English Communication Studies and Two Western European Languages (викладання іноземними мовами)”

Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

English Communication Studies and Two Western European Languages (викладання іноземними мовами)”
Program code
Qualification awarded
Master of Philology, specialization "Germanic languages and literatures (translation included), First language- English"
Length of programme
2 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
Second (Master)
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Bachelor's degree in 035 Philology. Bachelor's degree in other specialities after passing an additional exam in Regional Studies
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
Professional qualification 1) Teacher of a higher education institution (English) and 2) Translator (English) is awarded on condition that: the general grade point average is not <75 points; successful final certification is not <75 points; successful defence of the Master's thesis is not <75 points, selection and and grades of at least 75 points in one of two sets of students’ free choice disciplines, grades of at least 75 points
Programme learning outcomes
A full list of the programme learning outcomes is given in the paragraph “The Profile of the Programme”. Here are some of them: PLO 1. To evaluate personal educational and scientific-professional activity, build and implement an effective strategy of self-development and professional self-improvement. PLO 2. To have deep knowledge of the state and foreign languages for the written and oral communication purposes, professional and scientific communication in particular; to present research results in the state and foreign languages. PLO 3. To apply modern methods and technologies, IT in particular, for the successful and effective professional activity and quality research within specific linguistic field. PLO 4. To assess and critically analyse socially, personally and professionally significant issues, and suggest solutions under complex and unpredictable conditions, which require the application of new approaches and forecasting. PLO 5. To find best ways of the effective interaction in a team of professionals and with the representatives of other professional groups on different levels. PLO 6. To apply knowledge of expressive, emotional and logical linguistic means, and speech techniques in order to achieve intended pragmatic results and establish successful communication. PLO 7. To analyse, compare and classify various trends and schools in Linguistics. PLO 8. To evaluate historical and contemporary achievements within Literary Studies. PLO 9. To describe theoretical foundations (concepts, categories, principles, basic notions, etc.) and applied aspects of Specialization - 035.041 "Germanic languages and literature (translation included), major – English”. PLO 10. To collect and systematise linguistic, literary, communicative facts, as well as facts, interpret and translate texts of different styles and genres in English, German / French, Spanish / Italian. PLO 11. To carry out the scientific analysis of linguistic, speech and literary material, to interpret and structure it according to the relevant methodological principles, to generalise information on the basis of independently processed data.
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
Attestation of graduates is carried out in the form of public and open defence of the Master thesis (as a presentation with various forms of report visualization), passing final exam in English, English literature and translation (consists of 1) theoretical question on Modern Linguistics and Literature Theory, 2) questions on the Theory of Translation, 3) written translation of two texts from English / Ukrainian, 4) oral spontaneous speech on a given topic), final exam in Western European ( the second language). The main principles of assessment policy are regulated by the "Regulations on the organization of the educational process in T. Shevchenko KNU". To maintain academic integrity, participants in the educational process are guided by the norms of the "Code of Ethics of the University Community".
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
Assistant and translation internships are obligatory components of the educational program, lasting for six weeks each with a break from theoretical training. Assistant practice is an integral part of training professionals to teach in high school, the logical completion of theoretical studies at the university, an attempt to implement knowledge in independent work. It has space for the application of the whole set of knowledge and skills acquired by students in the learning process: knowledge of languages, literatures, culture, socio-humanitarian complex of disciplines, basics of communication, methods of teaching foreign languages, pedagogy and psychology etc. Students undergo translation practice in institutions, organizations and enterprises that need translation services from / into English. Translation practice involves translation assignments in the institution of practice. (for details, see the programs of assistant and translation internships)
Work-based learning
Director of the course
Nadiia Vasylivna Skybytska
Department of English Philology and Intercultural Communication
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology
Occupational profiles of graduates
Master of Philology can work in scientific, educational, literary and publishing fields; in teaching, research and administrative positions in higher educational institutions of 1-4 levels of accreditation; in print and electronic media, translation agencies, PR-technology centres, in various foundations, unions, humanitarian foundations, museums, art and cultural centres, etc.
Access to further studies
After graduation, graduates of the Master program have the right to continue their studies in the third cycle program FQ-EHEA, 8th level EQF-LLL and 8th level NQF.


As part of the curriculum, students study the following disciplines

Theory of the Second Foreign Language (French)
Code: ОК.02,
Practical Course of the Third Foreign Language (Spanish / Italian)
Code: ОК.04,
Theory of the second foreign language (German)
Code: ОК.02,
Methodology of Academic Research and Intellectual Property Fundamentals
Code: ОК.09,
Cognitive Linguistics
Code: ВК.1.03,
Discourse Analysis. Semiotics
Code: ВК.1.01,
Social Linguistics
Code: ВК.1.02,
Translation of Fiction Text
Code: ВК.2.05,
Teaching Practice in Higher School (the English Language)
Code: ОК.11,
Genre Studies: The New British Novel
Code: ВК.2.03,
Multicultural Studies of Literature in the USA and Western Europe
Code: ВК 2.04,
Translation Practice (the English Language)
Code: ОК.12,
Master Thesis
Code: ОК.13,
Western European Language Exam (Second Language)
Code: ОК.14,
Oral translation
Code: ВК.2.06,
Rhetoric of Fiction Text
Code: ВК.2.07,
Modern Communication Studies
Code: ОК.01,
Western Theories of Literature
Code: ОК.05,
Methodology of Teaching Foreign Languages and Foreign Literature in Higher Education
Code: OК.06,
Professional and Corporate Ethics
Code: ОК.10,
Communication Strategies of the second foreign language
Code: ОК.03,
Higher Education Pedagogy for Higher School and Teacher’s Pedagogical Skills
Code: OК.07,
Psychology for Higher School
Code: ОК.08,
Poetics and Hermeneutics
Code: ВК.2.01,
Narration and Genre Studies
Code: ВК 2.02,
Medialinguistics. Internet-linguistics
Code: ВК.1.04,
Translation of Specialized Texts
Code: ВК.1.05,
Comprehensive final exam in the English language, literature and translation
Code: ОК.15,
Simultaneous Translation
Code: ВК. 1.07,
Applied Linguistics
Code: ВК.1.06,
Modern Communication Studies 2 term
Code: ОК.01,