Medical physics

Faculty of Physics

Medical physics
Program code
Qualification awarded
Master's degree specialіty №104 "Physics and astronomy" Educational program "Medical Physics"
Length of programme
2 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
Second (Master)
Natural sciences
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
First level of higher education (Bachelor's degree)
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
According to the results of entrance examinations: 1. A single entrance exam in a foreign language. 2. Professional entrance examination conducted at the Faculty of Physics of the University.
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
Full completion of the training program, all practices with grades of at least 60 points. Defense of the master's thesis with a score of at least 60 points. The final attestation of graduates is carried out in the form of defense of a qualifying master's thesis, passing a comprehensive exam and ends with the issuance of a document awarding him with a degree of higher education with the qualification: "Master of Physics and Astronomy under the educational program "Medical Physics".
Programme learning outcomes
1. Use conceptual and specialized knowledge and understanding of current problems and achievements of selected areas of modern theoretical and experimental physics and/or astronomy to solve complex problems and practical problems. 2. Conduct experimental and/or theoretical research in physics and astronomy, analyze the obtained results in the context of existing theories, make reasoned conclusions (including assessment of the degree of uncertainty) and proposals for further research. 3. Apply modern theories of scientific management and business administration for organization of scientific and applied research in the field of physics and/or astronomy. 4. Choose and use appropriate methods of data processing and analysis of physical and/or astronomical research and assessment of their reliability. 5. Carry out a phenomenological and theoretical description of the investigated physical and/or astronomical phenomena, objects and processes. 6. Choose effective mathematical methods and information technologies and apply them for research and/or innovation in the field of physics and/or astronomy. 7. Evaluate the novelty and reliability of scientific results from the chosen field of physics and/or astronomy, made public in the form of a publication or oral presentation. 8. To present research results in the form of reports at seminars, conferences, etc., to carry out a professional written description of scientific research, taking into account the requirements, purpose and target audience. 9. Analyze and summarize scientific results from the chosen field of physics and/or astronomy, follow the latest achievements in this field, communicating mutually beneficially with colleagues 10. Search for information and data necessary for solving complex problems of physics and/or astronomy, using various sources, in particular, scientific publications, scientific databases, etc., evaluate and critically analyze the received information and data. 11. Apply theories, principles and methods physics and/or astronomy to solve complex interdisciplinary scientific and applied problems. 12. Develop and apply effective algorithms and specialized software for researching models of physical and/or astronomical objects and processes, processing experimental results and observations. 13. Create physical, mathematical and computer models of natural objects and phenomena, check their adequacy, investigate them to obtain new conclusions and deepen understanding of nature, analyze limitations. 14. Develop and teach physical and/or astronomical educational disciplines in institutions of higher, professional pre-university, professional (vocational-technical), general secondary and extracurricular education, apply modern educational technologies and methods, to provide the necessary advisory and methodical support to education seekers. 15. To plan scientific research with taking into account the goals and limitations, choose effective research methods, draw reasonable conclusions based on the research results. 16. To participate productively in the performance of experimental and/or theoretical research in the field of physics and astronomy. 17. To understand and be able to formulate and analyze the fundamental physical principles and laws according to which the human body functions. 18. Understand and be able to formulate and analyze the fundamental physical principles of medical diagnostic and treatment technologies. 19. Know and be able to apply numerical analytical methods for relevant calculations in branch of medical physics. 20. Know and be able to use software for modeling physical processes occurring in the human body.
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
Written and oral exams, tests, differentiated tests, presentations, tests, current control, defense of practices, comprehensive exam, defense of master's thesis. Exam and differentiated test rating scale: 90 -100 points - excellent; 75-89 points - good; 60-74 points - satisfactory; 0-59 points - fail. Test rating scale: 60-100 points - passed; 0-59 points - fail.
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
According to p.p. 2.2.2-2.2.7 "Regulations on the procedure for students of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv to exercise the right to freely choose disciplines" education seekers have the right to choose academic disciplines from the mandatory and optional parts of the curricula. The right of education seekers to form an individual educational trajectory is regulated by the Regulation on the organization of the educational process and provides for the free choice of blocks of educational disciplines, the scientific supervisor and the topic of the qualification work, the possibility of studying according to an individual plan, academic mobility and obtaining a second diploma in accordance with the condition of graduation from the University of Strasbourg (Université de Strasbourg). The student has the right to initiate an agreement with a specific place scientific-research, scientific-production and pre-diploma practices.
Work placement
Completion of scientific and industrial practice in medical physics (3 ECTS credits), pre-diploma practice (3 ECTS credits), master's qualification work (3 ECTS credits), which are mandatory components of the educational program. Passing optional assistant practice, tutoring practice, research practice in fundamental metal medical physics, research practice in radiation medical physics (3 ECTS credits), which are optional components of the educational program.
Work-based learning
Director of the course
Molecular Physics Department
Faculty of Physics
Occupational profiles of graduates
Graduates of the master's degree can work as research assistants in research institutes of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Institute of Physiology, Institute of Biocolloid Chemistry, Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, etc.), National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine (Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery named after M.M. Amosov, etc.) , National Medical University named after O.O. of Education, the Ministry of Health, clinical laboratories, etc., teaching positions in secondary and higher education institutions.
Access to further studies
The possibility of studying in the program of the third cycle of FG-EHEA, level 8 EQF-LLL and level 8 NRK, both within the main and related subject areas, and outside them.Opportunity to study at the level of "Doctor of Philosophy" (third level of higher education)


