Governance in Public Sphere

Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service

Governance in Public Sphere
Program code
Qualification awarded
Bachelor in Public Administration
Length of programme
4 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
First (Bachelor)
Public management and administration
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
No special preconditions
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
General, no specific requirements and rules
Programme learning outcomes
1. An ability to employ the basic knowledge in historical social economical foundations of society’s development 2. An ability to apply norms and rules of professional communication in Ukrainian 3. An ability to intercourse in foreign language (speaking&writing) 4. To know the structure and special features of the public administration sphere 5. To know standards principles, and norms of activities in the public administration sphere 6. To know basic legislature in the public administration sphere 7. An ability to manage and participate in voluntary/cultural and educational/sport projects aimed at a healthy lifestyle/civil stand 8. To understand and apply the decision making approaches in public administration 9. To know basic of e-governance 10. To get a skills in electronic document management systems (EDMS) 11. An ability to search for information and generalize it, to make conclusions and recommendations according to the personal competence 12. An ability to develop a communication between citizens and governmental or municipal authorities 13. An ability to apply the sustainable development programs analysis and evaluation methods 14. An ability to adapt the professional activities to a situation changes 15. An ability to apply quality control methods in professional activities 16. An ability to use statistical data reports and research results in professional activities
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
Summary evaluation in studying the Educational Program (EP) components proceeds as a summing up of credits obtained in semester control and credits in examination/qualification pass. A maximum score of credits in one component is 100. The scale of credits fits academic mobility norms according to ECTS. Excellent 90-100 Good 75-89 Satisfactory 60-74 Fail, with an option to repeat 0-59 The rules of academic integrity in EP are the University ones. Violations of the norms are subject to liability. E.g., The Unicheck service checks the text of the bachelor’s thesis, and the result conclusion is the part of it.
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
The EP does not envisage academic mobility compulsory components. Students have the liberty of academic mobility and can realize it in the framework of international education and science agreements, international programs and projects, as well as the University’s and its structure entities agreements with foreign education and science institutions. A student can realize the liberty by applying his/her initiative and getting invitations with the support of the University’s authorities or with other mechanisms.
Work placement
The educational practice take place during 3 weeks at the 4th year of daytime studying, and during the same duration at the 5th year of extramural studying. The educational practice is an inseparable component of the professional training as well as obligatory component of the EP aimed at the development of practical skills and abilities of students. At practice attendance students deepen and systematize theoretical knowledge, and generalize the obtained information about the organizational and legislative practice, and analyze the legislation which regulates the sphere of their diploma thesis. Students wield up to day methods and forms of activity organization in profession as well as a skills in solving real problems by using knowledge in relevant public administration fields, and complete individual tasks according to department scientific research topics.
Work-based learning
Director of the course
Yurii Hryhorovych Ruban
Department of Public Administration
Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service
Occupational profiles of graduates
Persons who completed the study of the educational program and got a bachelor's degree work at positions in public administration (civil service, municipal authorities, positions of the B (Cyrillic V) category in Ukrainian classification) as well as in private sector management and NGO positions. E.g. the positions of graduates are director deputy director assistant director principal specialist in central and local government bodies, director and specialist in municipal structures, PR-manager analyst expert consultant director assistant director in international NGOs, administrative and organizational specialist, etc.
Access to further studies
A person who completed the study of the educational program and got a bachelor's degree can continue studying on a second (magister) level of higher education and improve professional qualification.


As part of the curriculum, students study the following disciplines

Discipline Business Ukrainian language
Code: ОК 1,
History of the Ukrainian state
Code: ОК.2,
Discipline Foreign language
Code: ОК.3,
Discipline History and theory of public management and administration
Code: ОК.4,
Code: ОК.5,
Discipline Economic theory
Code: ОК.6,
National system of public administration and regulation
Code: ОК.7,
Discipline Introduction to university studies
Code: ОК.8,
Discipline Basics of preventing corruption in public administration
Code: ОК.9,
Discipline Basics of public administration and regulation in the economy
Code: ОК.10,
Discipline Conceptual foundations of national security
Code: ОК.11,
Organizational principles of public administration
Code: ОК.12,
Modern foreign constitutionalism
Code: ОК.13,
Modern Ukrainian constitutionalism
Code: ОК.14,
Personnel policy and civil service
Code: ОК.15,
The scientific image of the world
Code: ОК.16,
Ukrainian and foreign culture
Code: ОК.17,
Territorial organization of power in Ukraine
Code: ОК.19,
Selected sections of labor law and fundamentals of entrepreneurial activity
Code: ОК.20,
Introduction to the specialty
Code: ОК.21,
Management psychology
Code: ОК.22,
Document management and preparation of analytical documents
Code: ОК.23,
Code: ОК.24,
Fundamentals of public policy
Code: ОК.25,
Analysis of situations and theory of decision-making
Code: ОК.26,
Administrative and legal principles of public management and administration
Code: ОК.27,
Financial and legal foundations of public policy
Code: ОК.28,
Civil and legal relations in the field of public management and administration
Code: ОК.29,
Fundamentals of law
Code: ОК.30,
Code: ОК.31,
General Psychology
Code: ОК.32,
Code: ОК.33,
Code: ОК.34,
Code: ОК.36,
History of religion
Code: ОК.37,
Code: ОК.38,
Code: ОК.39,
European integration policy of Ukraine
Code: ОК.40,
Management consulting
Code: ОК.41,
State Antimonopoly Modeling
Code: ОК.42,
Code: ОК.43,
Institutional principles of formation of the national security system
Code: ВБ 1.1,
Foreign policy and national security
Code: ВБ.1.2,
Basics of strategic planning of national security
Code: ВБ 1.3,
Economic component of national security
Code: ВБ 1.4,
Social and humanitarian component of national security
Code: ВБ 1.5,
State administration and local self-government
Code: ВБ 2.1,
Forecasting the socio-economic development of the region
Code: ВБ 2.2,
Regional economy
Code: ВБ 2.3,
Regional budget policy
Code: ВБ 2.4,
Management of social and economic security of the region
Code: ВБ 2.5,
Foundations of geopolitics
Code: ВБ 3.1,
Social psychology
Code: ВБ 3.2,
Modern information technologies
Code: ВБ 3.3,
Anticrisis management
Code: ВБ 4.1,
The social theory of choice
Code: ВБ 4.2,
PR technologies in public administration
Code: ВБ 5.1,
Political Economy
Code: ВБ 5.2,
Code: ВБ 6.1,
State humanitarian policy
Code: ВБ 7.1,
History of philosophy of Ukraine
Code: ВБ 7.2,
Ukrainian studies issues in cultural researches
Code: ВБ 7.3,
Municipal socio-economic policy
Code: ВБ 8.1,
The culture of international relations
Code: ВБ 8.3,
Economy of the public sector
Code: ВБ 9.1,
Political psychology
Code: ВБ 9.2,
Sociology of politics
Code: ВБ 9.3,
Business philosophy
Code: ВБ 10.1,
Administrative management
Code: ВБ 10.3,
Electoral technologies
Code: ВБ 11.1,
Religious Studies
Code: ВБ 11.2,
Religious ethics and axiology
Code: ВБ 12.1,
Management consulting
Code: ВБ 12.2,
Cultural institutes and cultural policy
Code: ВБ 13.1,