
Faculty of Physics

Program code
Qualification awarded
Bachelor in Physics and Astronomy
Length of programme
4 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
First (Bachelor)
Natural sciences
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
On the basis of complete secondary education
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
According to the results of an external independent evaluation.
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
Attestation of applicants for higher education is carried out in the form of a public defense of a bachelor's qualification work and a comprehensive exam in physics and ends with the issuance of a standart document on awarding them a degree of higher education with the assignment of an educational qualification: Bachelor in Physics and Astronomy.
Programme learning outcomes
The educational program provides 28 programmatic learning outcomes (PLO) During the certification of applicants for higher education, the following program results (PLO) are checked: • Understand, analyze and explain new scientific results obtained in the course of physical and astronomical research in accordance with the specialization. • Have basic self-study skills: be able to find the necessary information in printed and electronic sources, analyze, systematize, understand, interpret and use it to solve scientific and applied problems. • Have basic skills in conducting theoretical and/or experimental scientific research of certain special sections of physics or astronomy, which are carried out individually (autonomously) and/or as part of a scientific group. • Be able to plan research, choose the best methods and means to achieve research goals, find ways to solve scientific problems and improve the methods used. • Be able to streamline, interpret and generalize the obtained scientific and practical results, draw conclusions. • Be able to present the obtained scientific results; participate in discussions on the content and results of their own scientific research. • Know the state and foreign languages at a level sufficient for oral and written professional communication and presentation of the results of their own research.
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
Written and oral examinations, credit tests, differentiated tests, presentations, essays, tests, current assessment, educational practice defense , a comprehensive examination in physics and defense of a bachelor's qualification work.
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
Educational specialty practice for the 3rd year students. Educational specialty practice is a mandatory component of the educational program. The practical training is held on the basis of the Faculty of Physics and separated from theoretical studies .
Work-based learning
Director of the course
Department of theoretical physics
Faculty of Physics
Occupational profiles of graduates
Graduates can work as technical specialists in the field of physical sciences and technology. Jobs in companies, small enterprises and institutes of the academic, research, technological and information sector (researcher in the field of natural and technical sciences).
Access to further studies
Access to programs of the Second (Master) level of the higher education. Have the right to acquire additional qualifications in the adult education system.


