Comprehensive final exam in the English language, literature and translation

Course: English Communication Studies and Two Western European Languages (викладання іноземними мовами)”

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

Comprehensive final exam in the English language, literature and translation
Module type
Екзаменаційна комісія
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
4 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO 2, 4, 6, 10, 11, 14, 16, 17 The complete list of the learning outcomes for the educational and scientific programme is given in the «Programme Profile»
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
The comprehensive final exam in the English language and English-language literature and translation involves checking knowledge of the English language, the most important issues of English philology, English-language literature, the ability to think logically, carry out professional theoretical and applied analysis of linguistic and literary material, translate texts using English and Ukrainian as working languages languages
Course content
The purpose of conducting a comprehensive final exam in the English language and English-language literature and translation is to establish the actual compliance of the level of educational and qualification training of the graduate with the requirements of the educational and qualification characteristics of the specialty (field of training). Attestation is carried out on the basis of an assessment of the level of professional knowledge, abilities and skills of graduates, which is provided for by the educational and qualification characteristics of specialists from the relevant field of training, specialty, specialization. The comprehensive final exam in the English language and English-language literature and translation involves checking theoretical knowledge of linguistics, in particular, communicative studies, cognitive linguistics, discourse science, linguistic semiotics, sociolinguistics, media linguistics, Internet linguistics, linguistic and cultural studies, applied linguistics, and modern literature of English-speaking countries. as well as the level of English language proficiency at the phonetic, morphological, syntactic, lexical and textual levels.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1.Астрахан Н. Теорія літератури: основи, традиції, актуальні проблеми. – Видавництво: Видавничий дім Дмитрія Бураго, 2021. – 296 с. 2.Бєлова А.Д. Соціолінгвістика. Навч. посібник. К., 2021.157с. 3. Бєлова А.Д. Політичний дискурс у Великій Британії та США. Навч. посібник. К., 2022. 120с. 4.Карабан В. І. Переклад з української мови на англійську мову. Навчальний посібник-довідник для студентів вищих навчальних закладів освіти / В. І. Карабан, Дж. Мейс. — Вінниця : «Нова книга», 2003. — 608 с. 4.Sinclair J. Trust the Text. Language, corpus and discourse. Routledge, 2004. 223p. 5.Корунець І.В. Вступ до перекладознавства. — Вінниця, 2008. — 512 с. 6.Bateman J.A. Multimodality and Genre A Foundation for the Systematic Analysis of Multimodal Documents. Palgrave, Macmillan, 2008. 333p. 5. Kress G., Van Leeuwen, Th. Reading Images. The Grammar of Visual Design. Routledge, 2006.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assessment methods and criteria
The maximum number of points that a graduate can score is 100. The maximum/minimum possible number of points for each theoretical question of the ticket: the maximum point is 30; the minimum score is 20. The maximum/minimum possible number of points for a practical task: the maximum score is 40; the minimum score is 20. Therefore, the final grade (maximum 100 points) is calculated as the sum of points for three questions - 2 theoretical (minimum 40, maximum 60 points) and 1 practical task (minimum 20, maximum 40). With a simple calculation, we get: Theoretical question 1 Theoretical question 2 Practical task Final assessment Minimum 20 20 20 60 Maximum 30 30 40 100 Scale of correspondence Excellent / Excellent 90-100 Good / Good 75-89 Satisfactory / Satisfactory 60-74 Unsatisfactory / Fail 0-59 Passed 60-100 Fail 0-59
Language of instruction


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