Language
Code: ННД 09.01,
Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Morphemes and Word‒Formation in Modern Ukrainian Language
Code: ННД 09.02,
Historical Grammar and Dialectology of the Ukrainian Language
Code: ННД 09.03,
Paradigmology in Modern Ukrainian Language
Code: ННД 09.04,
Syntax of the Ukrainian language
Code: ННД 09.05,
Semasiology of the Ukrainian language
Code: ННД 09.06,
Stylistics of the Ukrainian Language
Code: ННД 09.07,
Structural Linguistics
Code: ННД 09.08,
Fundamentals of Informatics
Code: ННД 10.01,
Object-Oriented Programming
Code: ННД.10.03,
Multi-semester discipline Fundamentals of Programming. Part 1. Part 2
Code: ННД. 10.02,
Discrete Mathematics
Code: ННД 11.02,
Mathematical Logic and Theory of Algorithms
Code: ННД.11.03,
Probability theory and mathematical statistics
Code: ННД. 11.04,
Multi-semester discipline Introduction to Higher Mathematics. Part 1.
Code: ННД. 11.01,
Multi-semester discipline Introduction to Higher Mathematics. Part 2.
Code: ННД.11.01,
General Linguistics
Code: ННД. 08.01,
Introduction to computer linguistics
Code: ННД. 08.02,
Introduction to Literature Studies
Code: ННД. 08.03,
Code: ННД.08.04,
Corpus Linguistics
Code: ННД 12.01,
Applied Phonetics
Code: ННД 12.02,
Analysis and synthesis of oral speech
Code: ННД 12.03,
Automatic morpheme-word formation analysis
Code: ННД 12.04,
Automatic morphological analysis
Code: ННД 12.05,
Automatic syntactic analysis
Code: ННД 12.06,
Course paper
Code: ННД 12.07,
Multi-semester discipline English language. Part 1. Part 2
Code: ННД.19,
Multi-semester discipline English language. Part 13 Part 4
Code: ННД.19,
Ukrainian language as a factor of national identity
Code: ННД. 20.01,
Ukrainian Folklore
Code: ННД.20.02,
Ukraine in the Context of World History
Code: ННД.20.03,
Ancient Literature
Code: ННД.20.04,
Modern Ukrainian literature
Code: ННД. 20.05,
Multi-semester discipline Foreign literature. Part 1, Part 2
Code: ННД.20.06,
Machine Translation
Code: ННД 08.09,
Quantitative Linguistics
Code: ННД 08.10,
Conventional and Computer Lexicography
Code: ННД 08.11,
Databases and Knowledge Bases
Code: ННД 10.02,
Introduction to translation studies
Code: ННД 17.01,
Theoretical course of the English language
Code: ННД 18,
Multi-semester discipline English language Part 5. Part 6
Code: ННД 17.03,
Multi-semester discipline Practical English language course. Upper advanced level. Part 1, 2
Code: ННД 17.04,
Text Linguistics and Discourse Studies
Code: ДВС 1.02.01,
Course paper
Code: ДВС.1.02.02,
Sematic Networks and Automatic Text Processing
Code: ДВС.1.02.03,
Personal Identification By Pronunciation
Code: ДВС 1.03.01,
Lingua-Cultural aspect of translation
Code: ДВС 1.04.01,
Code: ,
Translation of Domain ‒ Oriented Texts (English Language)
Code: ДВС.1.04.02,
Multi-semester discipline Programming Technologies within Linguistics. Part 1, 2
Code: ДВС 1.06,
Multi-semester discipline Programming Technologies within Linguistics. Part 3, 4
Code: ДВС 1.06,
Multi-semester discipline Second foreign language (French). Part 1
Code: ДВС 1.07,
Multi-semester discipline Second foreign language (French). Part 2
Code: ДВС.1.07.,
Multi-semester discipline Second foreign language (Spanish). Part 1
Code: ДВС.1.07.,
Multi-semester discipline Second foreign language (Spanish). Part 2
Code: ДВС.1.07.,
Comprehensive Final Examination in Computational Linguistics and Programming
Code: ННД. 13,
Bachelor Paper
Code: ННД.14,
Final Examination in English
Code: ДВВ 05.,
Professional Internship of computer linguistics
Code: ДВС.1.01,
Computer Technologies in Parametrization of Texts
Code: ДВС.1.02.04,
Stylometry and Text Attribution
Code: ДВС.1. 02.04,
Prosodic and Paralinguistic Features of the English Spoken Language
Code: ДВС.1.03.03,
Machine Translation Systems
Code: ДВС. 1.04. 03,
Suggestive Technology in Political Discourse
Code: ДВС.1 05.01,
English and Ukrainian Political Discourses
Code: ДВС 1.05.02,
Political Discourse Analysis Automatization
Code: ДВС.1.05.03,
Theory of formal grammars
Code: ННД 11.05,
Social and communicative practice
Code: ННД 13,
Multi-semester discipline Second foreign language (French). Part 3
Code: ДВС.1.07,
Multi-semester discipline Second foreign language (French). Part 4
Code: ДВС 1.04,
Multi-semester discipline Second foreign language (Spanish). Part 3
Code: ДВС 1.07,
Multi-semester discipline Second foreign language (Spanish). Part 4
Code: ДВС 1.04,
Practice of written and oral translation (English language)
Code: ННД 17.02,