Oriental philology, Western European language and Translation: Vietnamese language and literature

Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

Oriental philology, Western European language and Translation: Vietnamese language and literature
Program code
Qualification awarded
Master of Philology, Oriental languages and literature (including translation), major - Vietnamese
Length of programme
2 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
Second (Master)
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Bachelor's degree in specialty 035 Philology and other specialties on condition of passing an additional exam.
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
By the decision of the examination board, a professional qualification: 1) 2310.2 teacher of higher education institutions (Vietnamese language); 2) 2310.2 teacher of a higher education institution (Chinese); 3) 2444.2 translator (Vietnamese); 4) 2444.2 translator (French); 5) 2444.1 junior researcher (philology). researcher (philology). For the conditions for awarding qualifications, see the Profile of the program
Programme learning outcomes
PLO 1. Evaluate your own educational, scientific, and professional activities and build and implement an effective strategy for self-development and professional self-improvement. PLO 2. Confidently speak Ukrainian, Vietnamese, and French languages to realize written and oral communication, in particular in situations of professional and scientific communication, and to present the results of research in the state and foreign languages. PLO 3. To apply modern methods and technologies, including information, for the successful and effective implementation of professional activities and to ensure the quality of research in the field of Vietnamese philology. PLO 4. Evaluate and critically analyze socially, personally, and professionally significant problems and propose ways to solve them in complex and unpredictable conditions, which require the use of new approaches and forecasting. PLO 5. To find the best ways of effective interaction in a professional team and with representatives of other professional groups of different levels. PLO 6. Apply knowledge of expressive, emotional, and logical means of language and speech techniques to achieve the planned pragmatic result and organize successful communication. to achieve the planned pragmatic result and organize successful communication. PLO 7. Analyze, compare, and classify different areas and schools of linguistics (including Vietnamese). PLO 8. Evaluate the historical achievements and latest achievements of literary studies (including Vietnamese). PLO 9. To characterize theoretical foundations (concepts, categories, principles, basic concepts, etc.) and applied aspects of Vietnamese philology. PLO 10. Collect and systematize linguistic and literary facts; interpret and translate texts of different styles and genres. A complete list of learning outcomes for the educational program is provided in the paragraph "Program Profile".
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
The system of knowledge assessment in each discipline includes current, module, and final examinations. The forms and scale of assessment for current and module control are determined by the work program of each discipline. The final semester control in the disciplines is conducted in the form of a test, differentiated test, or exam in accordance with the schedule of the educational process and the amount of educational material defined by the discipline's work program. Final certification is carried out in the form of a master's thesis defense and passing final exams. The final evaluation is carried out on a 100-point scale in accordance with the Regulations on the organization of the educational process at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. During the examination and evaluation, students and teachers must adhere to the rules of academic integrity in accordance with the Ethical Code of the University Community of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
Students can do internships within the framework of the Agreement between the Government of of Ukraine and the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on cooperation in the field of education (dated March 26, 2011) terms of the mutual exchange of students between the two countries.
Work-based learning
Director of the course
Ivan Petrovych Bondarenko
Department of The Far East and Southeast Asia Languages and Literature
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology
Occupational profiles of graduates
Masters of Philology with knowledge of Vietnamese and French can work in the scientific, educational, literary, and publishing fields; in teaching, research, and administrative positions in higher education institutions; in state institutions, mass media, various foundations, unions, and organizations; humanitarian organizations, museums, libraries, and archives; art and cultural centers, etc. In addition, knowledge of Vietnamese and French languages makes it possible to employ masters of philology in a wide variety of industries that require translation, analysis, and creation of texts in the respective languages. Philologists who speak Vietnamese are in demand in border and immigration services, foreign offices of industrial and commercial companies, diplomatic institutions, companies, diplomatic missions, travel agencies, airlines, international organizations, IT companies, etc.
Access to further studies
Graduates have the right to continue their studies at the third scientific level of higher education. Acquisition of additional qualifications in the system of postgraduate education


As part of the curriculum, students study the following disciplines

Methodology and organization of scientific research with the basics of intellectual property
Code: ОК.01,
Higher education pedagogy and teacher's pedagogical skills
Code: ОК.03,
Methods of teaching foreign languages in higher education
Code: ОК.05,
Vietnamese Language For Professional Communication (1st semester)
Code: ОК.07,
Contemporary Literature of Vietnam (1st semester)
Code: ОК.08.01,
Theory and methodology of Vietnamese translation
Code: ОК.09,
Code: ННД.11,
Communication strategies and translation (1st semester)
Code: ОК.11,
Communication strategies and translation (2nd semester)
Code: ОК.11,
Second Oriental Language (Chinese) (2nd semester)
Code: ОК.10,
Literature of the Vietnamese abroad (2nd semester)
Code: ОК.08.02,
Vietnamese Language For Professional Communication (2nd semester)
Code: ОК.07,
Code: ОК.04,
Code: ОК.02,
Business Communication and Translation (3rd semester)
Code: ННД.12.02,
Current issues of Vietnamese philology
Code: ННД.10,
Translation of scientific and technical texts (Vietnamese)
Code: ДВС1.03,
Methodology of scientific research in Vietnamese language and literature
Code: ННД.06,
Judicial and medical translation (Vietnamese)
Code: ДВС1.02,
Methodology of literary works translation (Vietnamese)
Code: ДВС1.01,
French-language academic discourse
Code: ННД.14,
Vietnamese-language political discourse: the translation aspect
Code: ННД.13,
Second Oriental Language (Chinese): Academic and Business Speaking and Translation
Code: ДВС1.04,