Museology, monuments studies

Faculty of History

Museology, monuments studies
Program code
Qualification awarded
Bachelor of Museology, Monument Studies
Length of programme
4 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
First (Bachelor)
Culture and art
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
Complete secondary education
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Certificate of external independent evaluation
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
Conditions for awarding the qualification Bachelor of Museum Studies, Monument Studies - successful completion of the comprehensive qualification exam in Museum Studies, Monument Studies and defense of the bachelor's (qualification) work.
Programme learning outcomes
PRN1 Analyze and generalize historical and cultural material in a certain system; PRN2. Perform complex tasks within a certain period of time and present the result on time; PRN3. To comply with the current legislation in the field of museology and protection of historical and cultural monuments, to carry out an analysis of domestic legislation in order to determine its compliance with Ukraine's international obligations in the field of protection of monuments and museum activities; determine the basic principles regarding the import, export, transfer of ownership of cultural values in accordance with the UNESCO Conventions ratified by Ukraine; PRN4. Make oral presentations with visual support, electronic presentations, video presentations, written presentations in national and foreign languages; PRN5. Apply information and computer technologies in professional activities; PRN6. Develop the concept, structure of the excursion; be able to conduct an excursion at a high professional level; PRN7. Form a plan of cultural and educational work and organize activities to popularize museum values, objects of historical and cultural heritage, natural monuments, taking into account the needs of various population groups; PRN8. Develop scientific concepts of expositions and exhibitions for museums, nature reserves, other museum-type institutions; PRN9. Develop the design of museum exhibits based on a scientific concept; PRN10. Create optimal conditions for the storage of museum funds; PRN11. Carry out initial registration and subsequent scientific inventory of museum objects; PRN12. Classify museum objects by types, genera and types of sources and compile an accounting card, have practical skills of compiling descriptions of museum objects and collections; PRN 13. Determine the state of preservation of museum objects, objects of historical and cultural heritage, natural monuments and develop a program of relevant monument protection measures; PRN14. Carry out primary conservation of newly discovered monuments.
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
The control of the student's knowledge is carried out according to the modular rating system. The total number of student points is formed by the semester points received from all topics of two content modules (points received for modular control papers (in the form of tests); points received for completing individual tasks; points received for work in seminar classes, as well as points which are received for the final control work. The results of students' educational activities are evaluated on a 100-point scale. The criteria for evaluating a student's answer are: • complete disclosure of the issue • the logic of presentation • use of basic and additional literature • analytical reasoning, the ability to draw conclusions
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
Educational and production practice
Work-based learning
Іnformative and traditional with elements of problem-oriented learning: lectures, seminars, practical and laboratory classes, individual classes. trainings; organization of round tables, scientific conferences and seminars; consultations, application of active methods of conducting training sessions, innovative distance learning technologies.
Director of the course
Svitlana Ivanivna Ivanysko
Department of Archeology and Museology
Faculty of History
Occupational profiles of graduates
Access to further studies
The opportunity to continue studying at the second educational level of higher education


As part of the curriculum, students study the following disciplines

Archaeological monuments
Code: ОК.25,
Prehistory of Ukraine
Code: ОК.34,
Historical anthropology
Code: ОК.35,
Introduction to the specialty (Basics of museum studies, monument studies)
Code: ОК 10,
Foreign language (general course)
Code: ОК.01,
Admission to university studies
Code: ОК.02,
History of Ukrainian and foreign culture
Code: ОК.03,
History and culture of the ancient world and the Middle Ages
Code: ОК.36,
Code: ,
Business and academic Ukrainian language
Code: ОК.05,
Scientific image of the world
Code: ОК.04,
Ancient and medieval history of Ukraine
Code: ОК.37,
Tourist resources of Ukraine
Code: ОК.31,
Protection of monuments of Ukraine: theory and practice
Code: ОК.26,
The history of museum and monument preservation in Ukraine and the world
Code: ОК.11,
Legal regulation of the museum industry
Code: ОК.18,
Profile groups of museums
Code: ОК.19,
Historical ecology
Code: ОК.06,
Етнологія та етнографічні пам'ятки
Code: ОК.27,
New and recent history of Ukraine
Code: ОК.38,
New and recent history of the countries of Western Europe and America
Code: ОК.39,
Theory and practice of excursion activities
Code: ОК.12,
Basics of public broadcasting in the professional sphere
Code: ОК.13,
Modern information technologies in the field of museum studies, monument studies
Code: ОК.14,
Educational activities of museums
Code: ОК.20,
History of art
Code: ОК.32,
Socio-political studies
Code: ОК.07,
Exhibition work of museums
Code: ОК.21,
Historical and cultural reserves
Code: ,
Historical and cultural tourism
Code: ОК.33,
History of Central and Eastern Europe
Code: ОК.40,
Source studies (movable and immovable monuments)
Code: ОК.15,
Modern museum communications and popularization of cultural heritage
Code: ОК.16,
Foundation work of museums
Code: ОК.22,
Code: ОК.08,
Basics of examination and attribution of cultural heritage
Code: ОК.17,
Research work in museums
Code: ОК.23,
State registration of immovable monuments
Code: ОК.29,
Code: ,
Code: ,
Code: ,
Selected sections of labor law and the basics of entrepreneurial activity
Code: ОК.09,
Modern trends in museum affairs (with the basics of management and marketing)
Code: ОК.24,
Management of cultural heritage
Code: ОК.30,