Korean Language, Literature and Translation, English Language

Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

Korean Language, Literature and Translation, English Language
Program code
Qualification awarded
"Bachelor of Philology" specializing in "Oriental Languages, Literatures and Translation – Korean"
Length of programme
4 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
First (Bachelor)
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Complete secondary education
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
Successful defeтіу of the bachelor's thesis, successful passing of the comprehensive final exam in Korean language and literature and translation and the final exam in English
Programme learning outcomes
The full list of study results according to the educational program is presented in the "Program Profile" section. Here are some of them: PRS 1. To communicate freely on professional issues with specialists and non-specialists in national and foreign languages ​​orally and in writing, use them to organize effective intercultural communication. PRS 7. To understand the main problems of philology and approaches to their solution using appropriate methods and innovative approaches. PRS 8. To know and understand the language system, the general properties of literature as an art of speech, the history of the Korean language and literature, and to be able to apply this knowledge in professional activities. PRS 10. To know the norms of the literary language and be able to apply them in practical activities. PRS 20. To perform oral and written two-way Korean-Ukrainian translation in compliance with linguistic and stylistic norms.
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
Semester control is conducted in written or oral-written form (credit, differentiated credit or exam). The form of the semester control, the list of topics and questions submitted for the semester control, the structure of the examination ticket are determined by the program of the academic discipline. Grading scale for the exam: Excellent 90-100; Good / Good 75-89; Satisfactory / Satisfactory 60-74; Unsatisfactory / Fail 0-59. Grading scale for credit: Passed 60-100; Not included / Fail 0-59. Credit is issued based on the results of work in the semester. Specific examination rules are outlined in the work programs of the academic disciplines. Examination and evaluation is conducted in compliance with the rules of academic integrity in accordance with the Code of Ethics of the university community.
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
The program provides for the mandatory completion of production (communication and translation) practices in Korean and English on the basis of state and commercial organizations.
Work-based learning
Director of the course
Yuliia Andriivna Kovalchuk
Department of The Far East and Southeast Asia Languages and Literature
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology
Occupational profiles of graduates
Graduates who have successfully mastered the competencies provided by the educational and professional program can be involved in research, translation and administrative work in scientific institutions of the humanitarian profile, publishing houses, mass media, cultural institutions, diplomatic missions, travel agencies, and other organizations where it is necessary to carry out oral and written communication in or analysis of information in Korean, Japanese, and English.
Access to further studies
Studying at the second (master's) level of higher education. Acquisition of additional qualifications in the postgraduate education system.


As part of the curriculum, students study the following disciplines

Korean language: elementary level (1.2 semesters)
Code: ННД.08.01,
Lingual Country Studies: Korea (1.2 semesters)
Code: ННД.12,
Latin language
Code: ННД.14.01,
Basics of linguistics: synchrony
Code: ННД.14.02,
Introduction to university studies
Code: ННД.01,
Basics of linguistics: diachrony
Code: ННД.14.03,
Ukrainian language: basics of editing
Code: ННД.15.01,
Korean literature (the era of the Three Kingdoms and Goryeo)
Code: ННД.13.01,
Image of Korea in Western lit-re
Code: ННД.16.02,
Korean literature (Choson era)
Code: ННД.13.02,
Korean: Intermediate (3,4 semesters)
Code: ННД.08.02,
Introduction to Translation Theory (Korean)
Code: ННД.09.01,
Basics of translation practice (Korean language) (3, 4 semesters)
Code: ННД.09.02,
Principles of Ecology
Code: ННД.03,
Ukrainian and foreign culture
Code: ННД.04,
Eastern reminiscences in Ukrainian literature
Code: ННД.15.02,
Scientific image of the world
Code: ННД.02,
Code: ННД.05,
lexicology of the Korean language
Code: ННД.10.01,
Korean literature of the 20th century: main trends
Code: ННД.13.03,
Korean-Ukrainian two-way translation (5,6 semester)
Code: ННД.09.03,
Theoretical grammar of the first Oriental language
Code: ННД.11.02,
Korean: Advanced level (5,6 semesters)
Code: ННД.08.03,
Translation practice (Oriental language) (5, 6 semesters)
Code: ННД.10.03,
Oriental language: advanced level (5, 6 semesters)
Code: ННД. 09.03,
Information provision of philological research in the field of Korean studies
Code: ДВС.1.01,
Business Communication in the Korean Language (5,6 semesters)
Code: ДВС. 1.03,
Korean literature of the XVIII-XIX centuries
Code: ДВС.1.04,
Stylistics of the Korean language: a translational aspect
Code: ДВС.1.02,
Korean work formation
Code: ДВС.1.05,
Genres and styles of Korean literature
Code: ДВС.1.07,
Hieroglyphics in Contemporary Korean
Code: ДВС.1.06,
Socio-political studies
Code: ННД.06,
Selected chapters of labor law and the basics of entrepreneurial activity
Code: ННД.07,
Translation of Korean-language legal and diplomatic texts
Code: ДВС.1.11,
the language of Korean mass media and Internet
Code: ДВС.1.08,
Translation of Korean economic and commercial texts
Code: ДВС.1.09,
Oriental language: functional level (7th semester)
Code: ННД. 09.04,
Ukrainian-Oriental translation (7th semester)
Code: ННД.10.04,
Full-time communicative and translation practice (Western European language)
Code: ННД.13,
Full-time communicative and translation practice (Oriental language)
Code: ННД.13,
History of the Korean language and dialectology
Code: ННД.11,
Image of Korea in Western lit-re
Code: ДВС.1.10,
Bachelor's qualification work in translation studies
Code: ННД.08,
History of the first oriental language
Code: ННД.16,
Korean-Ukrainian audiovisual translation
Code: ДВС.1.13,
Translation of Korean literary texts
Code: ДВС.1.16,
Oral Korean-Ukrainian two-way translation
Code: ДВС.1.17,
Religious official in the history of Korean literature
Code: ДВС.1.14,
Lingvodidactic basics of the Korean language learning
Code: ДВС.1.15,
Ethnocultural specificity of Korean phraseology
Code: ДВС.1.12,