As part of the curriculum, students study the following disciplines

Methodology and organization of scientific research with the basics of intellectual property
Code: ОК1,
Fundamentals of quantum biochemistry
Code: ОК 3,
Physics of solutions
Code: ОК 5,
Neutron spectroscopy of condensed media
Code: ОК 6,
Intermolecular interaction
Code: ОК 7,
Фізика медичних технологій
Code: ОК9,
Code: ОК19,
Code: ОК20,
Scientific and industrial practice in medical physics (in addition to theoretical training)
Code: ОК22,
Physics of the ozonosphere
Code: ВБ 1.1,
Research practice in fundamental medical physics
Code: ВБ3.2,
Fundamentals of distributed computing systems
Code: ВБ3.1,
Research practice in radiation medicine physics (in addition to theoretical studies)
Code: ВБ3.2,
Special methods of programming and simulation in physics
Code: ОК18,
Physics of nonequilibrium open systems
Code: ОК21,
Physics of magnetic resonance imaging
Code: ОК10,
Computer physics of biomolecules
Code: ОК 4,
Professional and corporate ethics
Code: ОК 2,
Computer physics of statistical systems
Code: ОК12,
Electrical properties of condensed media
Code: ОК15,
Pre-diploma practice in medical physics (in addition to theoretical studies) Код дисципліни
Code: ОК16,
Physics of ultrasonic diagnostics
Code: ВБ4.1,
Special scientific seminar on physics
Code: ВБ4.2,
Selected sections of physical acoustics
Code: ВБ4.1,
Scientific seminar by specialty
Code: ВБ4.2,
Modern problems of physics
Code: ВБ2.1,
Assistant practice
Code: ВБ2.2,
Scientific picture of the world
Code: ВБ2.1,
Tutor's practice
Code: ВБ2.2,
Modern Computer Technology in Physics
Code: ВБ3.1,
Code: ОК14,
Methods of writing and reading information
Code: ВБ 1.1,
Additional chapters of medical physics
Code: ВБ 1.1,
Physics of graphene
Code: ВБ 1.1,
The Physics of Radiation Therapy
Code: ОК17,
Physical kinetics.
Code: ОК13,
Master's qualification work
Code: ОК14,
The Physics of Computed Tomography
Code: ОК11,
Additional chapters of medical physics
Code: ОК8,