As part of the curriculum, students study the following disciplines

Code: ОК 1.,
English for specific purposes
Code: ОК 2.,
Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry
Code: ОК 6.,
Mathematical Analysis
Code: ОК 5.,
Workshop on mechanics
Code: ОК 23.,
Code: ОК 25.,
Code: 3,
Code: 12,
Code: 13,
Code: 14,
Code: 15,
Quantum electrodynamics
Code: ВК 6,
Code: 7,
Code: 8,
Code: 10,
Code: ,
Basics of electronics
Code: ОК 33.,
Workshop on molecular physics
Code: ОК 24.,
Differential equations
Code: ОК 21.,
Mathematical Analysis
Code: ОК 5.,
Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry
Code: ОК 6.,
English for specific purposes
Code: ОК 2.,
Code: ОК 3.,
Molecular physics
Code: ОК 4.,
Ukrainian and Foreign Culture
Code: ОК 7.,
Electricity and Magnetism
Code: ОК 8.,
Mathematical Analysis
Code: ОК 5.,
Classical Mechanics
Code: ОК 10.,
Fundamentals of vector and tensor analysis
Code: ОК 28.,
Laboratory course in electricity and magnetism
Code: ОК 29.,
Theory of Functions of Complex Variable
Code: ОК 26.,
Differential equations and numerical methods
Code: ОК 35.,
Probability theory and mathematical statistics
Code: ОК 27.,
Computerization of experiments
Code: ВК5,
Workshop on optics
Code: ОК 30.,
Methods of mathematical physics
Code: ОК 18.,
Classical Mechanics
Code: ОК 10.,
Code: ОК 11.,
Code: ОК 9.,
Code: ОК 11.,
Atomic physics
Code: ОК 14.,
Methods of mathematical physics
Code: ОК 18.,
Quantum Mechanics
Code: ОК 16.,
Workshop on atomic physics
Code: ОК 31.,
Modern research on neutral beams
Code: 1,
Methods of registration of ionizing radiation
Code: 2,
Relativistic theory of gravity
Code: ВК 1,
Introduction to the Standard Model and high energy astrophysics
Code: ВК 2,
Introduction to quantum computer science
Code: ВК1,
Detectors and sources of radiation
Code: ВК2,
Computer calculation packages
Code: ВК3,
Interaction of ionizing radiation with matter
Code: 3,
Solid state physics
Code: ВК 1,
Mechanical properties of solids
Code: ВК 2,
Fundamentals of nanosystems physics
Code: ВК 3,
Computer modeling in medical physics
Code: ВК1,
Statistical methods of processing the experiment
Code: ВК2,
Basics of Biomechanics
Code: ВК 3,
Methods of registration of ionizing radiation
Code: 7,
Introduction to Nuclear Engineering
Code: 1,
Methods of registration of ionizing radiation
Code: 2,
Interaction of ionizing radiation with matter
Code: 3,
Neutron physics and dosimetry
Code: 4,
Modern methods of registration of ionizing radiation
Code: 5,
Physics of the cardiovascular system
Code: ВКП 2.,
Fundamentals of microprocessor technology
Code: ВКП 8.,
Code: ВКП 9.,
Phenomenological models of high energy physics
Code: ВКП 6,
Selected sections of molecular physics
Code: ВКП3,
Thermal physics of medical and biological systems
Code: ВК3,
Introduction to solid-state physics
Code: ВК 5.,
Crystal structure of solids
Code: ВК 4,
Thermodynamics of Metals and Alloys
Code: ВК 5,
Low-background experiments and introduction to high-energy physics
Code: 4,
Modern methods of registration of ionizing radiation
Code: 5,
Processes of absorption, spreading and emitting of light.
Code: ВК4,
Quantum mechanics of particles with spin
Code: ВК 4,
Relativistic quantum mechanics and group theory methods in elementary particle physics
Code: ВК 5,
Life safety with the basics of ecology
Code: ОК 34.,
Workshop on the physics of the nucleus and elementary particles
Code: ОК 32. ,
Quantum Mechanics
Code: ОК 16.,
Thermodynamics and statistical physics
Code: ОК 17.,
Educational practice in the specialty
Code: ОК 19.,
Physics of the nucleus and elementary particles
Code: ОК 15.,
Code: ОК 12.,
Socio-political studies
Code: ОК 13.,
Thermodynamics and statistical physics
Code: ОК 17.,
Plasma electrodynamics
Code: ВК9,
Additional chapters for quantum mechanics
Code: ВК6,
Quantum theory of solids
Code: ВК7,
Quantum optics
Code: ВК8,
Quantum electronics
Code: ВК9,
Theory of nucleus and nuclear reactions
Code: 6,
Accelerators of charged particles
Code: 7,
Methods of evaluation of experimental data
Code: 8,
Modern Computational Codes in High Energy Physics
Code: 9,
Materials Science of Consolidated Nanostructures
Code: ВК 6,
Quantum theory of solid state
Code: ВК 7,
The X-ray scattering theory and methods of X-ray diffraction analysis
Code: ВК 8,
Introduction to the physics of disordered systems
Code: ВК 9,
Physics of macromolecules
Code: ВК 7.,
Physics of gases and liquids
Code: ВК8,
Quantum-mechanical methods of studyof physical properties of molecules for students
Code: ВК 9,
Accelerators of charge particles in Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Code: 8,
Nuclear-physical aspects of nuclear and fusion reactors
Code: 9,
Experimental methods in medical physics
Code: ВК 14,
English for specific purposes
Code: ОК 2.,
Theory of nuclei and nuclear reactions
Code: 6,
Bioenergetics and non-equilibrium thermodynamics
Code: ВК 15,
Basics of reactor physics
Code: 10,
Design and systems of nuclear power installations
Code: 11,
Fission of heavy nuclei and fusion of light nuclei
Code: 12,
Radiation protection and bioprotection calculations
Code: 13,
Radiometry of ionizing radiation
Code: 14,
Fundamentals of thermodynamics and thermohydraulics in nuclear reactor units
Code: 15,
Fluctuations and dynamics of molecules in a condensed medium
Code: ВК10,
Seminar on preparation for the final certification
Code: ВК11,
Fundamentals of biomaterials spectroscopy
Code: ВК 12.,
Phase transitions in medical and biological systems
Code: ВК13,
Experimental methods in medical physics
Code: ВК 6,
Physics of the nanostructured materials
Code: ВК 10,
Physics of nanocomposites
Code: ВК 11,
Oscillatory processes in nanostructured materials
Code: ВК 12,
Fundamentals of photoacoustics and experimental methods of photoacoustics
Code: ВК13,
Physics of semiconductors and nanoscale semiconductor systems
Code: ВК 14,
Physics of low-dimensional carbon systems, fullerenes and nanotubes
Code: ВК 15,
High energy physics
Code: 10,
Fundamentals of scattering theory
Code: 11,
Simulation of experiment using Geant 4
Code: 12,
Fundamentals of Quantum Field Theory
Code: 13,
Radiation protection and radiation safety
Code: 14,
Physics of Detector Systems
Code: 15,
Additional Chapters for Statistical Physics
Code: ВК10,
Experimental Non-Linear Optics
Code: ВК11,
Physical backgrounds of quantum information
Code: ВК12,
Spectroscopy of crystals and nanosystems
Code: ВК13,
Special seminar on the profession
Code: ВК14,
Code: ВК15,
Statistical theory of systems with Coulomb interaction
Code: ВК11,
Bachelor's Qualification
Code: ОК 20.,
Code: ОК 22.,