English Studies and Two Foreign Languages

Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

English Studies and Two Foreign Languages
Program code
Qualification awarded
Bachelor in Philology with specialization "Germanic languages and literature (translation included), first language - English"
Length of programme
4 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
First (Bachelor)
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Full secondary education; knowledge of English at a level not lower than A2
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
Programme learning outcomes
PLO 1. Communicate freely on professional issues with experts and non- experts in Ukrainian, English and in two Western European languages, in oral and in written form, use these languages to organize effective cross-cultural communication. PLO 2. Process information effectively: collect relevant information from a variety of sources, including professional literature and electronic databases, critically analyze and interpret it, organize, classify and systematize it. PLO 3. Organize own learning and self-education process. PLO 4. Understand the fundamental principles of human, nature and society genesis. PLO 20.1. Know modern tendencies in linguistics development, functioning of English in the contemporary communicative environment. Possess basic knowledge the business language and its varieties, know the appropriate terminology. PLO 21.1. Know modern financial, economic and legal terminology, use it accurately in the English-language communication and translation of the English-language texts. PLO 22.1. Know the cultural-related factors that form relations between communicants in different communicative situations. PLO 23.1. Know regional peculiarities of English in the modern world. PLO 20.2. Know the peculiarities of modern corporate discourse, principles of its formation and constituents, peculiarities of using English in various communicative situations in the sphere of business activities. PLO 21.2. Know scientific and technical terminology. Know the peculiarities of modern scientific and technical texts creation, features of such text functioning. PLO 22.2. Know modern terminology and vocabulary in the field of media, modern political vocabulary and that belonging to different historical periods, features of political discourse and its functioning. PLO 23.2. Know the peculiarities of the language use in various areas of professional activity. The full list of learning outcomes in the educational program is presented in the section "Program Profile".
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
The assessment is carried out on a 100-point, national and ECTS scale. Assessment forms, which are clearly defined in the syllabus of the relevant disciplines, indicating the maximum number of points that can be obtained for each of the forms of assessment. published on the website of the Institute of Philology, cover current control, semester control, final certification of students and protection of qualification (bachelor) work. Current control includes oral interviews, presentations, essays, written tests. Semester control comprises a test or exam, protection of course work, internship. A necessary condition for admission of the student to the exam is the minimum number of points that they must score in accordance with the forms of current control which is fixed in the relevant syllabus of the discipline. Exams are in the form of written work or tests and must include an oral answer.
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
The main task of full-time social and communication internship (9 ECTS credits) is the training of highly qualified philologists with not only professional but also soft skills. Social and communication internship involves practicing communication skills with representatives of different social groups, gaining teamwork skills and mastering the leadership skills needed to perform work tasks. Students have the opportunity to choose the place of internship, which not only exercises their right to choose and form an individual educational trajectory, but also gives the opportunity to cooperate with potential employers. Students have three months to choose a place for social and communication internship. Place of internship – Language Center of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
Work-based learning
Director of the course
Olena Oleksandrivna Tyshchenko
Department of English Philology and Intercultural Communication
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology
Occupational profiles of graduates
Bachelor of Philology can work in scientific, literary, publishing and educational fields; in print and electronic media, PR-agencies; in various foundations, unions, humanitarian foundations, museums, art and cultural centers, libraries, archives, etc.
Access to further studies
Graduates have the right to continue their studies at the second level of higher education.


As part of the curriculum, students study the following disciplines

Part 4. General English. Part 4.1. Interactive Vocabulary Development
Code: ОК.01.04 ,
Theoretical Grammar of English
Code: ОК.02.05,
Theoretical Phonetics of the English Language
Code: OK 02.06,
Part 3. Lexicology of English
Code: ОК.02.03,
Part 2. History of English
Code: ОК 02.02 ,
Regional and social varieties of English
Code: ВК 2.02,
Part 1. Old Germanic Languages
Code: ОК 02.01,
Part 7.1. General English. Part 7.2. Creative Writing
Code: ОК 01.07 ,
Part 3.1. General English. Part 3.2. Interactive Viewing
Code: ОК 01.03,
Social and Communication Internship
Code: ОК 16,
Part 6.1. General English. Part 6.2. Conversation.
Code: ОК 01.06,
Part 2. General English Part 2.2. Interactive Listening
Code: ОК 01.02,
Part 1. General English Part 1.2. Drama Class
Code: ОК. 01.01,
Ecology Fundamentals
Code: ОК.10,
Regional Studies of English-Speaking Countries
Code: 05.01,
Bachelor Paper
Code: OK 17,
Part 2. Ancient Greek and Roman Literature
Code: ОК 04.02,
Regional studies of the second-language countries
Code: ОК 05.02,
Code: ВК 2.03,
Second language (French)
Code: ОК 06,
Ukrainian as foreign language
Code: ОК.07,
The third language. Spanish
Code: ВК2.04,
Business English
Code: ОК.02.01,
Theory of Communication
Code: ОК.03.03,
Text Linguistics
Code: OK. 03.04,
Part 5.1. General English. Part 5.2. Grammar of Spoken English. Grammar of Written English.
Code: ОК. 01.05,
Ukrainian and Foreign Culture
Code: ОК 11,
Fundamentals of Modern Linguistics // Part 1 Latin
Code: ОК.03,